A salute to my testicles (vasectomy ahoy!)

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you get the no scalpel kind?

My vasectomy wasn't exactly painless, since I'm all but immune to anesthesia.

But it really wasn't that painful, honestly.
No, it was the traditional kind. They just went in with a local and the needle prick in my "area" was the only thing I felt. No pain, since, either. I'm starting to wonder if he actually did anything. There's not even any discomfort, really. I looked, and I could barely see the stitches. This guy gets my recommendation. The whole thing took about 10 minutes max. The only remotely disturbing part was the smell of my own burning flesh when they cauterized. They made me take valium ahead of time, but I don't think it kicked in until afterward, because I slept all day yesterday. Seriously...I woke up with my laptop on my chest, still on this page right after I hit Submit Reply.
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