It looks to me like they were lucky they didn't... that mofo probably would have wrestled it away in the blink of an eye.they somehow manage to not shoot him with their guns. huh.
It would become a conspiracy, no doubt.I think if he was a democrat, that would become a real controversy.
I'm a vegetarian, and I hate whoever wrote this with a passion.Winning hearts and minds to veganism.
Well that's because you're merely Vegetarian, and not Orthodox.I'm a vegetarian, and I hate whoever wrote this with a passion.
Well, he's not wrong. I mean, given the choice, I would choose a black life over a cow or chicken one.I'm a vegetarian, and I hate whoever wrote this with a passion.
Well, duh. I'm just saying he's still right, even if he's trying to be obnoxious and so forth.[DOUBLEPOST=1430329884,1430329798][/DOUBLEPOST]It's the "...apparently." part that turns it to shit.
If they're black, you've grilled them too long. Or, on too high a fire. Or haven't turned'm over enough. Or some such.No, I'm just mad because it shows a complete lack of sensitivity to black cows and chickens.
Actually, there's a breed of chicken known in Chinese as 烏骨雞 ("black-boned chicken") that's black from head to toe. Including the bones. Although the flesh is usually normal chicken-colored.If they're black, you've grilled them too long. Or, on too high a fire. Or haven't turned'm over enough. Or some such.
The habit of cooking the whole bird always makes me think that the chicken isn't cooked so much as chilling in a hot tub of broth.Actually, there's a breed of chicken known in Chinese as 烏骨雞 ("black-boned chicken") that's black from head to toe. Including the bones. Although the flesh is usually normal chicken-colored.
They're quite popular in dishes served with a variety of Chinese herbs, such as boiled whole in a soup or broth.
Spoilered for size and just in case there's anyone with ornithophobia.
Well, the rules for headlines are like the rules for movie titles, where you capitalize all the words except for things like "of" and "the," but you still should've expected someone to catch that before it went to print.It would also be nice if a reputable news organization such as the NYT would use proper rules for capitalization.