Search results

  1. redthirtyone

    [Rant] Put down the damn phone!!

    I don't think I've mentioned the fact that I work 3rd shift. I've worked 3rd shift for the last 7 years, & I've worked some form of 3rd/split/night shift job for the last 20 years, since college. I am fairly certain that if I had to deal with day walkers all the time that I would snap & spend...
  2. redthirtyone

    Pez Got Burned (on a go-kart)

    40 mph in a go kart & no seat belt? I guess in a go kart you'd rather get thrown clear. Looks like a hella burn there Pez, might wanna put some butter on it ;) In related news - my finger hurts like a mofo after deflecting a foul ball at a local minor league game last night. Sitting with...
  3. redthirtyone

    Spam bots

    But I can't even fathom the jughead that would even follow the link on these things. At least some of the email spam I've seen has some effort to actually make it look legit & perhaps warrant a clickthru. Hell - I've seen some reallllly legit looking Mists of Pandaria beta invites. Side...
  4. redthirtyone

    Spam bots

    I'm just curious as to just HOW successful could this kind of spam POSSIBLY be? Surely no one truly buys that shit on impulse thanks to some random incoherent spam on a message board, right? RIGHT?!?! apparently they do
  5. redthirtyone

    London Olympics

    So to follow up in the NCAA-makes-no-sense category: Missy Franklin has been facing a tough decision since winning 4 golds & a bronze at the olympics. She wants to go to college, and while there, she would like to swim for their swim team. However, in order to remain eligible, she is not...
  6. redthirtyone

    London Olympics

    They play team handball in phys ed?
  7. redthirtyone

    London Olympics

    John Thompson was a good coach, but with a team whose only future headliners were David Robinson, Mitch Richmond & uh... Dan Majerle. What was unfortunate was that the US lost to Russia that year, but even had they won that game, the Yugoslavian team most likely would have crushed them as...
  8. redthirtyone

    London Olympics

    Heh. Relevant to both parts of the conversation - in 2010/11, Turkish player Enes Kanter was ruled permanently ineligible to play for any NCAA member school, due to his having played for a Turkish club team during his teens. In the US, the AAU system is still able to maintain some semblance of...
  9. redthirtyone

    [Question] Simple way to play cribbage PC to PC

    not helpful to the situation - but I used to have a 3.5" floppy with Bicycle Solitaire, Hearts, Spades & Cribbage on it. Was a fun game. Would offer tips on plays if you asked. I noticed a pattern though. If you asked for help & took their advice, you seemed to lose more often. But if you...
  10. redthirtyone

    [News] Shooting at Batman Premier: Colorado

    Keeps getting worse for one woman. She gets shot in the theater and, days later after stabilizing, is told her 6-yr old daughter died in the shooting. Then late last week she miscarries her 6-month old fetus, & now she's just found out she will be paralyzed from her injuries. :mad...
  11. redthirtyone

    [News] Shooting at Batman Premier: Colorado

    I think I said as much a while back in the "What creeps you the f*ck out" thread, but I am both fascinated & creeped out by real-time accounts of events such as this. Seeing how authorities, bystanders & witnesses react to these situations just morbidly interests me. At any rate, we have...
  12. redthirtyone

    [Brazelton] 'Encyclopedia Brown' author dies at 87

    JFC - we can have 5 different "I don't care that Juski doesn't care that Bananahands doesn't care" threads, but we've got WAY TOO many RIP threads!?! Who cares! Just let it slide & if nobody truly cares, then the thread will go dormant & slide off the front page.
  13. redthirtyone

    Summer Heat

    Well then you are gonna LOVE Louisville.
  14. redthirtyone

    [News] Colorado Springs is burning.

    Yeah I have an Aunt & Uncle that have been evacuated within the last couple of days. They're staying with their daughter. The house is still standing, but the fires are closing in - within a mile as the crow flies.
  15. redthirtyone

    N64 working again

    This. For a lesser-known game Blast Corps frickin' ROCKED!
  16. redthirtyone

    [News] Really? Nothing? Nobody? (Venus)

    No mention from anybody of yesterday's celestial event? I am disappoint.... At any rate, we are now in countdown at a little over 5 years until a total solar eclipse will be visible in North America. In fact, there is a small area near St Louis that will be able to see TWO total solar...
  17. redthirtyone

    [Announcement] Read a Book Halforums

    not a sportspage, not a magazine...
  18. redthirtyone

    [Gaming] Diablo 3 : Ser Farm-A-Lot

    *sigh* and there's a reason I like console gaming. Had some concerns/doubts about system specs to begin with. Figured I'd be ok, just not able to run it wide open. Figured I'd have better luck on my 2-yr old laptop. Was out picking up some stuff to make Guac @ Meijer & decided to go ahead &...
  19. redthirtyone

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    Damn I miss me some Bloom County... :(
  20. redthirtyone

    The Dream Thread

    It has been 7 years since I managed a restaurant, at least 10 since I waited tables. I STILL get the "waiting tables in the weeds" dream.