[Comics] Amazing Spider-Man comic ends, Marvel drinks SM fan tears. [Spoilers]

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It's the same reasoning ThatNickGuy refuses to watch Roman Polansky films, on account of Polansky being a pedophile and rapist.

Oh wait, he doesn't avoid Polansky films. By his logic then he supports pedophilia and rape.

I mean if we're going to derail a thread because we've got an axe to grind, ThatNickGuy, then we might as well go full bore.
So far as I know, I've never seen a Roman Polansky film. And similarly, I've actually avoided his films since finding out about his actions.[DOUBLEPOST=1356412799][/DOUBLEPOST]
Why not borrow them from a library or something and judge them on their own merits? You wouldn't be supporting someone whose views you disagree with, and you'd still get a chance to experience quality stories!
Because frankly speaking, I don't want to waste my time with his work if that's what his viewpoint is.
If you're only willing to read or watch things produced by people who agree with you, I have to imagine your collection is pretty tiny.
If you're only willing to read or watch things produced by people who agree with you, I have to imagine your collection is pretty tiny.
Not the same. This is someone who has openly admitted hatred for a certain part of the population, demonizing them. This isn't just a differing opinion. This is homophobia and gay bashing at its worst. Had I not known about his opinions before getting a chance to read his work, I would have. But now that I do, I won't.

Now, that's the last I'm saying on this. You can continue trolling to your heart's content because I won't read ONE particular author out of the scores of others out there. I've read a lot of great sci-fi in my lifetime and I really doubt my life will be greatly lacking by not reading one series or book. I'm walking away from this argument that I'm sorry that I bloody well started in the first place. I'm going to bed.
I'm just gonna say I read Enders game long before I knew about his homophobia and I never would've guessed that he was that way. He's never let that impact his writing.
So far as I know, I've never seen a Roman Polansky film. And similarly, I've actually avoided his films since finding out about his actions.[DOUBLEPOST=1356412799][/DOUBLEPOST]

Because frankly speaking, I don't want to waste my time with his work if that's what his viewpoint is.

I am sorry for poking at you about it, and respect your position.
Every once in awhile you get that one writer that just has fun with a character like that. I miss those kinds of comics that aren't just Deadpool.

Though apparently Brian Posehn wrote a few Deadpool issues that I've been meaning to read, as he's one of my favorite comedians.


Staff member
Is Black Cat is bouncing around? I can see SpOck and Black Cat getting along well enough.

Also, Avenging Spider-Man 15.1 is aight. I can sneakily send it to anyone who wants it.
Is Black Cat is bouncing around? I can see SpOck and Black Cat getting along well enough.

Also, Avenging Spider-Man 15.1 is aight. I can sneakily send it to anyone who wants it.
I think my favorite part of AvSM was that first page with SpOck gloating over the swap, and thinking to myself "our hero, ladies and gents." I have to admit after reading the whole comic, though, I'm thinking there's some great opportunity to make this Superior Spider-Man run pretty good.


Staff member
I think my favorite part of AvSM was that first page with SpOck gloating over the swap, and thinking to myself "our hero, ladies and gents." I have to admit after reading the whole comic, though, I'm thinking there's some great opportunity to make this Superior Spider-Man run pretty good.
I'm intrigued by this part:


Staff member
That's it... fuck the haters, I'm reading this.


Where do I need to start?
I'm putting together 698, 699, 699.1 and 700 (As long as the entire Miles run in the ultimate universe) together for The_Khan if you want in?[DOUBLEPOST=1356586194][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh and Avenging Spider-Man 15.1
I'm putting together 698, 699, 699.1 and 700 (As long as the entire Miles run in the ultimate universe) together for The_Khan if you want in?[DOUBLEPOST=1356586194][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh and Avenging Spider-Man 15.1
Wait, what am I getting in on? This isn't a suicide pact, is it? Because I was in one of those and let me tell you... it doesn't end well.
You know I like the idea of having a pompous Spider-Man for awhile, I just don't like the fact they used such a stupid contrived reason for it. I don't buy comics to watch the hero die a slow death while his "murderer" gets to be the hero. I don't want to be "rooting" for Doc Ock in a stolen body.

Though I give this a few months at most because they find a way to get Peter Parker back in.


Staff member
Instinct, eh? Either Parker had more influence over his old body than Ock would have thought, or Peter is going to slowly but surely re-emerge as some latent presence and take over.


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I'm sure what's left of Peter will manifest itself into this conscience or aspect of Doc's personality that'll convince/pester the Doc until he does the right thing.


Staff member
We'll see him using the robotic arms soon enough. If he wants to be a better Spider-Man, he'll want to max out his offensive capabilities. Besides, it's Ock; he'll be very tempted to utilize them.
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