Administer CPR, STAT!

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Staff member
Well, to be fair, he DID make a thread, and people ARE posting in it...
Yeah, but he didn't want just posts, he wanted new threads.[/quote]

By different people. Which they were doing, constantly and consistantly....[/quote]

Apparently we differ in opinion on what constitutes a significant number. I'm using the new posts thing now and I'm still seeing mostly the same threads and mostly the same names.

We have different perceptions on things. We've established that. Groovy.[/QUOTE]

I think it is less a problem of people not posting and more of a problem with certain people being unbelievable assholes. Seriously, complete and total assholes. Because of the assholism, a few of us have just moved on, including myself and my brother, who was pretty badly treated every single time he posted here. So, I guess the only people still actively posting are complete assholes who enjoy other assholes being assholes. Not mentioning any names (umm, everyone?) but it is basically true. I barely bother to check in here anymore, I never engage in any serious debate anymore and I sincerely believe the assholishness hurts the quality, if not quantity, of posters.

But most of you seem pretty happy to keep going the way you are.


Staff member
I think it is less a problem of people not posting and more of a problem with certain people being unbelievable assholes. Seriously, complete and total assholes. Because of the assholism, a few of us have just moved on, including myself and my brother, who was pretty badly treated every single time he posted here. So, I guess the only people still actively posting are complete assholes who enjoy other assholes being assholes. Not mentioning any names (umm, everyone?) but it is basically true. I barely bother to check in here anymore, I never engage in any serious debate anymore and I sincerely believe the assholishness hurts the quality, if not quantity, of posters.

But most of you seem pretty happy to keep going the way you are.

Well, wow. This should be interesting.

And out of curiousity, who was your brother?


I think it is less a problem of people not posting and more of a problem with certain people being unbelievable assholes. Seriously, complete and total assholes. Because of the assholism, a few of us have just moved on, including myself and my brother, who was pretty badly treated every single time he posted here. So, I guess the only people still actively posting are complete assholes who enjoy other assholes being assholes. Not mentioning any names (umm, everyone?) but it is basically true. I barely bother to check in here anymore, I never engage in any serious debate anymore and I sincerely believe the assholishness hurts the quality, if not quantity, of posters.

But most of you seem pretty happy to keep going the way you are.

Wasabi Poptart

I think it is less a problem of people not posting and more of a problem with certain people being unbelievable assholes. Seriously, complete and total assholes. Because of the assholism, a few of us have just moved on, including myself and my brother, who was pretty badly treated every single time he posted here. So, I guess the only people still actively posting are complete assholes who enjoy other assholes being assholes. Not mentioning any names (umm, everyone?) but it is basically true. I barely bother to check in here anymore, I never engage in any serious debate anymore and I sincerely believe the assholishness hurts the quality, if not quantity, of posters.

But most of you seem pretty happy to keep going the way you are.


Do you know which comics we should try to be a forum for?

PvP and Starslip.
I think it is less a problem of people not posting and more of a problem with certain people being unbelievable assholes. Seriously, complete and total assholes. Because of the assholism, a few of us have just moved on, including myself and my brother, who was pretty badly treated every single time he posted here. So, I guess the only people still actively posting are complete assholes who enjoy other assholes being assholes. Not mentioning any names (umm, everyone?) but it is basically true. I barely bother to check in here anymore, I never engage in any serious debate anymore and I sincerely believe the assholishness hurts the quality, if not quantity, of posters.

But most of you seem pretty happy to keep going the way you are.
I wish there were an less assholish way to say this; grow a fucking spine. People aren't going to roll over for you and pamper your ass, and if you're going to accuse people of being pricks, then at least have the courage to confront them instead of this passive-aggressive approach of saying "everyone".

Got a problem with someone? Try to work something out with them, and if all else fails then there's always the ignore function.

By the way, this forum is fucking upstanding compared to many of them I've visited. Dave actually cares about maintaining this place, many users are eloquent and informed about their opinions, and it's generally a fun place to joke around.
I think it is less a problem of people not posting and more of a problem with certain people being unbelievable assholes. Seriously, complete and total assholes. Because of the assholism, a few of us have just moved on, including myself and my brother, who was pretty badly treated every single time he posted here. So, I guess the only people still actively posting are complete assholes who enjoy other assholes being assholes. Not mentioning any names (umm, everyone?) but it is basically true. I barely bother to check in here anymore, I never engage in any serious debate anymore and I sincerely believe the assholishness hurts the quality, if not quantity, of posters.

But most of you seem pretty happy to keep going the way you are.

I think it is less a problem of people not posting and more of a problem with certain people being unbelievable assholes. Seriously, complete and total assholes. Because of


Well, I gotta be honest, you guys can kind of be assholes.

Just sayin'
Many people can be assholes. But having the brother of one of the biggest assholes to post on the forum come and say that he left cuz people were mean to him is... well, rather funny.


Many people can be assholes. But having the brother of one of the biggest assholes to post on the forum come and say that he left cuz people were mean to him is... well, rather funny.

See, I've been gone for a while, so I didn't get the context there.

(i left because you guys are such assholes ;) )

Kitty Sinatra

so who is whose brother?

I'd say we're all brothers but Gassy would have a commie-hating seizure. Plus there are girls here and girls can't be brothers. It's grammatically impossible.


Now, since I don't know what's been going on here lately, I can't say this with any authority, but Mr. Steve does bring up a point.

I remember, back in the Halfpixel days, we had a tendency to drive off newbies by mercilessly jumping on them when they broke some sort of forum taboo. And when people were called out on their assholishness, they would defend their "right to be assholes" to the poor newcomers.

Now, that problem may very well be dead and gone, but if that does still happen here from time to time, it's hardly the best way to make the forum grow.
Since the brother in question did his damndest to piss people off and be an asshole -- and took great pride in it -- I'm not overly concerned about MisterSteve's opinion on the matter.


Staff member
If Mistersteve's brother is who I think he is, I don't blame people for jumping down his throat.

I will say, I think most people here are above the "toughen up or die" mentality, no matter what they might say. Sure, there are some who are a little more harsh. And people shouldn't be babied; that's not what I believe at all. But it's intimidating to go someplace new, even if it's just a new online forum. I remember being a bit nervous, wondering if I'd be chased off like I was at the other place. But I found that people here are generally kind. There are passionate people here who won't be gentle when they argue, and again, I have no problem with that. But I've always found the atmosphere mostly friendly.

It was a little weird here at first, but I think we're getting back into our old groove.
Honestly? I think a lot of the people here have been on a "not really an asshole" streak.

I haven't noticed too many people really getting out of line that much. I think things like the flame war subforum help. Maybe we're all just trying to be better to give [STRIKE]newbies a false sense of security[/STRIKE] people a better image of us and help dave out.

whatever it is, I think things are better than they've been for a while.

I think it is less a problem of people not posting and more of a problem with certain people being unbelievable assholes. Seriously, complete and total assholes. Because of

I hadn't really been enjoying this meme too much.... until this. :rofl:-:thumbsup:
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