5yrs, The End of An Era.... (No, Not A GF Thread)

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It's honestly a decision to change my gaming life focus. WoW and MMOs in general have just stolen TOO much of my other gaming time.

I have an Xbox360, a Wii, a PS2, a PSP and a DS that are FULL of great RPGs and action games I haven't even touched. A shelf full of them as a matter of fact that have been given to me as presents over the years and I never gave them more than an hour or so of time because I'd always think I was wasting time I could be on WoW.

This goes for alot of Novels I want to read, TV series I'd like to watch, and more time to hone my cooking skills as my trip to Culinary School is just a year away.
My brother is actually going to take over the account with his credit card (he's currently paying for 3, His two-box and his GFs) so that he can have more classes to screw around with. Between us the only class that we didn't have at lvl 80 and well geared was a druid.

First game I went out and bought?

I want to buy Dragon's Age but I don't have the $80 it would take to get the CE game and CE guide. I got Jeanne D'Arc for $10 :D
5 years already huh? I think I stopped playing 2 years ago or so myself. You couldn't have picked a better time, lot's of awesome games coming out soon or are hitting the shelves right about now to stop you from lapsing back into MMO grindness.
5 years already huh? I think I stopped playing 2 years ago or so myself. You couldn't have picked a better time, lot's of awesome games coming out soon or are hitting the shelves right about now to stop you from lapsing back into MMO grindness.
Let me put it this way:

I have Xenosaga sitting on my shelf, with 3hrs played. That's how far back I am.

Last Persona game I played was on the PS1. I've only played KH 1, 2 and Chains. FFXII is still waiting for me. I could go on and on.

I'm also going to go pick up the first Warhammer 40k omnibus and the first Wheel of Time novel.

I think this is a healthy life choice
On the whole, I think my total gaming per day is going to drop about 2hrs tops. Then again it was around 6-8 before....


Wow Shego! woo!

I gotta finish my Xenosage (finish 1, started on 2 but only 1 hour in :( )
I played FF12 back in January when I got offa the WoWz.

I think you might be a little disappointed...
Disappointed or not, it's my duty as a FF player to get through it.

The only one I'll never play "through" is FFXI as there really isn't a way to do that.


I was a guild leader in UO and I learned my lesson fast and hard on that subject. I foolishly took up an officer mantle at one point in WoW: That lasted a whole month.

Just interesting to see how much more I get done in my day without WoW. Granted it's killing me to know that I won't take part in the slaying of Arthas or see the Cataclysm, but honestly that one bit of "story" for the weeks upon weeks of repeating the same dungeons, same bosses and same "daily quests" is just not worth it.
Congrats on finally breaking free. My thoughts on your gaming pile...

Xenosaga series: Each game gets better, but each game plays radically different than the last. I think the story is worth it, but you can tell they rushed things a bit with three... it was supposed to be a six game series covering chapters 1 and 2 of the "Xeno" story. Due to poor sales, we'll probably never know the whole story (unless Square-Enix remakes Xenogears), but at least Part 3 has some cool straight up allusions to Xenogears.

Final Fantasy 12: I never really understood the hate for this one... yeah, it's not turn-based. The gambit system makes it unduly hard in the beginning of the game and way to fucking easy at the end. It's still a better story than most of the recent games.

Persona: Wait for the PSP remake of Persona 3 (assuming it includes "The Answer" post-game. If not, get Persona 3 FES). Persona 4 doesn't look like it's getting an updated game.
P3P doesn't include The Answer, but it does include FMC (Female Main Character) and new S. Links for her game. I just finished The Answer and I thought it was excellent.

I really like FF12, I'm just between a couple of really big hunts and trying to collect Tournesol. Basically I need one more Soul of Empyra from the Henne Mines Secret Dig, and I keep getting slaughtered in there. So I stopped playing two years ago.

FF12 plays sort of like an MMO and you can set your party up for various roles.

I could never get into XenoSaga.
FFXII does play like an MMO, and that's what turned me off.... then. I would play it and think I could spend this xp grinding on side-questing on WoW. Now that it's not an issue....


As one leaves, another enters.

I get a text today.. goes something like this...

Friend: Hey. WoW 5 year anniversary. Go get your pet!
Me: I know, but I can't. Account's frozen.
Friend: Frozen?
Me: Yep, since March. Remember?
Friend: Well, give me your account info.
Me: Why?
Friend: I know how you are about your non-combat pets. And I've been wanting to play a warrior without leveling one.
Me: Fucker, you're going to get me addicted again.

Long story short.. he reactivates my account.. and I'm now updating addons.. Sigh.. Free since like Feb of this year..
I just quit the other day too. Though technically quit a month ago, canceled my subscription the other day. Found no point in paying the monthly fee to something I'm never in the mood to play.
I just quit the other day too. Though technically quit a month ago, canceled my subscription the other day. Found no point in paying the monthly fee to something I'm never in the mood to play.
At the risk of telling a bad joke, I think you just defined marriage :)
I played a few games on a professional level with a team from San Antonio a few years back. I placed in a few State tournaments at MvC2, CvS2 and Tekken Tag Tournament. I went to California quite a few years back for a multi-game Nationals and placed in TTT and CvS2 (my MvC2 rank wasn't superb as I refused to play Cable/Sentinel/Storm) though my shining moment was placing first in a small Samurai Showdown 4 tournament in S.Cal (SS4 never had a large enough following to justify larger tournaments).

Sadly, I've been out of the fighting game loop now for about 6-7yrs.

I've gotten so proficient at them that no one wants to face me anymore. :(
Online play is fun sometimes, but too many people use the same pattern. Once in awhile you get someone who can match your "groove". How I long for those days again.
Games you've never started/finished? I know that noise.
Heck, I have FFVII (for PC!) within my reach right now, and I've never even once finished it. And that's just one of the many on my shelves.



I got sucked into it after watching the Cataclysm crap on Blizzards site, and a month later quit. The game is still so damn boring once you level. It's the same old shit. My guild has like two people on at one time. There's always drama over raiding. Trade channel drops my IQ about 20 points. You can't buy anything anymore because the AH is so inflated. I want to PvP in the battlegrounds but my gear is so shitty that I can't even compete. In fact, all I ever want to do is PvP in battlegrounds so I figured TF2 lets me do that without wasting my life finding gear.

MMO's are video games for people who suck at video games.
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