Zombies vs vampires: which are more played out?
In the grand scheme of things, I think Vampires are more played out, but in popular culture currently, it's Zombies, no question.
How do you keep a carved pumpkin from going bad/rotting too fast?
I honestly have no idea how to keep a pumpkin from going bad.

And it's been years since I carved one at all. I'm normally to preoccupied with other things to spend a night carving pumpkins.
If you had infinite hairdressers and couturiers and make up artists and anything else you need, what would your absolute ultimate super no holds barred Halloween costume look like?
Lordy I don't even know.

Elvira maybe? Or Jessica Rabbit. They're iconic and fun. And are costumes I would probably need help with - makeup, hair - to get them just right.
You like horror movies? If so, which ones do you like most?
I love horror movies! Though I'm like...a baby newbie when it comes to them. I barely started watching them two years ago, so I really haven't seen very many...
Like straight up classics, I really love Nightmare on Elm Street. But, I'm more into horror comedies for general enjoyment: Cabin in the Woods, Tucker and Dale vs. Evil, etc etc. I don't like 'torture-porn' or just gore fests, but I'm pretty open to most any horror movie.
What Simpson Halloween Special do you remember best/like most/etc?
LE GASP! I haven't seen any! I may have when I was younger, but I don't remember any of them. My mom was pretty against the Simpson's when I was growing up. Well, she's still probably against them to this day really. And since I don't have cable or anything, I don't keep up with the show unfortunately.
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