Ask Zonker anything!

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"To zonk out": to become unaware of one's surroundings, see "space out"


I can't be creative on a Friday at five while I'm starving to death. Let me go home and order some pizza first...


to zonk: verb. To imbibe psychedelic substances to excess, resulting in the experience of the entire timeline of the universe from beginning to end in the span of twelve minutes, overlapping with corners of hidden dimensions where the color purple is interpreted melodically on musical hookas played by caterpillars on toadstools. conj: I zonk, he/she/it zorks, we zonkem, you all zonkan.

---------- Post added at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 PM ----------

What's your favorite obscenity, and is it the one you use most often?
My favorite obscenity is the Russian curse word "vyjobyvat'" which, loosely translated, means "to fuck into oblivion." Unfortunately I am not fluent enough in Russian to use it much myself but I always get a kick out of it when I hear someone else say it.


Why does your avatar so closely resemble my "RL Avatar Week" avatar? Hummmm?
I've never seen your RL avatar week avatar so I wouldn't know. Could I see it?

That's me with my Sibir' hat. Sibir' is the pro hockey team located in Novosibirsk, where I spent a year teaching economics and met my ex.

So any resemblance to you is just amusing but not real. Much like most of my... (insert self-deprecating humor here).
Hm, I wonder if it's saved anywhere here. Let me check.

---------- Post added at 07:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 PM ----------

Found it!



I was totally expecting you to be the female equivalent of a greasy pimply faced fat basement dwelling computer dweeb and you look disappontingly normal in that picture. My preconception of this whole board is in turmoil.
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