16 year old baby may hold secret to eternal life

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I'm calling shenanigans. The only scientist cited is a Richard Walker of USF. There is a Richard Walker at USF, but he's an instructional designer, not a researcher (a quick google search reveals that). Furthermore, there doesn't seem to be anything about her on JSTOR, which means that if this guy's actually done any research, he hasn't published it.

A girl with an incredible condition that warrants loads of research being researched by a guy who's not actually a scientist and isn't publishing anything anyway? And even if somebody else is on the case (and there should be lots and lots of people on the case), they're not publishing either?

ABC got duped.


Zarvox said:
I'm calling shenanigans. The only scientist cited is a Richard Walker of USF. There is a Richard Walker at USF, but he's an instructional designer, not a researcher (a quick google search reveals that). Furthermore, there doesn't seem to be anything about her on JSTOR, which means that if this guy's actually done any research, he hasn't published it.

A girl with an incredible condition that warrants loads of research being researched by a guy who's not actually a scientist and isn't publishing anything anyway? And even if somebody else is on the case (and there should be lots and lots of people on the case), they're not publishing either?

ABC got duped.

She's real. I read a Johns Hopkins paper on her.
I would like to know more about what is going on at a genetic level but the article is very light on details in that area aside from saying that she has never been diagnosed with any known genetic syndrome or chromosomal abnormality.

Wasabi Poptart

I can't imagine taking care of a "baby" for 16 years.
Gee, too bad it is not a boy. Then he would be a great cartoon gang accomplice. Baby in a bonnet, smoking a stogy, packing a .45 and robbing banks. While getting carried in a bassinet.
Zarvox said:
I'm calling shenanigans. The only scientist cited is a Richard Walker of USF. There is a Richard Walker at USF, but he's an instructional designer, not a researcher (a quick google search reveals that). Furthermore, there doesn't seem to be anything about her on JSTOR, which means that if this guy's actually done any research, he hasn't published it.

A girl with an incredible condition that warrants loads of research being researched by a guy who's not actually a scientist and isn't publishing anything anyway? And even if somebody else is on the case (and there should be lots and lots of people on the case), they're not publishing either?

ABC got duped.
Unequivocal research fail. He published a paper as recently as February.
I hope I never have a child like this. if I have children, I expect them to grow up, to learn, to develop as full individuals that can, one day, be independent, have children, do great things! Not to have an eternal baby...
My great uncle's youngest son has a condition similar to this.(Might sound like a friend of a friend story but my family is pretty close.and young)

He was only a few years younger than me, so that would put him between 16-20 From memory.
Kind of wierd visiting the family seeing them all, then 2 years later the other kids have grown up, so have I but he's still the same.Last time I seen him he was just starting to crawl.I think he can walk a little bit now.Not sure though, will have to check.


Jake said:
Zarvox said:
I'm calling shenanigans. The only scientist cited is a Richard Walker of USF. There is a Richard Walker at USF, but he's an instructional designer, not a researcher (a quick google search reveals that). Furthermore, there doesn't seem to be anything about her on JSTOR, which means that if this guy's actually done any research, he hasn't published it.

A girl with an incredible condition that warrants loads of research being researched by a guy who's not actually a scientist and isn't publishing anything anyway? And even if somebody else is on the case (and there should be lots and lots of people on the case), they're not publishing either?

ABC got duped.
Unequivocal research fail. He published a paper as recently as February.
Holy hell do I feel like a retard for not checking PubMed. My bad indeed.


Staff member
I bet there are scores of geneticists who would sell their own mothers to get intact DNA samples from this kid.
GasBandit said:
I bet there are scores of geneticists who would sell their own mothers to get intact DNA samples from this kid.
There seem to be a decent number of people looking at her DNA, but there's only so much you can learn from it without a much greater understanding of genomics and development than we currently possess.


Staff member
I really, really, really hope some of the comments are jokes. Like the top one:
You may note in the bible people once lived to be just under 1,000 years. The change came to be at Noah's flood. The first change has to do the earth's EMF. When the Hertz is corrected when a cell divides nine times the first cell does not die. Also the earths oxygen is half then as well as atmosphere pressure. There is also a lowering of orgone or life force from the earth. Then there is food that has absorbed more minerals and etc do to a mist that came from the earth on the leaves and a select ultra sound to its roots from long dead animals. However cases like this one raise lots of other questions.
fade said:
I really, really, really hope some of the comments are jokes. Like the top one:
You may note in the bible people once lived to be just under 1,000 years. The change came to be at Noah's flood. The first change has to do the earth's EMF. When the Hertz is corrected when a cell divides nine times the first cell does not die. Also the earths oxygen is half then as well as atmosphere pressure. There is also a lowering of orgone or life force from the earth. Then there is food that has absorbed more minerals and etc do to a mist that came from the earth on the leaves and a select ultra sound to its roots from long dead animals. However cases like this one raise lots of other questions.
Seems like I still need to work on mastering english, that paragraph almost shut down my brain and I think I failed to grasp its intended meaning.


Staff member
Denbrought said:
fade said:
I really, really, really hope some of the comments are jokes. Like the top one:
You may note in the bible people once lived to be just under 1,000 years. The change came to be at Noah's flood. The first change has to do the earth's EMF. When the Hertz is corrected when a cell divides nine times the first cell does not die. Also the earths oxygen is half then as well as atmosphere pressure. There is also a lowering of orgone or life force from the earth. Then there is food that has absorbed more minerals and etc do to a mist that came from the earth on the leaves and a select ultra sound to its roots from long dead animals. However cases like this one raise lots of other questions.
Seems like I still need to work on mastering english, that paragraph almost shut down my brain and I think I failed to grasp its intended meaning.
How sad is that my lack of faith in people says that the comment might actually be serious?


Staff member
Green_Lantern said:
Denbrought said:
fade said:
I really, really, really hope some of the comments are jokes. Like the top one:
You may note in the bible people once lived to be just under 1,000 years. The change came to be at Noah's flood. The first change has to do the earth's EMF. When the Hertz is corrected when a cell divides nine times the first cell does not die. Also the earths oxygen is half then as well as atmosphere pressure. There is also a lowering of orgone or life force from the earth. Then there is food that has absorbed more minerals and etc do to a mist that came from the earth on the leaves and a select ultra sound to its roots from long dead animals. However cases like this one raise lots of other questions.
Seems like I still need to work on mastering english, that paragraph almost shut down my brain and I think I failed to grasp its intended meaning.
How sad is that my lack of faith in people says that the comment might actually be serious?
It's no lack of faith; it's just an acknowledgement of reality. There are people DO think this way. They come to my campus and hand out weird religious pamphlets.


Sooooooo weird. :bush:

Forget the supposed "fountain of youth", these people are gonna be taking care of a baby for the rest of their lives. Presuming she'll remain "frozen" in time, I can foresee her getting passed down to her sisters after her parents die, who will in turn have to take care of a child for years, with no hope of the relief that comes from a kid's growing up.


cvgurau said:
Sooooooo weird. :bush:

Forget the supposed "fountain of youth", these people are gonna be taking care of a baby for the rest of their lives. Presuming she'll remain "frozen" in time, I can foresee her getting passed down to her sisters after her parents die, who will in turn have to take care of a child for years, with no hope of the relief that comes from a kid's growing up.
Something tells me that this girl isn't going to live much past the age of 30 or so. I'm not trying to be mean, but realistically people with growth disorders of this kind rarely live into old age.

Wasabi Poptart

fade said:
I really, really, really hope some of the comments are jokes. Like the top one:
You may note in the bible people once lived to be just under 1,000 years. The change came to be at Noah's flood. The first change has to do the earth's EMF. When the Hertz is corrected when a cell divides nine times the first cell does not die. Also the earths oxygen is half then as well as atmosphere pressure. There is also a lowering of orgone or life force from the earth. Then there is food that has absorbed more minerals and etc do to a mist that came from the earth on the leaves and a select ultra sound to its roots from long dead animals. However cases like this one raise lots of other questions.
People who think like this woman would come out with that comment, I'm sure.

Yeah, just think of our CONSTITUIONAL RIGHTS our governments are violating with their black-magic voodoo rainbow-farting energy sources!
Don't fret people, we here at Evil Robotic Overlords Renewable Energy Consortium are working hard on a patch for this little glitch in the Matrix... please resume your limited, but useful (4 us) lives.
WildSoul said:
People who think like this woman would come out with that comment, I'm sure.

If you excuse me I need to roll on the floor laughing now. Ahem.
Hmm... come to think of it...

Why ARE there so many songs about rainbows? It's a bit suspicious. Do they form a coded message?


It is interesting to see how far can they study her.

So basically this girl different body part aging at different rate? (bone is older than the rest of the body while the brain is still a baby mode) so maybe the whole aging is control by the brain eh? if the brain don't "age" then the body won't either.... (I'm pure guessing here since this is a rare phenomenon)
WildSoul said:
fade said:
I really, really, really hope some of the comments are jokes. Like the top one:
You may note in the bible people once lived to be just under 1,000 years. The change came to be at Noah's flood. The first change has to do the earth's EMF. When the Hertz is corrected when a cell divides nine times the first cell does not die. Also the earths oxygen is half then as well as atmosphere pressure. There is also a lowering of orgone or life force from the earth. Then there is food that has absorbed more minerals and etc do to a mist that came from the earth on the leaves and a select ultra sound to its roots from long dead animals. However cases like this one raise lots of other questions.
People who think like this woman would come out with that comment, I'm sure.
And here I thought I had nothing to write about today.
Chibibar said:
It is interesting to see how far can they study her.

So basically this girl different body part aging at different rate? (bone is older than the rest of the body while the brain is still a baby mode) so maybe the whole aging is control by the brain eh? if the brain don't "age" then the body won't either.... (I'm pure guessing here since this is a rare phenomenon)
Ban: upheld.
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