April Fool's Thread

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I love how everyone in the comments either thinks it's real, or acts like they're the first person to get it.
I love how you still can bring yourself to read blizz forum posts... of course nowadays you can easily find way worse, but i still have an aversion to them from way back when D2 was new...


Staff member
I played a great trick on my kids today. They were being rowdy because it was my last day, so I told them I was taking away their recess and that they could earn it back by spending the rest of the morning finishing their work quietly (that part isn't the joke.. they were actually being ridiculous). So they were actually really good for the rest of the morning while we worked... very few problems. But I decided to tell them right before recess that I was keeping them inside for that AND P.E. since they had been so bad, and we were going to do worksheets and read in our textbooks the whole time. They were all so mad, then I said, "I don't want to hear it, now write down this first assignment:" Then I wrote April Fools on the board. They freakin lost it. :D
Nathan Fillion tweeted that his cat had died (http://twitter.com/NathanFillion/status/53863380733276160)
Went to find my cat this morning. Looks like coyotes found him first. Goodbye, Spartacus. http://t.co/jDG9xLM
and that Castle had been cancelled (http://twitter.com/NathanFillion/status/53874092494946304).
You probably already heard about Castle being cancelled, I'm sad to see it go. Let's cross fingers for movie projects.
He fooled Seth Green & Clare Grant (Seth's wife). (http://twitter.com/NathanFillion/status/53914705269501952)

April Fool, everybody who bought it! Including @SethGreen and @ClareGrant!
I really liked Hulu's 1996-mode.

I would have made some epic posts here about how Mystic River is a piece of shit and Transformers 3 is going to be the best movie of all time if I wasn't working 14 hours yesterday :Leyla:


Staff member
Some April Fools pranks are better left untried:

RinryGameGame (internet game reviewer) tweeted:
"Yesterday someone put soap in the kettle at work. When I made my afternoon tea, the kettle sprayed boiling hot soapy water"

I'm glad no one was hurt. That was damn stupid prank.
Late one from Blizz:

WoW Patch 4.1.11 Preview
We’re introducing an all-new Random Guild Finder! Players may use this new feature to queue for automatic guild placement. You’ll be placed with a random guild at the click of a button, allowing you to partake in whatever content they may or may not be doing. After being placed, you’ll receive a cooldown which will not allow you to leave the guild, or for them to remove you from the guild, for fourteen days. Get to know your new friends! We’re sure they’ll enjoy getting to know you. If the guild you’re automatically placed in does not exist on your current realm you’ll be automatically charged for a paid realm transfer and moved there.
  • Players in capital cities will receive a 2-hour debuff “Homebody” that increases damage taken and reduces damage and healing given by 10% for every 10 minutes they’re within city limits. We hope this encourages something.
  • Due to player feedback regarding night elf, blood elf, and worgen “flippy” jumps, player characters can no longer jump.
  • Druid forms are now considered vehicles, allowing one player to ride on the druid’s back while in any form, even their humanoid form.
  • Paladins are now required to tithe 10% of their gold income to their church.
  • Some paladin abilities did not contain the words Sanctity, Divine, or Justice. This has been corrected.
  • All NPCs now have a 25% chance to Dodge right-clicks.
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.4.11
  • Players who do not type “GG” before quitting a game will receive an automatic loss for bad manners.
  • To balance the issue of Zerg under-representation and Terran over-representation in the upper ladder brackets, the names of these two races have been switched. This should result in higher “Zerg” representation and lower “Terran” representation.
  • Due to lack of appreciation by players, the Mothership has been surgically altered to be sleeker and more visually appealing, and has been renamed to the Cougarship. The Cougarship will automatically gravitate toward enemy units that have been in play for 18-21 minutes and attempt to bring them back to the nearest friendly base.
  • The Ghost can no longer be produced. Once a Ghost’s progress bar is partially complete it will be postponed indefinitely.
  • Fixed a bug where Terran players were able to lose a game.
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