1 Year Anniversary.

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Hey Scott,

Thanks for inadvertently giving us the push to become an independent community. A year has passed, and it's shown us that we can survive without a common theme, and we're also no longer your responsibility to police.

Without fans to worry about, maybe after a year you can finally get back to writing some enjoyable comics.


Staff member

Why don't we make our 1-year anniversary "Get it out of your system" day. People have one more chance to bitch about it, then the day after we get to start saying, "Get over it! It was more than a year ago!"

Steven Soderburgin

Seriously, though, if you made me mod, I'd probably just forget about it and not come here at all that day.
I have a Montecristo No. 4 which I have been saving. Perhaps we should all simultaneously smoke a cigar of celebration.

What about some sort of yearbook-style video. Pick a song (nothing lame), and do a slide show of our avatars, (or whatever picture you'd rather to represent you), username and one or two lines about the forum, the occasion, or whatever else.
Dear Kurtz,

It's been years and years since we went off and formed our own little community. Now some other people are all acting like they thought of it first and are all cool and shit. Well, what they don't know CAN and WILL hurt them. Right when they least expect it. Consider it an early Christmas present.

The Krewmembers

P.S. General Zod sends hugs and zashes.

...wait, this isn't... crap!
Wow. Could I even pull off an all-day podcast? WTF would I talk about?
Y'know, every podcast you say this and it makes me laugh.

"We aren't going to have enough to fill the time"

And yet I've never listened to one that didn't end up going overtime because you/guests just start blabbing away.

You could do an 8 hour podcast and just leave the phones open for people to come in and chat, almost like Vent. In fact, almost identical to Vent, just recorded.

A Day in the Life of Halforum. Brought to you by PVPOnline.com (indirectly)


Staff member
Filling an hour with a vague idea of an outline is much different than filling an 8 hour shift.
Filling an hour with a vague idea of an outline is much different than filling an 8 hour shift.
Really? I don't think you could get Psyclone or Shannow to stop talking enough over that 8 hour period to let anyone else talk ;)

Add in Ross, Frazwozel and some of the girlies, I don't see it as too difficult. After all, I remember 12 hour raids in Onyxia that just gets filled up with nonsense. Just don't be afraid to have some dead air I suppose - let someone else fill it.

Or set aside 30 minutes to an hour for each person to chair their own "Halforum Podcast"


Hour 14, Dave runs out of stuff to ramble about and busts out the funky grooves on the turntable
Baerdog nailed it if we write a letter, it MUST be started:

Dear Kurt,

and yes, Scott is only a few hours drive from here.... How about for our anniversary I post a pic of me holding my mug/lil'richard in front of his house? :twisted:
Baerdog nailed it if we write a letter, it MUST be started:

Dear Kurt,

and yes, Scott is only a few hours drive from here.... How about for our anniversary I post a pic of me holding my mug/lil'richard in front of his house? :twisted:
Hand delivering the letter. :)
Baerdog nailed it if we write a letter, it MUST be started:

Dear Kurt,

and yes, Scott is only a few hours drive from here.... How about for our anniversary I post a pic of me holding my mug/lil'richard in front of his house? :twisted:

Here's a better letter (I'm sorry Dave, I'm just so tickled by this I can't help myself)

Dear Kurt,
As fellow tastemakers perhaps you understand our need to grow on our own. You set us free to be who we needed to be.
Our podium is not large. But most of us are pretty big dudes. I mean, this is the internet. We also have skinnies.
So that's cool.
Maybe someday we can get together and make taste together.
You're all being very not nice to Mr Kurtz. Since the anniversary is around the American Thanksgiving, we should extend out thanks to Scott and show that we may have parted on poor terms, we wouldn't exist today without him. I think we should pitch in and get the man a nice present for helping create this community, something useful though, like a newspaper subscription.
We could put PVP in a newspaper of our own publishing so that his agitated spirit can finally pass on.
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