Addiction and you

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They took it all out, that's why they use High Fructose Corn Syrup now, cause the addiction was wearing off.

Tin, Odin, Bowie... damn... well done. That sounds frighteningly difficult. I'd glad you both pulled through. :)
Which of the 3 of us do you secretly hate, then? :D

on a less smart-assed note, I'm truly sorry to hear about your godparents. Without going into a ton of detail, I can really empathize with your situation there.


Staff member
ALL, damnit, all! :p But sincerely, I'm glad you all seem to be well.

And thank you. :) I can actually think of them now without getting freaked out about how mental illness and addiction run kind of deep on that side of my family.
I don't think I'm addicted to pot, but I might be.

I don't smoke everyday, or spend a whole lot of money on it.
Maybe 60$ every 2-3 weeks.

I'll smoke a bowl or two every 2-3 days, but nothing serious. I have been noticing that I've been getting addicted to not going to class though. I've skipped a class for two and a half weeks straight. Still making A's, and not skipping to smoke pot.
I know a girl who is a raging alcoholic and is truely addicted to pot, and she managed to get her doctorate with a 4.0 GPA.

Addiction and poor job/school performance are not always tied.

MJ has not been shown to really be physically addictive, but it is psychologically addictive. If you're really worried you may be, go a month without it. If you can't... congratulations, you're an addict!
I don't think I have ever been addicted to anything. The only things I can thing of that may count as an addiction is playing games, and having a room/place I can go where it is quiet and I can just shut the door and have peace.

Wasabi Poptart

Cola. Of any sorts.

Me and a friend once did a noda to soda month as we called it because we both recognized that we were putting back cola at an insane pace, between 6-12 cans a day. I don't know what actual withdrawals are like, but that month was one of the worst of my entire life. Food tasted like shit without washing it back with an ice cold coke so I pretty much stopped eating. I was misreable, had massive headaches, was so irritable no one wanted to be around me.

I'm better now then I was then, but I still drink far too much fizzy shit.
Sounds like caffeine withdrawal. I would get a headache starting 2 days after I quit drinking coffee and it would last for days. Breakfast was meh, so I wouldn't eat anything. Then I'd just start drinking soda and my headache was gone. I used to smoke cigarettes and I swear I never went through anything like this when I quit smoking. I just threw the pack in the trash and gave it up. The closest I've come to replicating withdrawals I've had from caffeine is when I was put on oral steroids for my eczema. My head hurt so bad I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry.


I don't think I'm addicted to pot, but I might be.

I don't smoke everyday, or spend a whole lot of money on it.
Maybe 60$ every 2-3 weeks.

I'll smoke a bowl or two every 2-3 days, but nothing serious. I have been noticing that I've been getting addicted to not going to class though. I've skipped a class for two and a half weeks straight. Still making A's, and not skipping to smoke pot.
I spend about exactly the same, but currently on a one month break.
Feeling no addiction withdrawls.
Cola. Of any sorts.

Me and a friend once did a noda to soda month as we called it because we both recognized that we were putting back cola at an insane pace, between 6-12 cans a day. I don't know what actual withdrawals are like, but that month was one of the worst of my entire life. Food tasted like shit without washing it back with an ice cold coke so I pretty much stopped eating. I was misreable, had massive headaches, was so irritable no one wanted to be around me.

I'm better now then I was then, but I still drink far too much fizzy shit.
Sounds like caffeine withdrawal. I would get a headache starting 2 days after I quit drinking coffee and it would last for days. Breakfast was meh, so I wouldn't eat anything. Then I'd just start drinking soda and my headache was gone. I used to smoke cigarettes and I swear I never went through anything like this when I quit smoking. I just threw the pack in the trash and gave it up. The closest I've come to replicating withdrawals I've had from caffeine is when I was put on oral steroids for my eczema. My head hurt so bad I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry.[/QUOTE]

I think it was that magical combination of caffeine and sugar. Nothing gives me a euphoric rush like an ice cold cola. True story. I'm still bitterly addicted.
Sleep and, to an extent, Magic.

Left to my own devices, my sleep schedule will shift forward until I'm going to bed at five in the morning and waking up at two or three. I'm almost always on autopilot, so I'll wake up, shut my alarm off, and just fall back asleep. This quarter SUCKS because of that (have to wake up at 7 AM for a biochemistry class...NOT a morning person).

As for Magic, I think I'm going to just give up playing. I'll get into it once every couple years, spend a lot of money on it for a couple weeks, try to come up with new decks, think almost constantly about it...and then stop playing a couple weeks later. I can do lots better things with my time.


Sleep and, to an extent, Magic.

Left to my own devices, my sleep schedule will shift forward until I'm going to bed at five in the morning and waking up at two or three. I'm almost always on autopilot, so I'll wake up, shut my alarm off, and just fall back asleep. This quarter SUCKS because of that (have to wake up at 7 AM for a biochemistry class...NOT a morning person).
Heh, I'm the same way, went to sleep at 3 pm yesterday and woke up at half past midnight.
Regular 7:30-11:30 school mon-fri


I'm addicted to not having addictions. That, along with all the other evidence, makes me better than everyone. :D

Seriously, I'm glad sleep was brought up because it has to be that. 10 hours minimum necessary. If I gotta be up early, I just go to bed early because I have to have that lingering period where I wake up but fall back asleep and just lounge there in bed.

But then, being addicted to sleep is possibly a good thing as I have an anti-addiction to caffeine. Yes, you heard me right. I can't stand caffeinated products, with some pop exceptions. But I'm not a regular caffeine drinker at all. The few times I've had Mountain Dew, it's just put me to sleep. Also coffee tastes like pure ass. Pure ass!
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