A RISK thread. Risky buisness perhaps?

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I also figured that the (hopeful) series of Risk! games was worth an article on the Wiki. In addition, I added a post about our first game under "First Battle of New York." Perhaps at the end of the current game, someone (probably me) will put a page up for the "Second Battle of New York."

Please, I actually beg of you to edit both articles. Particularly about the first game, I probably only remarked on things that I thought were important, and for instance, didn't even mention the conflict surrounding the three airports. If you feel like I left something out, or could have written something a bit differently, go ahead and fix it.

And if anyone is any good at formatting Wikis, it might be neat to put a table at the right like they do on Wikipedia, listing belligerents, dates, etc ...
It all depends on the players. The only reason our first game went that long was because one of the players had computer trouble, and the game made us wait 7 days for us to boot him so we could continue the game.

This one is looking like it'll be long as well. One player has moved cities (IRL) during the game holding it up for a few days, and I suspect that Shannow's spam filter is discarding the "Your Turn" notifications.

All in all, it's been a blast for me, though.


Yeah, starting up a job in Carson City put a dent in my global domination time.
It's more out of tradition than anything.
You just couldn't bear to see New Jersy and I happy together, could you?! :'(

I wouldn't mind trying another map. I would consider Warlight, but does it have interesting maps? The globe gets boring after a while. And what does it mean when someone said that turns are simultaneous?

On Warfish I saw a few cool maps. Like Texas, and there were some other states as well.


warlgiht also has a better way of calculating if you win or lose when you attack than warfish, I think
Jeeze, I think this game might be over soon (turn wise).

I hope shannow does take his next turn or surrender. I really don't want to have to wait a week to boot him out.


I invited everyone to a warlight game.. Lets see what people think of it!


posted in the game chat, its just under the Create Game options
Magical. Not a huge selection, but there are some interesting ones there. I'd love to play a game on one of the state maps. Like Texas, or Washington State.
Iceland = The New Australia?

I'm half tempted to try designing my own map, if it doesn't look too difficult ...

The coolest thing about the first game, and the ongoing warfish game is the locale, in my opinion.


Really? I've nver been in a europe game where the iceland starter wins.. Its spread between spain/russia/turkey usually for me
Someone owes me the last five hours of my life back.

On a completely unrelated note, I really like the Texas map. Also, putting together a .gif history after the fact looks like it would be really easy.


If anyone wants to play practice 1v1 on warlight, Im basically playing it all the time. It is pretty addictive..

Nope, never even come close to beating challenge two. One guy can apparently do it in like 24 turns though. Basically I think it just comes down to number crunching, so I dont bother.


If anyone wants to play practice 1v1 on warlight, Im basically playing it all the time. It is pretty addictive..

Nope, never even come close to beating challenge two. One guy can apparently do it in like 24 turns though. Basically I think it just comes down to number crunching, so I dont bother.
Sure, I could go for a 1v1 practice.
I'm afraid that by playing the computer as much as I am, I'm luring myself into some sort of confidence in my Risk playing ... even though I know that human players will not be nearly as predictable.


Yeah.. The AI to a certain point is really predictable, and I found after playing it intensely, Id get into a human game and just do stupid things, because I knew they would throw an AI off but a human player just kinda frowns at you and thinks youre a horrible player.

and whoo, 1on1.
Well, as has been my trouble time and time again, humans just do unpredictable things. Like last game when Soliloquy decided that he was going to take me down with him when he was crumbling.

Or like when I just met someone in the Warlight test game. If they were an AI, I wouldn't be worried. There are other places for them to expand, so there is no reason for us to clash yet. But humans ... like I said ... much more difficult to predict.


I got a friend who we can play with for 6 people for a team game
maybe the europe map?
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