All your guns are belong in this thread.

I wonder if it was done more as a way to make it easier for the loudmouthed, fetishist gun owners to "shame" the more reserved ones.
"My Facebooks are full of pictures of my Mini-14 all swaddled up and in a crib, how come you don't have any baby pictures?"
"Well, you see, I believe guns are tools to be respe..."

ok, WTF am I looking at?
His oft mentioned and long-awaited suppressor, I assume
Yup. Banish 30 multi-caliber suppressor.
Reposting this here because.
Huh, Canada just blanket banned handguns. As of today handguns are frozen in place save for a select few exemptions.
The world will watch with great interest.

Reposting this here because.

The world will watch with great interest.

Not really, it's ridiculously difficult to legally own a handgun in Canada. This affects almost no one.


Staff member
God dammit, Texas. Stop being such an embarrassment.

Rising Star Superintendent resigns after leaving firearm unattended in bathroom for 3rd grader to find

"Last week, Superintendent Stuteville confirmed a 3rd grader found his gun in the bathroom at Rising Star Elementary School back in January and notified a teacher immediately without moving or touching the weapon.

"Stuteville walked KTAB and KRBC through the incident, explaining that both he and the school principal open carry on campus.

"When he was using the restroom, Stuteville says he took the gun off and placed it in a stall, where it was then left unattended for around 15 minutes until it was found by the student.

"Parents of students involved in the incident say that this student returned to the classroom and notified the teacher, who sent a 2nd student into the bathroom to confirm it was a real gun.

“ 'There was never a danger other than the obvious,' Stuteville claimed."


Staff member
"There was no danger other than the obvious" could literally be applied to any situation, regardless of danger level.

"I lit a match, there was no danger other than the obvious."

"Standing in the middle of the concert, I put the match to the fuse of the dynamite sewn into my vest. There was no danger other than the obvious."
No, you know what, at first I agreed, but then I thought about it, and it isn't always true.
If you're lighting the first to your bomb vest, there's the obvious danger, but perhaps in fact everyone will be dead from the toxic fumes released by the fuse before you even explode because you made it out of something ridiculously toxic, and nobody thought of that. Ok, bad example, whatever. There are cases where a danger presents itself other than the obvious one, and I don't necessarily mean something completely unrelated (while you're lighting the fuse the roof collapses) or SPANISH INQUISITION. Could be something noone could've known about beforehand.

Still, it's a useless and content-free statement.
it's a useless and content-free statement.
It’s useless because it attempts to reframe the relationship between the act and “danger” like those equations that try to prove that 1 is equal to 0 through a series of mathematical transformations that reach their conclusion through an illegal operation (dividing by zero) but which hope you just don’t notice that part.



Staff member
Alabama Representative Barry Moore has introduced a bill to make the AR-15 the "National Gun of America" (Newsweek article)


This is also the guy who co-sponsored the bill to end the Department of Education.
If America was to declare a "National Gun" it should be a Smith & Wesson. Then it would be for an American company, not just a general model or style of gun. And S&W was instrumental in American history, second only to Colt in terms of impact. I could see an argument for the ArmaLite AR-15, but I still think the legacy of S&W is much more important.