Ask Me Anything: The Dave Experience

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Staff member
Tell us your most memorable experience in the service (barring any that might lead to you having to kill us).
I was the Safety NCO at the pistol range at Edson Range in Camp Pendleton. I had the fortune to watch a guy put 5 rounds into a target at 25 meters ( I believe it was 25 meters) and then put the pistol under his chin. Nothing anyone could do. All safety procedures had been followed and we issued an immediate cease fire. The pistol was taken from his hands and disabled. We cleared the range and went through a cursory questioning.

I never learned his name.


Staff member
Tell us your most memorable experience in the service (barring any that might lead to you having to kill us).
I was the Safety NCO at the pistol range at Edson Range in Camp Pendleton. I had the fortune to watch a guy put 5 rounds into a target at 25 meters ( I believe it was 25 meters) and then put the pistol under his chin. Nothing anyone could do. All safety procedures had been followed and we issued an immediate cease fire. The pistol was taken from his hands and disabled. We cleared the range and went through a cursory questioning.

I never learned his name.[/QUOTE]

Jeebus Harry Christ...

Sounds something that apparently happened at Huovinrinne Garrison a few years back (heard this while I was doing my service there in '03): during live-fire practice on the assault rifle firing ram some idiot jams his rifle. He keeps pressing the trigger, nothing happens. In such a case you are supposed to signal one of the NCOs present and ask for clearance to get up. But this guy apparently just got up and kept pulling the trigger as he turned to face the NCO, the rifle turning as well and pointing the NCO straight in the guts.

The NCO punched the guy's lights out and disarmed him.
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