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New show idea: Drop the cast of Jersey Shore in the Canadian wilderness and set Mantracker after them. Only this time his objective is to flay them and use their hideously orange flesh to make carrot puppets.
New show idea: Drop the cast of Jersey Shore in the Canadian wilderness and set Mantracker after them. Only this time his objective is to flay them and use their hideously orange flesh to make carrot puppets.
This is the best plot idea for Predator 3 that I've heard in years.

Kitty Sinatra

Basically, two completely unprepared people get dropped into a section of the forest with a compass and a map
That's just not true. They are allowed to bring whatever they want. Also, some of the contestants know the area, and there's been at least one army guy specially trained in evasion (he and an army medic had a pretty damn easy time winning as I recall)

I bring this up because I think the game would be far less interesting if the contestants were unprepared.
My mistake. Many of the contestants (perhaps the majority, even) have been quite out of their element, though.
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