Animated Characters (Avatar of the Week)

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Hooray for old school curious George.
No! Nobody should like Curious George. He's too curious!! Who gives a monkey that much responsiblity!? "George, we're gonna leave you all alone in the nuclear missle launch room, but don't touch that big red button" Stupid monkey.[/quote]

Preaching to the choir, laff.[/quote]

I laughed. And I admit, I have had the same reaction to the show that you have. But damn it, Curious George is one show that I will sit down and watch with my kids anytime. And sometimes even when they aren't home (usually because I am missing them, but hey, it's a parent thing).

I used to love the books, and I read them to my kids all the time. The books were nothing like the show, no nuclear arsenals left in the hands of the monkey, but it's still good quality shit man.

Love me my Curious George.[/QUOTE]

Oh me too. At least it's far more tolerable that Dora the Explorer, which I truly loathe.


There we go, this is the one I really wanted, but couldn't find yesterday.

His dedication to the peanut is an example for all.
Done! But I'm wondering. I love Avatar Week and all, but maybe we should make it Avatar MONTH so we have more time to enjoy them?

Anyway, here's mine. Would you like fries with your Darkseid?
Our attention spans are too short for that, although I may keep Farnsworth just for kicks.
I'm burnt out on your :quote: Avatar Weeks :quote:.

It's back to hardhat for me for the forseeable future.
I don't think avatar week was meant to be weekly - only that the avatars would hang around for a week.

But it doesn't matter to me, there's no rhyme nor reason for this, and anyone can all for an 'avatar week'

I only participate in the ones that I think would be fun to do.

Hooray for old school curious George.
No! Nobody should like Curious George. He's too curious!! Who gives a monkey that much responsiblity!? "George, we're gonna leave you all alone in the nuclear missle launch room, but don't touch that big red button" Stupid monkey.[/QUOTE]

Preaching to the choir, laff.[/QUOTE]
The man in the yellow hat (who despite taking care of George has never earned the right to an actual name) is going to space to repair a satellite. I'm never sure what his actual job is, but whatever
They actually gave him a name 3 years ago. Nobody consulted me on the matter, or I'd have stopped them myself.

His name's Ted.


I grew up on Curious George. In fact, when I was 4, I went to the hospital to get my tonsils taken out.

The hospital provided both me AND George a gown for us to wear. And he was always with me. And my parents bought me George Goes to the Hospital.

Then, a few years back, I got both a new George (after losing the old one ages ago) and a complete works of Curious George stories. That'll be something to read to my kids and grandkids. :)
Any excuse to dress up as Sally again.

(I remember during the parade a mom saw us and said to her kids "Look! It's Jack and Sally!" They waved. It was so cool. :D)
After chasing Vyta enough, I've decided to post the rest of the month with my favorite animated character.

*hums the theme song*

Philosopher B.

I'm debating whether to take ol' Dinobot down ... he makes all my posts look too angry.
I think I might stick with Skwisgarr permanently. I mean, just talking likes him is funs, you knows? Likes, de brokens Englishes and stuff.


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