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  1. redthirtyone

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    Similar to Denny's, IHOP isn't the kind of place you plan to go to. You just end up at an IHOP. As for the Citi logo, iirc the arc is a remnant of the old Traveler's Insurance logo, an umbrella.
  2. redthirtyone

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    Welcome to the world of advertising & graphic design
  3. redthirtyone

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    This. Bill should be forward (unless you're 5 years old or playing Catcher) & should have a curve. NOT a bent angle, mind you. Curve. Oh, and take the damn stickers off. Myself, I'm partial to fitted caps, size watermelon (7 3/4"). Particularly partial to throwback caps or special...
  4. redthirtyone

    [MLB] 2023 Major League Baseball Season (MLB Thread)

    Least your manager didn't get tossed while turning in his lineup card :(
  5. redthirtyone

    Bring out Gifs!

    Not wonderfully happy with the quality of it, but here it is. This is actually me. I couldn't have done this if I was trying.
  6. redthirtyone

    Bring out Gifs!

    What's the filesize limit? Trying to upload a homemade gif & keep getting an error message after 100% upload.
  7. redthirtyone

    Funny (political, religious) pictures

    It would also be nice if a reputable news organization such as the NYT would use proper rules for capitalization.
  8. redthirtyone

    [Food] Chicagoans - get your Poutine on

    No, I'm not a shill. I just know there's a lot of folks on here who love Poutine, and also a lot in the Chicago area. New Q-Tine restaurant opening soon in Logan Square Somebody will have to give it a try & let us know. I miss Chicago. It's my favorite big city. My grandparents lived in...
  9. redthirtyone

    New Picture Thread

    First off, I applaud your effort in supporting your friend. Having said that... this popped into my head: I'm a horrible person :(
  10. redthirtyone

    Reddits "the Button" I love it

    So you don't get labeled a purple presser, but you still lose your click... thpppt
  11. redthirtyone

    Reddits "the Button" I love it

    So - is there some sort of buffer for button presses? Say 0.25 seconds or something, where if someone else pressed the button a millisecond before you did, your button press doesn't count & you retain your press? Because if not, then I would imagine that an extremely high percentage of the...
  12. redthirtyone

    Official Halforums Meet-ups

    Wait... those ARE euphemisms, right?
  13. redthirtyone

    Space stuff (NASA, UKSA, CSA, ESA, etc)

    Yeah, now that I actually pay attention, those animations aren't gifs, so they run thru once, and quickly at that... sorry:(
  14. redthirtyone

    Space stuff (NASA, UKSA, CSA, ESA, etc)

    I've said it before & I'll say it again - there is a small area near St Louis which will be in the path of a total solar eclipse TWICE in a 7 year span!!
  15. redthirtyone

    Funny (political, religious) pictures

    Man - that's one of those things that ranks right up there with "I wish they had a Netflix-type service, but for books" :facepalm: I never took typing in school. We usually only had one elective & in junior high that was band. I did take a computer word processing class once, back in the...
  16. redthirtyone

    BananaHands' Terrifying and Terrific Tinder Thread!

    So you didn't. Damn these glasses, son.
  17. redthirtyone

    BananaHands' Terrifying and Terrific Tinder Thread!

    So... are we just intentionally ignoring that the teacher who hates bad grammar used the wrong homophone? I guess bonus points for correct your/you're usage, but that just balances out the over capitalization issues.
  18. redthirtyone

    Funny (political, religious) pictures

    Back when my Dad went there it was hammers & chisels ;) - or at the very least pencils & notebooks. OH - and manual typewriters... Could you imagine a classroom of those taking notes? *clickaclackaclickaclackaclickaclackDINGzzzzzoop* :Leyla:
  19. redthirtyone

    *sighs, turns over "DAYS SINCE LAST MASS SHOOTING IN AMERICA" sign to 0*

    He hates these CANS!! Stay away from the CANS!!