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  1. redthirtyone

    Tiny Death Star

    Still playing Tiny Tower, about 70 floors in. Hell I just did a spreadsheet to help me keep track of what bitizens need what jobs. A friend started TDS this past weekend, & I had seen the popup ad in TT. So I went ahead & started it up. I do like that there is some sort of reward for...
  2. redthirtyone

    Bring out Gifs!

    Dammit I'm still not convinced that was a safety. Not that 3rd & 18 from the 6 inch line would be much better.
  3. redthirtyone

    Xbox one

    Annd as I post that this morning it appears sometime today we DID receive PS4 consoles. 3K of them.
  4. redthirtyone

    Xbox one

    So - as a matter of follow-up, we are now 14 days to PS4 launch, 21 to XB1, and we have yet to see any of either in the Amazon warehouse where I work. During the BF4 midnight launch "event" at Gamestop, I asked my friend (the manager of the store) when they expected to get their shipments in...
  5. redthirtyone

    Video Game News and Miscellany

    Yes - but the same line of reasoning when applied to the XBox One caused people to FREAKING LOSE THEIR SHIT! Some of it was justified however (military serving overseas).
  6. redthirtyone

    Xbox one

    36 days until XBone release & no sign of any consoles being received in our Amazon facility. Same goes for PS4 - 29 days & no sign of any PS4's either.
  7. redthirtyone

    Quick! What apple dessert should my wife make tonight?

    Apple pan dowdy. ...What?
  8. redthirtyone

    USA Federal government: CLOSED

    Honestly it's like the Republicans have forgotten their own tactics from their own playbook. Draw up a bill for something SO important, that voting against it would be political suicide. Let's say... Gun control. Draw up a bill that caters to every demand that gun control advocates have...
  9. redthirtyone

    Random Video Game Crap

    Oh no, I'm not trying to sell you on it. I'm more agreeing with you that it's not as great as it might sound. Unless you're a power gamer who's not very picky & doesn't mind playing new releases in a couple months' time, it's not worth it. Maybe if I had a PS3 as well or if I actually played...
  10. redthirtyone

    Random Video Game Crap

    Yeah, there's been several times lately where I've considered dropping GF. I started my subscription when I first got my 360 5 years ago. Started with the 2-disc plan, but having 2 games rented at the same time was spreading too thin, so I eventually pared back. As it stand, I still end up...
  11. redthirtyone

    Mad Cow! MOOOOOOO!

  12. redthirtyone

    GTA 5 : Anticipation Station

    Yeahh.. so it's stuff like this that makes me fear for the launch of the XBone So if you aren't aware, there is a real-life smartphone app called iFruit (wonder where they got THAT from) that ties into the in-game experience. You can visit Los Santos customs & trick out a custom car which...
  13. redthirtyone

    Random Video Game Crap

    Ugh. Gamefly, while filling a niche, could stand to hire a couple of coders from Netflix. Netflix at least has algorithms that prioritize less frequent renters and the like. I haven't figured out what the prority is with Gamefly queues. I CAN tell you, however, that if the game is listed as...
  14. redthirtyone

    Xbox one

    Official release date announcement from MS: Friday, Nov 22. In other news - The Kinect will no longer be required for the XB1 to operate. However, they will not be selling any consoles without the Kinect unit.
  15. redthirtyone

    [Question] Fun with drunk drivers

    Thank you for the clarification I guess. While you may be mostly correct in your assumption (my brother in law calls it kickball), I watched the Man City - Hull City match yesterday morning after work, & had the Everton match on as I fell asleep. There's a lot of things I like about the EPL...
  16. redthirtyone

    [Question] Fun with drunk drivers

    No, I didn't get hammered & roll through town. So last night, after watching the UK football game at my sister's house, on the drive home across town I encountered not 1 but 3 (three!) drivers in front of me that if *I* were a cop, I would have pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving...
  17. redthirtyone

    New Picture Thread

    Take a trip to Tehran & be sure to tell everyone you're an American ;)
  18. redthirtyone

    Cosplay on SyFy???

    Bah OK then. Article acts like it's a new show. EW is usually more on top of things than that.
  19. redthirtyone

    Xbox one

    Looks like MS might have finally learned to play their card last: XBone might have a new release date of Nov 8 Not confirmed yet, but if true it would come out a week before the recently announced Nov 15th release date of the PS4. Still somewhat odd to me that both days are Fridays, but it...