I thought it was Republican deregulation that caused the Housing crisis.Regardless of when foreclosed neighborhoods were an issue, Republicans were trying there damnest to regulate mortgages and were getting shut down.
I thought it was Republican deregulation that caused the Housing crisis.[/QUOTE]Regardless of when foreclosed neighborhoods were an issue, Republicans were trying there damnest to regulate mortgages and were getting shut down.
Yes, this [The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999] was introduced by three Republicans. However, what Maddow conveniently ignored is that it passed the Senate by a vote of 90-8 with 38 Democrats saying "Yea"; it passed in the House 362-57 with 153 Democrats saying "Yea".
Except the foreclosures were caused by liberal federal social engineering, hyperpollution wasn't exclusive to conservative areas or eras, income mobility has been highest during periods of conservative policy, and I'll see your robber barons and raise you communist bread lines.[/QUOTE]Or all those foreclosed neighborhoods. Or hyperpolluted city areas. Or zero mobility working classes. Or pretty much the whole robber baron era. That's your reality with a conservative bias.
Except the foreclosures were caused by liberal federal social engineering, hyperpollution wasn't exclusive to conservative areas or eras, income mobility has been highest during periods of conservative policy, and I'll see your robber barons and raise you communist bread lines.[/QUOTE]Or all those foreclosed neighborhoods. Or hyperpolluted city areas. Or zero mobility working classes. Or pretty much the whole robber baron era. That's your reality with a conservative bias.
Except the foreclosures were caused by liberal federal social engineering, hyperpollution wasn't exclusive to conservative areas or eras, income mobility has been highest during periods of conservative policy, and I'll see your robber barons and raise you communist bread lines.[/QUOTE]Or all those foreclosed neighborhoods. Or hyperpolluted city areas. Or zero mobility working classes. Or pretty much the whole robber baron era. That's your reality with a conservative bias.
Except the foreclosures were caused by liberal federal social engineering, hyperpollution wasn't exclusive to conservative areas or eras, income mobility has been highest during periods of conservative policy, and I'll see your robber barons and raise you communist bread lines.[/QUOTE]Or all those foreclosed neighborhoods. Or hyperpolluted city areas. Or zero mobility working classes. Or pretty much the whole robber baron era. That's your reality with a conservative bias.
I took honors courses in High School, Troll, so I got the kind of experience you're giving to your students, the good and bad our nation's done. However I perused a friend in normal US History's textbook one day and it was....well the nice way to say it is a fluff-job. Nothing bad happened, just white people founding a nation and everyone being happy.I'm honestly unsure of how other people are educated in social studies classes. In high school I took some crappy college courses during the summer to make room for other classes during the normal school year, so I have no idea how good/bad classes were at my high school. Now that I'm a teacher, I always make a point of covering everything, good or bad. Is it really that rare for high school teachers to give a complete history of the US?
I took honors courses in High School, Troll, so I got the kind of experience you're giving to your students, the good and bad our nation's done. However I perused a friend in normal US History's textbook one day and it was....well the nice way to say it is a fluff-job. Nothing bad happened, just white people founding a nation and everyone being happy.I'm honestly unsure of how other people are educated in social studies classes. In high school I took some crappy college courses during the summer to make room for other classes during the normal school year, so I have no idea how good/bad classes were at my high school. Now that I'm a teacher, I always make a point of covering everything, good or bad. Is it really that rare for high school teachers to give a complete history of the US?
Income mobility was at it's highest when you could just kill someone and take everything they had... fortunes where made and lost almost daily. Then someone invented civilisation, and now you're trapped by all sort of liberal agendas... woe is you.income mobility has been highest during periods of conservative policy
I haven't read The People's History, but Lies My Teacher Told Me is great reading.Make Lies my Teacher Told me and The People's History of the United States mandatory reading
I haven't read The People's History, but Lies My Teacher Told Me is great reading.[/QUOTE]Make Lies my Teacher Told me and The People's History of the United States mandatory reading