5yrs, The End of An Era.... (No, Not A GF Thread)

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I got sucked into it after watching the Cataclysm crap on Blizzards site, and a month later quit. The game is still so damn boring once you level. It's the same old shit. My guild has like two people on at one time. There's always drama over raiding. Trade channel drops my IQ about 20 points. You can't buy anything anymore because the AH is so inflated. I want to PvP in the battlegrounds but my gear is so shitty that I can't even compete. In fact, all I ever want to do is PvP in battlegrounds so I figured TF2 lets me do that without wasting my life finding gear.

MMO's are video games for people who suck at video games.
That is my take on PvP. TF2 is popular cause regardless of gear (same for all class) it is skill that let you win/lose the game. How well you know your map, your opponent and well... your character.

In WoW, you have to know above AND get better gear or you wouldn't stand a chance. This is probably one of the hardest thing in any MMO to have PvE and PvP in the same game. WoW is doing well to have both "pretty balance" but yea.. I can't stand the drama and such either.

but... the New Final Fantasy MMORPG might suck me in cause I'm a sucker for crafting. I love to craft in-game.
Hey I think it's cool that you quit Shego, always play the games when you enjoy them, otherwise whats the point? If you need to move on, you need to move on.

I do think it is a bit odd to hear people acting like they "have" to play though when you are subscribed, it's just a game, you enjoy it or you don't enjoy it. I take time off often to go play other games, like Dragon Age, Overlord 2, Borderlands, League of Legends, New Super Mario Wii, and a lot of DS games like Professor Layton. The whole time I never unsubscribe unless I know I will not play for a month straight, much like I don't get rid of my cable even though I only watch TV maybe once every two weeks.

I think it comes down to the fact you felt more obligated to play, and that is never a good thing. A game should never be an obligation, you need to be able to walk away when you just are not feeling it, whether WoW or anything else, it's cool you took the extra step. Do hope we sink our teeth into you again come Cataclysm though. :cool:
I had a new epiphany today that I think sealed the deal for me Scytherexx.

I was in the bathroom, waiting for the tub to fill with hot water, going over a few specials in the paper when I realized I still haven't finish my book yet. So I get it off the top shelf in the bathroom and start reading.

Suddenly I realize WHAT I'm reading: Arthas - The Lich King. I got very sullen for a moment. I sat there thinking "I can't read this anymore, it's just going to make me want to play WoW for the storyline" and just like that it hit me like a ton of bricks: I hate the "game" WoW and I love the story.

I've always "hated WoW" but would play because I NEEDED to gear up so that I could do the raids that would lead to the storyline. But why? 9/10 times all the bosses in an raid have NOTHING to add to the lore/storyline of the series. They're just there as fodder to cost you hours upon hours of "gerbil running" just so that I can get to the final boss, hear his speech, kill him and hear the rest of the story.

That's the only way to get the story right? Bullshit, that's what HD Youtube is for. I realized that I always felt like I was having the story held from me and I had to run in my little gerbil wheel for months before I could have it. Waiting between content patches, waiting till my guild would get a strat right for boss 3/10 in a raid, etc etc. All for what? I was never about the loot, I was never about my "role in the world" as noone in WoW is considered anything for their work. No, it was always so that I could hear the storyline and see where the world went. I just now realize, I don't have to run in that gerbil wheel for weeks/months to get it.

I won't be back, I enjoy games where I play as "someone who matters". I enjoy games where I kill a boss and there's a reason for it and storyline that supports it and storyline that progresses for it. As much as I love the WoW universe, I hate the vehicle the story is currently in and will be "reading the story" as it's released in another manner.
If that is how you felt then I have to say you are making the right choice. Like you, Chaz, and Amor have mentioned, the game is not that fun to you at this point. Now the term "fun" is very subjective, I still enjoy the game a lot even at the level cap with multiple characters, but even I know the day the game loses it's fun I will stop playing, that is how it is with all games, and I have no obligation to continue when the game is no longer fun to me.

I think even when that day comes, I will probably still be getting all the comics, novels, mangas, etc... I also love the story of WarCraft since I started following it back in WarCraft 1. That is going to probably stay with me long after I grow out of games, and I know I would be back for WarCraft 4 whenever it happens. ;)

And besides, even if you don't play you know I will always be around to argue storylines or talk about them, have to keep you up to date. :director:


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I had a lot of fun making up characters and role playing, but I'm just so terrible at PVP in that game. No one outside a small circle of friends wanted to play with me or group with me I was so bad.
See, I'm not big on RTS either so much, and I was definitely not a fan of the "Hero" style of Warcraft 3. Again, I played through the rounds mostly to see the storyline. *sigh*

None the less, I'm glad I did play these past 5 years, but I also regret throwing the time at it and missing out on alot of other games in the process.
I had a lot of fun making up characters and role playing, but I'm just so terrible at PVP in that game. No one outside a small circle of friends wanted to play with me or group with me I was so bad.
I used to fight a lot in BGs and Arenas in the Burning Crusade expansion, was pretty good too, but then WOTLK came out and my whole game shifted to dungeons and raids. I tried to PVP again recently and I felt like a wet piece of toilet paper. It's really all about just practicing it, but man is practicing it hard when you get so destroyed by arena junkies. :p

I want friggin RTS Warcraft back damn it!
It will be back someday, I still play WC3 now and then. Right now I am just ramped up for SC2, I played that little bit at BlizzCon and now I am salivating over it. I want to burn some ZERG!
Shego, you have just made me feel so much better for skipping this thing. I've never played WoW, but when I play a game, I have to finish it because I feel the need to know where the story goes. I tend to favor games with a strong story, to the point where I skip almost all arcade/puzzle/racing games these days due to lack of story. WoW would have sucked my life away for sure.
The problem with the story in WoW, was you got small chunks, litterally about maybe 1-2 Chapters worth in a book, every 3+ months. :(


Staff member
Sheg, I gotta say, I'm proud of you girldogg. You have SO much time to enrich yourself, and you want to enrich yourself, and that's fucking awesome! :)
Now, back to previous story. You were running a bath, waiting for the tub to fill. Leave nothing out. This is important to the healing process.
Apparently they are feeling the pinch of Shego leaving. I read this thread and opened my e-mail to find a "how about a free hit of crack" e-mail from blizzard...


I just leveled a priest to 80 in 6 days /played after selling my old account and quitting for a good 6 months.

I play the game without mindlessly running the same dungeon over and over to get a new piece of gear. The whole concept of acquiring gear to be able to acquire better gear in a month died in me near the end of Pre-BC.

Having played 5 years too, started on the 1st day of release, I learned a long time ago that if you aren't enjoying yourself, stop playing.

It's a game, not work, not life, not a relationship.
Just a game designed for entertainment.


Good for you! I've never really been able to "quit" MMOs since I first discovered them in high school with FFXI. Since then when I've quit one MMO I've simply bounced to the next. During that time I played Wow for about 2 years, and honestly once I got to endgame and began raiding I put way too much time into it. I'm sort of like you, except that instead of story being what I was striving for (Honestly I've never found Warcraft lore particularly interesting), it was simply the need to see and do everything the game had to offer. I HATED the fact that there was a dungeon or a raid out there that other people got to do and I didn't. I wanted to see first hand, to experience and conquer everything the game had to offer, and in order to do this you had to run through the gear treadmill, so I did.

Luckily though as soon as I got into the LOTRO closed beta I quit WoW. Being a tolkein nut and an mmo addict, I was looking forward to LOTRO for a long time and as soon as I played it for a bit I knew it would be my new virtual home. The game is a much better fit for me, since it is more casual than WoW in a lot of ways. Seeing and doing everything in LOTRO is much less of a time commitment than WoW. Some of the coolest and most story-filled moments of the game, the epic quests, take only 6 people to complete, and I've conquered every raid in the game and my main has basically the best gear he possibly could, yet I only raid about 3 days a week. On off nights I can dedicate my time to other things like crafting / lvling alts / pvping or you know just not playing. The need to play just isn't there like it was in Wow. Now I play because I want to. The pace of the game just suits me much better and doesn't rule my life.


I feel the MMOs without a focus on equipment are more likely to be a financial success, but those without (ex. City of Heros/Villains) have a smoother and more enjoyable experience, although they usually compensate by heavy leveling hurdles.


I feel the same way about CoX. I always had a blast creating my character but once I got into the actual game I wouldn't last very long before I'd quit in boredom.


I feel the MMOs without a focus on equipment are more likely to be a financial success, but those without (ex. City of Heros/Villains) have a smoother and more enjoyable experience, although they usually compensate by heavy leveling hurdles.
Forgot I was going to add, without the focus on equipment, there's no sense of direction and the playability of the game becomes zilch.

It's a doubled edged sword.

Perhaps SWTOR will increase playability without adding the horrors of loot grinding with story.
CoX has all kinds of stuff to do if you want additional challenges. There are dozens of badges (basically achievements) you can earn via replaying old missions in Ouroborus with handicaps, not to mention the hundreds of missions that players have made in the Mission Architect (You can earn badges there too.)

Honestly though... if your going to stick with CoX for any reason, it's for the community. It's not the hate consumed, knuckle dragging, whiny bitch filled one that WoW has.
I used to play WoW religiously back in the day, heavily involved in the "raid" scene. Our guild was in fact ranked 82nd in the world after we downed Kil'jaeden. A fact that was pretty impressive considering that would have put us us in the top 1000 players in the game out of 13 million or so subscribers.

However, the game was killing me. Trying to balance, work, my woman, a social life, other acivities was difficult. I left the game.

Since then, life has been pretty awesome. I lost slightly over 20 pounds and have been slowly working out to regain my toned body. I've caught up on most of my TV series and movies (at one point I had 700 gigs worth of shit that I downloaded and stored, now I only got 120 gigs to go). Been playing other games. The woman is happy and I enlarged my circle of friends.

Heck, I went from a lurker to these forums to an actual poster!

Good luck in your new freedom woman.


Staff member
I have to agree with Chazwozel and AME. I played WoW for 2 months. By the end of the second, I was playing maybe 10 minutes a night out of some obligation to use what I payed for. But it was just way too easy. I rarely found anything a challenge. Most RPGs, MMO or not, seem to be really easy. It's the linearity that kills it for me. You level, but so do the monsters. Leveling essentially amounts to changing the graphics associated with your grinding kill process. Also on WoW, CoX, and DDO, I get sick of the broadcast chatters who make it clear that there's only one good way to play/build your character. But really, they're so over-balanced, it almost doesn't matter. Even if it did, isn't that part of the fun?

That's the thing I really hated about the WoW community--the view of it as work. I got tired of hearing, "Oh the game gets really fun at 80!" Really? So what are the other 79 for? Obligation? Dues? That's stupid. Plus for millions of subscribers, PUGs seemed extremely rare. The only "MMO" part of it was the chat window.

I did like one thing about DDO: levels actually meant something. As in, level 1 wasn't a throw-away level. You actually had to live with it and complete missions.
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