Amusing Situations at Work

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Alright, so last Easter, one of my coworkers on the night shift before my day shift decided to drag out this ancient, ancient police bunny costume that was used for some school shit like a decade before out of the attic storage room of our station. Well, the head piece of the costume anyway. We had had a very busy drunk night and the tank had about 12 guys in it, all huddled around the heat vent in the corner of the room as they usually do. So he puts on the head piece of the costume. Opens the tank and sits in the opposite corner of the tank, staring at the now horrified drunks. Now, there's very little light in this room, so really all they could see is basic silhouette of a humanoid rabbit pointing at them and shaking his head.

The next morning it's my turn to turn the drunks loose and I get multiple excited stories about how the easter bunny was there last night and he was mean.


Alright, so last Easter, one of my coworkers on the night shift before my day shift decided to drag out this ancient, ancient police bunny costume that was used for some school shit like a decade before out of the attic storage room of our station. Well, the head piece of the costume anyway. We had had a very busy drunk night and the tank had about 12 guys in it, all huddled around the heat vent in the corner of the room as they usually do. So he puts on the head piece of the costume. Opens the tank and sits in the opposite corner of the tank, staring at the now horrified drunks. Now, there's very little light in this room, so really all they could see is basic silhouette of a humanoid rabbit pointing at them and shaking his head.

The next morning it's my turn to turn the drunks loose and I get multiple excited stories about how the easter bunny was there last night and he was mean.
Whoa. Donnie Darko, eat your heart out.


Staff member
My favorite was working at a hardware store. I was young, and the only one there without a contractor's license, but I ended up being de facto head of lawn and garden after only a year working there (due to the official head moving out of state). People didn't really trust me because of how young I was, but I knew my stuff. General example:

Me: Anything I can help you with?
Customer:, I'm okay, I'm just looking for so-and-so for my sprinkler system.
(I pull what he needs off the shelf)
Customer: Oh, thanks.
(I come back fifteen minutes later)
Customer (talking to my manager, an older gentleman): So, I need so-and-so for my sprinkler system; could you help me find it?
Manager (smiles at me): Well, I'm not that knowledgeable in this department, but I know for a fact that young man behind you can.
(Customer turns, I smile and wave.)
I've had a few hair-related incidents. That, and I've always looked at lot younger than I actually am. Which people keep telling me I'll appreciate when I get older, but it never seems to pan out.

A recent one: during the summer break, a local scientist comes in and wants to use our x-ray diffraction equipment. I'm in the geology office shooting the breeze with the secretary, and she tells him, "Oh Dr. Soandso isn't here." He says, "So, are there any professors here?" The secretary says, "Jack's here," pointing to me. I shake hands, and the scientist picks up his things, and says, "Well, since no professors are here, I'll just come back later."
Alright, so last Easter, one of my coworkers on the night shift before my day shift decided to drag out this ancient, ancient police bunny costume that was used for some school shit like a decade before out of the attic storage room of our station. Well, the head piece of the costume anyway. We had had a very busy drunk night and the tank had about 12 guys in it, all huddled around the heat vent in the corner of the room as they usually do. So he puts on the head piece of the costume. Opens the tank and sits in the opposite corner of the tank, staring at the now horrified drunks. Now, there's very little light in this room, so really all they could see is basic silhouette of a humanoid rabbit pointing at them and shaking his head.

The next morning it's my turn to turn the drunks loose and I get multiple excited stories about how the easter bunny was there last night and he was mean.
That.... was bloody fantastic. :rofl:-:thumbsup:
Here's one from a friend of mine who worked at another grocery store.

One day, he was stocking shelves in the pharmacy area and there was a guy who looked like he was maybe 14 looking at the condoms. No matter how many times my friend came with a new crate to unpack this kid was STILL looking at the condoms, carefully inspecting their differences and prices.

After about 15 minutes of this, he approached my nearby friend and asked "Where do you keep the plastic wrap?"

:rofl: :facepalm:

After hearing this story I told my friend that it was his biological imperative to kill that kid.
To this day I wonder why she didn't just order one like normal.
As my store team lead once told me when I found an abandoned inflatable mattress inside a cart corral, "You are trying to apply logic to someone clearly not using it".
I have a user that has been calling a lot lately, 3+ times a week. He is one of those guys that does not give you any indication that he is listening AT ALL.

Me: "OK, press start."
Him: ...
Me: ...
Him: ...
Me: "Have you pressed start yet?"
Him: "Now where is it again?"

This call goes on for 20 minutes because he does not say "yep" or "OK" at the same pace of normal computer illiterate users. Most users with his issues I have off the phone in 5 minutes or less. When I hang up, I whisper, "Oh, dear God..." only to hear some one standing in the vacant cubicle next to mine burst out laughing.

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