Ask Me Anything: The Dave Experience

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Staff member
Okay, this is my section. Ask me anything and I'll answer it honestly. I'm not going to give an area of expertise because I honestly don't think I'm better at any one thing than anyone else, which makes me a bit sad.


What's three things you like most about Halforum?
Three things you like the least?


Staff member
What's three things you like most about Halforum?
Three things you like the least?

1) The people. This is the biggest by far. As I've said before, a whole bunch of these people could crash on my couch. Although some of the ladies might be a bit hard to explain.
2) The Challenge. This has been a totally new and constant learning experience for me. I've learned a whole bunch and made some mistakes but if I could make my living just doing board stuff I think I would do it.
3) Diversity. We have a lot of different people here and I've learned a lot from you guys. Good and bad. Plus the fact that we have so many different demographics is very cool to me.


1) DRAMA! This is my #1 pet peeve. People can be real assholes sometimes. I know that it's not always taken as meant but it's weird how people react.
2) Inexperience. This is my own inexperience I'm speaking of. I keep messing with stuff but I'm always afraid I'm going to bork something up that's unborkable. I'm getting better but I hate this.
3) My inability to get traffic moving here. I thought that I'd be good at this but everything I've tried so far has done nothing more than frustrate me. I'm hoping the hub takes off.

Do you really have hooties?

(Come on, you saw that coming, didn't you?)
I really don't. I've got more of a gut than I used to but I still have to wear a training bra so no flappy hooties in real life.
Wow, we got to TMI way too fast that time.

Were you ever uncomfortable with your daughter hanging around with us hooligans?


What have you tried so far to get traffic here? How did they turn out?


Staff member
Were you ever uncomfortable with your daughter hanging around with us hooligans?
Not really. I'm pretty open with her about stuff. I figured she wouldn't stick around too long.

---------- Post added at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:29 PM ----------

What have you tried so far to get traffic here? How did they turn out?
I tried the front page being a review site but nobody wrote reviews (or at least very few did). I had some spikes in traffic but when they saw nothing had been updated the bounce rate went from 50% to around 85-90%.

I then worked with Mycohl...who am I kidding? Mycohl did it all!...and got the custom comics working and that had mixed results. But in the end it didn't bring in anyone new.


They are more comfortable, they don't restrict my boys but they are tight enough so that I'm not flopping around and in constant need of readjusting.
Dave, we were talking about underwear for your bottom half, not upper. *ducks!*


Staff member
They are more comfortable, they don't restrict my boys but they are tight enough so that I'm not flopping around and in constant need of readjusting.
Dave, we were talking about underwear for your bottom half, not upper. *ducks!*[/QUOTE]

Excellent point. I'll take that into consideration for next time.


Staff member
would you be willing to turn this into an amateur porn site?
Probably not. I mean, there's money to be made from that model (or at least there was before YouPorn and MyFreePaySite) but most folks that would pay for those sites would not be interested in a forum.


Staff member
What is best in life?
Being on stage and having 300 people laughing hysterically at your comedy. You feel the rush of energy and it's the best thing in the world.

The worst? Being on stage and having 300 people looking at you like you have lobsters crawling out of your ears. Eating it on stage is a nightmare.


Staff member
Do you ever use stories from the forum in your act?
No. I stopped doing comedy WAY before I started this thing. Besides, personal stories that only a few people get and require prior experience and knowledge tend to go over badly.

I had to stop comedy because I was on the verge of being a touring comedian and I had to choose to stop or keep going all out. I stopped because of my family.


Staff member
What is the weirdest thing the audience has thrown at you?
I've never had anything thrown at me and the only really back heckler I've ever had was a drunk guy I worked with. He felt because he knew me he could yell shit out.

But no shoes or panties or anything like that.

When is the next podcast?
This coming Sunday. The topic is: "The Geeks Talk about Social Networking Sites".
Do you ever use stories from the forum in your act?
No. I stopped doing comedy WAY before I started this thing. Besides, personal stories that only a few people get and require prior experience and knowledge tend to go over badly.

I had to stop comedy because I was on the verge of being a touring comedian and I had to choose to stop or keep going all out. I stopped because of my family.[/QUOTE]I forgot you mentioned you stopped.


Have you ever actually husked corn? If so, were you viciously assaulted by a live wolverine in the attempt?
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