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  1. redthirtyone

    Xbox one

    But they didn't really. One of the things MS kept hammering away at was the fact that pre-orders were selling out @ Amazon. Problem is, Amazon isn't taking a deposit or anything to guarantee the sale, just an order. I myself have a pre-order for one. I figured if all hell broke loose &...
  2. redthirtyone

    Xbox one

    Gah double - possibnle triple post. Getting database errors. Even getting one when trying to delete one of the posts
  3. redthirtyone

    Xbox one

    I saw this when I got up this afternoon. This takes care of 2 of my main concerns. I've been a Gamefly subscriber since I got my 360 5 years ago, & probably 50% or more of my games I have gotten from GF & decided to keep. That system would have been nigh impossible under the original Xbone...
  4. redthirtyone


    I know you didn't mean to offend NR. I just noticed a similarity & came to post it, & saw your comment. I couldn't just ignore it & post away. I do think it has mostly to do with the smile. But then I saw the pic of Rask with the big fake beard & couldn't pass up posting the two pics with...
  5. redthirtyone


    Aw see, I was watching last night's game & saw an interview & had a different thought but then you had to go & ruin it. I'll go with it anyways. Hope North_Ranger takes no offense
  6. redthirtyone

    [News] What should happen to the NSA Whistleblower?

    Yup - moved from whistle blower to something a little more treasonous. I'm sure it has a lot to do with trying to gain favor with his chosen asylum. I've always been of the opinion if the government wants you dead, you're dead. It might take a while, but dead.
  7. redthirtyone

    New Picture Thread

    Ooooo... you are ICE cold!!
  8. redthirtyone

    New Picture Thread

    Been a while since I put some pics here: Last fall: I'll let you guess where this one is:
  9. redthirtyone

    Like men need another excuse...

    Michael Douglas reveals the cause of his throat cancer in other news... reported cases of lockjaw expected to decline.
  10. redthirtyone

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    Yeah - not malware in the usual sense I guess. Program called Coupon Companion was responsible. Removable through the Add/Remove Programs utility, not via malware/spyware utilities.
  11. redthirtyone

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    Wheaton. They all have a good time, but Wheaton seems to fanboi it out more than the rest.
  12. redthirtyone

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    I love how he geeks out like this on stuff as if he wasn't a major character in arguably the greatest sci-fi franchise of all time.
  13. redthirtyone

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    Yeah for a second I didn't question it because I thought of the character & totally put Curry's face in. I think you're thinking of Christopher Guest, not Tim Curry.
  14. redthirtyone

    Guess ALL the Geos!

    Got half your score without using the internets. Missed the 3rd one by a continent - that hurt. WARNING: Dave's internets gets him within 10km of the first one, kinda hard to catch up after that. lost by 1000 pts... 4th one missed by an ocean again :(
  15. redthirtyone

    Guess ALL the Geos!

    Last night while bored at work I came across a twit link to what I think is a pretty cool time waster I remember we had a thread game similar to this concept (or maybe it was a contest). My best score so far has been just shy of 12K. Usually at least once per...
  16. redthirtyone

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    Dunno - part of why I asked. The random links all point to SocialSurveyPanel_dot_org wanting me to take a survey to *win* an Ipad, Iphone or gift card of some sort. Problem is, I don't recall it happening before I whitelisted HF, and this is the only place I see it happening.
  17. redthirtyone

    [Other] Tornado jacking stuff up around here...

    I think that 1999 Moore tornado was the one where a group of people got extremely lucky hiding underneath a highway overpass as the funnel went directly over them - thus giving the bad idea that highway overpasses are good shelter during tornadoes. Seriously, I've said it before, noting creeps...
  18. redthirtyone

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    Somewhat off topic - is there a particular reason that random words or phrases in posts are linking to random ad links? Has this always been going on? I just recently whitelisted all of HF so, just curious.
  19. redthirtyone

    I love this song and I am not ashamed

    Yup - THAT'S a winner. That's the kinda trash we're talking about. I thought about putting Rico Suave up, but that has too much kitsch value. I will say that I do actually own the Gerardo CD, whereas I only have the Informer mp3. As for Informer, Ravenpoe, do you mean you don't know the...
  20. redthirtyone

    [PC Game] Bioshock Infinite (beware of spoilers)

    For me the hardest part of 1999 mode was the first part after the raffle. You barely have enough money to respawn once before it kicks you out to the menu on a death. The automatons in that area suck, and then that fireman was pretty hairy. As for the story itself, I thought it was well...