[Informational] Arcade & Member List


Staff member
Couple of quick note, one of which I am extremely excited.

Sortable Member List has been fixed. That's what I was working on earlier. Now you can sort by various methods to your heart's content. And it no longer breaks the auto-fill name function.

As you know, the Arcade has been pretty static for some time now. That's mostly because it very nearly became abandonware by the devs. In fact, the devs quit working on it at all and the arcade site got overrun by spammers. Now, though, they've hired on two new devs that are probably the best that XF has to offer.

Some of their past mods which I've incorporated here:

  • Taigachat Shoutbox - Our wonderful Shoutbox.
  • Post Ratings - The reason you can love and brofist.
  • Quick Reply Bar - The reason you can use BBCodes easily in the Quick Reply
  • Tag Me - Lets you tag people with alerts!
  • Banking - HalBucks!!
  • Post anonymous - Who said that?
  • Widget Framework - You may not appreciate this one, but it makes it easier on me!
These are just the ones I've added that you can see! I've added a few others from each for the Admin stuff. So suffice it to say that these are amazingly talented individuals who will be working on the Arcade. Scores may need to be reset, but the new arcade will not only look better, but be easier to use on the back end for me and it will have Mochi games integration.
I'm very, very excited for this!


Staff member
Okay, so update about the Arcade. You may or may not have noticed there are a bunch of new games popping in and there will be more every day! We now have Mochi Games ability and if you go to www.mochigames.com and see a game you like, let me know and I'll add it. Couple quick notes about Mochi Games:
  1. If the game does not have a leaderboard component, it will not save a score here.
  2. The ads are in every game. It's what allows Mochi to be able to allow people to play these games for free. It's a good thing.
That's it! Mochi games and better integration for older games. So if you see something you want, let me know and I'm all over it!


Staff member
Added some new games. Go play!

Oh, and let me know if you find a way to cheat them. I want to make a contest out of them for our Anniversary...which is this month!
Games don't work quite right for me. Steampunk Tower Defense is unresponsive after finishing the first level, as is BLYM. Pixvader doesn't unlock the next level.