Administer CPR, STAT!

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so wait, you want more new topics by people who you don't see posting much, and fewer topics by more active posters?

Is there a punchline in there?


Staff member
Well, like I said in the very first post, it's not just about numbers of posts.
Fade, I love you, but you're really talented at finding things to bitch about, especially when it comes to the forum. If you think it's stagnant, either try to help by starting up threads and so forth, or leave for a while and come back. Both may help.

Really? I don't know why. In real life and here, it seems like I have a habit of off-handedly saying something and having everyone take it as a 'bitch' or a major complaint. I mean, good grief, it was my impression. It really doesn't stand rationalization. You guys can throw numbers at me all day, but it ain't going to change an impression. It was never meant as some condemnation or whatever. It was just a remark.


Gah! I didn't get the page until just now! I hope I'm not too late!!

/starts a large bore IV
administers epinepherine 1 mg bolus
continues CPR
administers Atropine 1 mg
/looks at the EKG and cusses
/pulls out the defibrillator
/administers lidocaine 1.5 mg/kg (how much do you guys think this forum weighs??)

/...feels a pulse

Whew! That was close!


Staff member
It's a little quiet during my day hours (which, I suppose, are the time when you lot are asleep or doing whatever you do at the wee hours of the night).

We need more European posters :D

Cuyval Dar

Dave;255449 said:
New blood's acoming from what I understand. How IS the comic forum hunt coming along?
I've been waiting for Tom to pull the trigger so that I can use him as an example and can say, "Look at this guy! He has a web site with an average of about 5k unique users every day. He tried to run a forum but was hit with spam and technical issues, along with the fact that moderation was a pain in the butt. Then he partnered with Halforums and now all he has to do is sit back and relax while we do all the work while his users discuss his strip."

Once Tom pulls the trigger I'm going to be pimping hard with the list Cuyval Dar made.

Man, I don't think he actually wants to at this point. Seems like every time we tried to get him to come over, back when Halforum was new he just flat out didn't want to. Even now with the new look and everything he's had a few weeks to "pull the trigger" and still hasn't.

I don't even know what he has to do other then put in his blogpost "Btw go to for the TH forum."

You may want to just start laying groundwork with other sites in the event tom just never comes over.
Actually I think there are a few things that are stopping him, not the least is his unemployed status. I think we're just not high on his priority list.[/quote]

Man, I don't think he actually wants to at this point. Seems like every time we tried to get him to come over, back when Halforum was new he just flat out didn't want to. Even now with the new look and everything he's had a few weeks to \"pull the trigger\" and still hasn't.
I completely agree with this.
Glad that my speed reading of the Webcomics list wasn't for nothing.
And like I said previously in the Theater Hopper sub-forum, how difficult is it for him to change the 'Thorum' link to 'Halforums'? Until I see proof otherwise, I don't think he was serious about it in the first place.

Which leads me to my final point:
It's a little quiet during my day hours (which, I suppose, are the time when you lot are asleep or doing whatever you do at the wee hours of the night).

We need more European posters :D

Or more people in other parts of the world with insomnia.

---------- Post added at 07:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:50 AM ----------

Fade: Numbers don't mean shit to my irrationality! :slywink:
That explains your postcount. :)

Funny thing: On the frontpage of halforums, you're always the top poster. Who hast more posts than the total posts of the forum. Or of any forum in this world combined. (Well, maybe not, but close...)



I guess I fail to understand the point of a thread like this. If you think the forum is dying or slow, then do something about it, get other people on or post more, create something worthwhile to draw people in. If you don't think its dying then jolly good for you.

The pointless bitching doesn't get anything done.


Staff member
I guess I fail to understand the point of a thread like this. If you think the forum is dying or slow, then do something about it, get other people on or post more, create something worthwhile to draw people in. If you don't think its dying then jolly good for you.

The pointless bitching doesn't get anything done.
There's that thing again. What's the point of any thread here other than conversation? I don't get posts like THIS. We're all just talking here.

Also, as I said before, I think you and ZenMonkey are way over interpreting my emotional investment in the original sentiment. In my head, it wasn't even in the same ballpark as bitching.


Well, I guess what I am wondering is this. If you were just bored and needed something to do, then fine whatever.

But if you meant it as a call to arms or trying to draw notice to a problem you were seeing then I am wondering why you are not doing something to better the situation.


Staff member
I was going to download a mod that automatically made tags based on the Subject line text, but this thread and the kanye West thread has changed my mind about that.


Staff member
Well, to be fair, he DID make a thread, and people ARE posting in it...
Yeah, but he didn't want just posts, he wanted new threads.[/QUOTE]

By different people. Which they were doing, constantly and consistantly....[/QUOTE]

Apparently we differ in opinion on what constitutes a significant number. I'm using the new posts thing now and I'm still seeing mostly the same threads and mostly the same names.

We have different perceptions on things. We've established that. Groovy.
Apparently we differ in opinion on what constitutes a significant number. I'm using the new posts thing now and I'm still seeing mostly the same threads and mostly the same names.

We have different perceptions on things. We've established that. Groovy.
We also established earlier, than your opinion is based on irrationality. So there's that. Yeah.
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