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  1. redthirtyone

    New Picture Thread

    Right back atcha. 89th & last marching band and uh... aw fuck it, I just woke up & missed it all dammit
  2. redthirtyone

    Bring out Gifs!

    OK - now I need some context. Who is this woman & why is she dousing herself on national TV?
  3. redthirtyone

    [Funny] Joke thread

    ah the German attempt at joke warfare
  4. redthirtyone

    No popup with thread's first post?

    Well? We're waiting!!!
  5. redthirtyone

    [Rant] Fudge! Fudge, fudge fudgety fudge fudge, mother fudging fudge!!!

    So for all the stressing I did for the last couple of months, I got called in once. Was for a forgery case. Called 60 or so of us in. Spent 2 hours going through the "does anyone know the defendant, his lawyer, the Commonwealth Atty's, etc etc etc..." thing. They picked 31 random numbers - I...
  6. redthirtyone

    [Webcomic] CAD over?

    I know we've had our fun taking jabs at Absath/Buckley over the years (QUIZNOS!), but from the looks of it, the run of Ctrl+Alt+Del might be coming to an end. This combined with his most recent posts on his FB fan page Seems...
  7. redthirtyone

    [News] Disney Buying Lucasfilm, Plans New Star Wars Movie

    So - I haven't really had time yet to pore over the release. 1) I'm assuming he will maintain some control over re-releasing the property - i.e. no Star Wars: the Original Cut on Blu-ray. 2) For the 7-9 trilogy, have they discussed whether the plan is to write original material? Or could...
  8. redthirtyone

    In San Fran for the next few days, gimme some stuff to do.

    Thanks for the suggestions folks! Back home again & had a great time. First day went to the wharf & Ghirardelli square & had my first In-n-out burger (verdict: meh). The rest of the week was somewhat limited by my father's free time (convention schedule) & a humongous women's marathon that...
  9. redthirtyone

    [Other] Write your past self a letter.

    1) Get in shape. Stay in shape. You have a god given natural talent with the potential to make you insanely filthy rich, but to cultivate it you're gonna need to put in some work. Run your laps. Run your foul lines. Run. There are a LOT fewer guys that look like Jose Canseco than Orel...
  10. redthirtyone

    In San Fran for the next few days, gimme some stuff to do.

    As the title suggests, am in San Fran for the next 5-6 days traveling with my folks. We plan on hitting Alcatraz later next week, but other than that I don't really have much else on the list. I think Mom wanted to go to Winchester House at some point, & the wharf. We're staying downtown &...
  11. redthirtyone

    [Webcomic] PVP Discussion

  12. redthirtyone

    [Gaming] Borderlands 2: Tonight. Are you ready?

    What's worse is if it's been so long that it's NOT empty corridor anymore. The Firehawk quests had me running through Frostburn several times, thus making me clear some areas twice. Other complaints? The number of times I've done the Apollo Creed with putting the last mob down as they put me...
  13. redthirtyone

    PSA: YouTube App Gone From iOS6

    re: getting rid of the Newsstand icon (sorta): Can't vouch for whether this still works in iOS6, but it did before make sure the Newsstand icon is on the page you're working from - preferably top row Create a folder as usual with any two apps on that page. Drop the one app on the other &...
  14. redthirtyone

    [Announcement] Buckyballs on sale - 80% off - until 8pm EDT tonight

    As an update - I finally got my confirmation email - almost 36 hours after placing the order.
  15. redthirtyone

    [Webcomic] PVP Discussion

    I meant to bring this up early in the week. So two weeks ago when the ferret ate the servers, Kurtz tells us that he doesn't want to cross-post the strips to FB because it was SUCH a GREAT story arc, that he didn't want to interrupt it due to technical difficulties. So he took a week off to...
  16. redthirtyone

    [Announcement] Buckyballs on sale - 80% off - until 8pm EDT tonight

    from the FAQ on the site: 6. How will I know if my order went through? The checkout process is complete when you get to the Thank You screen. To further ensure everything is as it should be, we email a receipt to whichever email address you listed when ordering. Sometimes these emails can take...
  17. redthirtyone

    [Rant] Fudge! Fudge, fudge fudgety fudge fudge, mother fudging fudge!!!

    /sigh jury duty in November... :okay:
  18. redthirtyone

    [Console] Imma stab a Ubisoft programmer in the face!

    Most of the camera problems were when trying to jump around & such. The next to last target where you have to jump around the harbor - there a couple of places you can jump from post to post to post. I'd jump on the first post & go for the second, but the camera would try & turn to follow me &...
  19. redthirtyone

    Things You Hate About Today's Gaming.

    This. I'll never understand why these Madden idiots are so willing to plunk down 60 bucks every August for this year's version which is JUST like last year's version, except a feature or two & roster updates. At least this year they added voice commands via Kinect on the 360, which is...
  20. redthirtyone

    [Console] Imma stab a Ubisoft programmer in the face!

    Alright - I know I'm late to the party on this one. I'm trying to pass the summer doldrums waiting for Borderlands 2 to come out, so I've been playing older stuff I've never played before on my 360. Enter Assassin's Creed I I'd heard decent things. Over the course of the last couple of...