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  1. redthirtyone

    [Gaming] Tragic the Garnering

    Ugh - that reminds me of this guy we used to play with. You'd get seasick because he'd rock back & forth in his chair while playing. Like 60 bpm. Anyways, somewhere along the way he'd been in a pretty serious car accident with his cards in the car. He had some awesome stuff, but it was all...
  2. redthirtyone

    [Gaming] Tragic the Garnering

    Yeah at one time I think I had a full playset of 4 of each of those. Still have around 8 I think. I know I have an Italian Underground Sea. The worst part was when I was buying all that RV, there was a list that said what cards in RV replaced the OoP cards they removed from UL - specifically...
  3. redthirtyone

    [Gaming] Tragic the Garnering

    Hi, I'm redthirtyone, & I'm a recovering Magiholic. Started back when Revised was plentiful. Legends had JUST come out (and - sadly - SOLD out) so it was still a few months before The Dark came out. Unfortunately I had a comic store a few doors down the strip mall from the restaurant I...
  4. redthirtyone

    Xbox one

    Yes - I get the fact that prices drop over time. But not usually next-gen consoles within 3 months of launch. I guess technically it's not a price drop, however, rather adding a $60 value AAA title. Consumers in the US getting doubly hosed as US launch units did not include any game, whereas...
  5. redthirtyone

    Xbox one

    Allrighty - necroing this a bit for some info and a rant. They announced today a XBone Titanfall editon. Regular XBone console, Kinect, controller & headset + Downloadable copy of Titanfall for... $500 SO I know early adoption and all that jazz... but fuck you MS. Barely 3 months out &...
  6. redthirtyone

    Sochi Winter Olympics General Thread.

    Welp - I was referring to the Canadians, but it's even more appropriate now as the US is staring down the business end of a 2 goal deficit to the Finns. Bronze medal indeed...:censored: And now Kane misses his 2nd Penalty Shot of the game.... ugh
  7. redthirtyone

    Sochi Winter Olympics General Thread.

    So looks like you're gonna get the double golds in the two sports that matter up there in Canuckistan. Although I will caution against something about eggs & hatching or something like that. Sweden isn't gonna be a pushover. For the longest time people never remembered that the "Miracle on...
  8. redthirtyone

    Sochi Winter Olympics General Thread.

    All my fault folks... I woke up & started watching with about 5 minutes left. My bad. Also should be noted - I knew when that open netter hit the post that the US was doomed. Just seemed like a sign.
  9. redthirtyone

    [Webcomic] PVP Discussion

    Ahhhh - that makes sense. See? I completely forgot about the documentary crew being there in the first place. I hate having to have the joke explained to me, but, meh.
  10. redthirtyone

    [Webcomic] PVP Discussion

    ...annnnd there it is. Story arc over with a crappy resolution... and who the hell is that in the closet? Skull? Anyways... SQUIRREL!!!
  11. redthirtyone

    Titanfall (beta)

    Meh, one thing I've learned is that Halforums can hold a grudge. As for the game itself, I'm still torn. It seems to play like a Halo / CoD mix with the Titan element thrown in. You get customizable loadouts for both pilots & Titans, but there doesn't seem to be much variety - I'm hoping...
  12. redthirtyone

    Titanfall (beta)

    Your losses I guess. I've been on the fence about this game for a while so this will give me a decent chance to test drive before deciding if I wanna drop 60 bucks. In other news, they decided tonight to stress the server load, so now beta access is open to all - at least for XBone.
  13. redthirtyone

    Titanfall (beta)

    Just got my code today & finished the tutorial. Won't get a chance to play some until after the basketball game, but looks pretty interesting so far.
  14. redthirtyone

    [MLB] Derek Jeter to retire after 2014 season.

    As a person who couldn't care less if the Yankees win another game for the rest of their lives, even I would have to say that Jeter is another in the line of what *should* be unanimous HOF inductees. However, as I said in the thread before, not gonna happen. Especially when you have other...
  15. redthirtyone

    Video Game News and Miscellany

    Interesting - went to FB to play my 5 live worth of candy crush before bed, and it timed out. From hrmmmm. Would their latest hijinks make them a desireable target?:rolleyes:
  16. redthirtyone

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    Not sure what you're thinking of - but no Price Choppers in KS. They're all in the northeast & upstate NY. Edit: Looks like it's both. But the ones I remember were the ones around western MA & Albany the summer I spent in the Berkshires teaching baseball to uncoordinated privileged jewish kids.
  17. redthirtyone

    [MLB] National TV/Radio Host gives away HoF ballot to Deadspin, loses vote forever.

    That guy who decided "I don't know who's juiced & who's not, so everybody's juiced" & that other guy who decided "No way anybody's ever getting 100% on my watch"... they both vote for Biggio & he's in.
  18. redthirtyone

    [MLB] National TV/Radio Host gives away HoF ballot to Deadspin, loses vote forever.

    If you haven't been following, every year in early January, the Baseball Writers Association of America announces the results of their Baseball Hall of Fame ballot. Announcing who actually was voted in (by receiving 75% of the vote) and of course, those that will have to wait til next year (or...
  19. redthirtyone

    [Webcomic] PVP Discussion

    He did tweet somewhere between Xmas & New Years that he was taking a few days off because of the holidays & being sick. But still. There have been several instances in the past couple of months where he'll just miss a day with no explanation. Not the best plan when your front page says...