26 year old guy having sex and in love with 72 year old woman.

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So her parents make her give up her baby because she got pregnant at 18 and wasn't married, clearly the way to rebel is to have a surrogate child with your grandson. *gag*
What do they say.. Spice is nice, but incest is best?

But going back to Dave me and my wife have used that before, I think it's eh, but she likes it. We don't use it very often though


Staff member
Oh, God... oh God..... bleh. When I saw the title, I just thought, "hey, Harold and Maude take II" but then I thought :shocked:.


you know. this might not be as "oogy" if they weren't related. I was wondering tho. Is there a spiritual or chemical connection? I love my sister. She is a great sister, but I don't think I can "get with" my sister on that level, but then I thought what if we were separated my parents are dead and never mention I had a sister and I met her. I may have feelings for her but not knowing my sister it could get "oogy" I know that sounds kinda icky. sometimes I feel there is a bond between family member. I will always love my family so I wonder if there is a spiritual or chemical connection.

Any thoughts?


Staff member
Yeah, Chibi, the age thing alone (while I might never take part in that kind of relationship) doesn't really disgust me.

This isn't the first time I've heard of family members who never knew each other falling in love or just feeling an instant connection. I'm not sure how to explain it... maybe people feel a strange connection and mistake it for something else. I don't know, though. I couldn't imagine having feelings like that for someone that I knew I was related to. If I read the article right, he knew they were related from the start... right?


WOW.. umm.. I don't think either of their IQ's is too high... then again, that's genetic too, so.. O_O
Freud's work is great for it's early contributions, but many of his theories are widely believed to be a result of his personal dysfunction.
The kid (the baby, not the boy who is shagging the geriatric) probably won't even remember her 'mother' once (s)he has grown up. That's just plain cruel, really.
Don't have kids, you might die?![STRIKE] I think the chance of webbed feet is a worse possibility...[/STRIKE]
never mind, i missed the part about a donor egg.


The kid (the baby, not the boy who is shagging the geriatric) probably won't even remember her 'mother' once (s)he has grown up. That's just plain cruel, really.
Don't have kids, you might die?![STRIKE] I think the chance of webbed feet is a worse possibility...[/STRIKE]
never mind, i missed the part about a donor egg.[/QUOTE]

with a surrogate mother, the child will have biological mother and father (still alive when graduate from college) little chance of defect (normal level for anyone else since they are not producing a child via incest)

now paternal level the child paternal mother (the grandmother) will may or may not survive but also probably may "mess up" the kid's mind since I am hella confuse with all the weird understanding of who is who. It is pretty tough pill to swallow (for most of us) that the age difference is like 50 years, but if a child's father is also his grandfather/father and his brother (the child from the father) is his uncle/brother that is pretty mess up.
Freud's work is great for it's early contributions, but many of his theories are widely believed to be a result of his personal dysfunction.
You're just saying that because you don't want to admit you want to kill your father and do your mother...
Freud's work is great for it's early contributions, but many of his theories are widely believed to be a result of his personal dysfunction.
You're just saying that because you don't want to admit you want to kill your father and do your mother...[/QUOTE]

isn't that Oedipus complex? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oedipus[/QUOTE]

My friend's nephew is in a pop band. They lost their lead singer, and they are thinking of changing their name. My friend and I are suggesting Oedipus and the Mama's Boys...


Freud's work is great for it's early contributions, but many of his theories are widely believed to be a result of his personal dysfunction.
You're just saying that because you don't want to admit you want to kill your father and do your mother...[/QUOTE]

isn't that Oedipus complex? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oedipus[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's what Freud called it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oedipus_complex[/QUOTE]

I'll have to ask Mind this but I'm pretty sure most of Freud's conclusions are dead wrong about everything.


Staff member
That's what I've heard, though I've also heard it's good as baby steps into the actual stuff. All's I's knows is that there are plenty of Freudian readings of literature. But, uh, that'll happen with a bunch of psychologists / philosophers / whatever.


That's what I've heard, though I've also heard it's good as baby steps into the actual stuff. All's I's knows is that there are plenty of Freudian readings of literature. But, uh, that'll happen with a bunch of psychologists / philosophers / whatever.
There's a whole slew of Darwinian philosphy as well, but any scientist today will tell you that his model of evolution is ancient and completely irrelevant to the modern theory of evolution (which is why I get sent all a titter when a creationist mentions Origin of the Species in an argument with me).
I sometimes feel sad for Freud. He's the brunt of every joke of anybody who wants to sound half intellectual. As a general rule, I like him.

Granted, I haven't read a whole lot of his more important stuff, and the stuff I've read was more of his Philosophy than his work in Psychology, but still. If you want to get in an uncomfortable social situation, refer to something that Freud said/wrote positively and watch the rest of your company race for the 'but he said I wanted to fuck my mother' line.
I sometimes feel sad for Freud. He's the brunt of every joke of anybody who wants to sound half intellectual. As a general rule, I like him.

Granted, I haven't read a whole lot of his more important stuff, and the stuff I've read was more of his Philosophy than his work in Psychology, but still. If you want to get in an uncomfortable social situation, refer to something that Freud said/wrote positively and watch the rest of your company race for the 'but he said I wanted to fuck my mother' line.
See, if they really wanted to sound smart they'd refer to his daughter using his theories to raise some other chicks kids into blowing out their brains when they grew up...
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