But then how will he get us to ask "No, wait Hobo! Why do you need to know Japanese?"
My money's on hentai.ITS PROBABLY FROM A GIRL
Domo arigato? Yatta?Wasabi?
Domo arigato? Yatta?[/QUOTE]Wasabi?
Domo arigato? Yatta?[/QUOTE]Wasabi?
だから脂肪私は自分の郵便番号を割り当てられているです。watashi wa sega takai desu.
*WHOCK*Pie Jesu Qui tollis peccata mundi Dona eis requiem?
*WHOCK*[/QUOTE]Pie Jesu Qui tollis peccata mundi Dona eis requiem?
you can download anki which is a free flashcard program. then through the program you can download decks of flashcards. i recommend the heisig remembering the kanji deck. link, http://ichi2.net/anki/Anyone know of a good place to learn Kanji? I can read hiragana and katakana, but have always struggled with the kanji.![]()