Bachelor Parties (NSFW)

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I have never been overly fond of them and don't exactly see what their appeal is. I've been to a total of four of them and each and everytime, while amazing to be a part of, is absolutely ridiculous if you're to be the groom. I'm far too proud of a man to have that sort of shit happen to me. The entire night you're mistreated, dogged and put down. On 3 of the 4 occasions we went to strip club, the groom is forced onto the stage, half-striped, cuffed and then 2 strippers take all his clothes off and be naked in front of 100 guys with wood going on and then more than playfully whipped. In a lot of ways, I wonder the sanity of my friends, in every case, different circle of friends... in one case, that guy getting married was there for another bachelor party... AT THE SAME CLUB. He say that shit happen... what happened to having a few drinks with friends, being dogged a bit, then a stripper/call girl is paid to give you a serious case of the blue balls (or more)? Have you guys been to any such parties?

Here's a.... fucked up story of another bachelor going wrong.

When the man, who was on all fours and naked from the knees up, asked her not to go near his anus, she allegedly said: ‘‘Not a problem. Relax. It’s only fun. I won’t go there.’

But Mr Gilligan said that soon after Naggs applied cream or lubricant to his buttocks, he felt a sharp pain, a thrust and the dildo ‘‘go right into his anal passage’’.

He said the man was hurt and shocked and after Naggs allegedly told him not to worry because ‘‘only you and I know’’, he said: ‘‘What the f— did you do that for, you stupid bitch.’’ ... -e1v9.html


I have to throw one of these things by the end of the month
Selgeron said:
I have to throw one of these things by the end of the month
You act like a horrible, awful experience is inevitable. It's not. I planned my brother's when he got married. He's a little conservative, and absolutely did not want strippers involved. So, we got a small group of friends together and went out for food and drinks. It was low key, everyone had fun, and there was nothing to be ashamed about afterward.

Bachelor parties can be anything the groom and/or planner wants them to be. Unfortunately, some people want fucked up, humilating bullshit because they think it's required. Don't give in to that mentality.


Clearly some of these things are celebrated by the same people who try and do 21 shots on their 21st birthday. There is a way to go out and having fun without getting anally raped, or cheating on your significant other.

Bar hopping, even strip clubs can all be fine I just don't see the need for excessive debauchery.

Shegokigo said:
This is in the NSFW section why?
Cannot reply due to faulty premise. :tongue:

Tress said:
Bachelor parties can be anything the groom and/or planner wants them to be.
:uhhuh: I've posted this before, but this was Mr. ZM's bachelor party: a day of shooting followed by steaks and martinis at the best steakhouse in L.A. I had nothing to do with it; that was his own decision to skip the cliché and do something he really wanted to do.

My brothers bachelor party consisted out of a DJ workshop, a cocktail mixing session a nice dinner and some clubbing after that. I never got the appeal of 'one of those' bachelor parties.
When the man, who was on all fours and naked from the knees up, asked her not to go near his anus, she allegedly said: ‘‘Not a problem. Relax. It’s only fun. I won’t go there.’

But Mr Gilligan said that soon after Naggs applied cream or lubricant to his buttocks, he felt a sharp pain, a thrust and the * ‘‘go right into his anal passage’’.

He said the man was hurt and shocked and after Naggs allegedly told him not to worry because ‘‘only you and I know’’, he said: ‘‘What the f— did you do that for, you stupid *.’’



what the fuck, man.

Joe Johnson

I guess when you have your bachelor party, you're obligated to follow every instruction, even if you don't want to do something.


I think the whole premise of bachelor parties is stupid in general. What is the point? If the point is to "sew all your wild oats" before you get married, I have to say, anything you're doing that you wouldn't want your wife knowing you did, you wouldn't want your fiancee to know about either, so what's the point? If the point is you're not going to be able to hang out with your buddies after your married (which my boyfriend says is the point -- I think he's full of it, but that's okay), then I say, what kind of an evil woman are you marrying that she won't let you hang out with your friends, and if you already know she won't let you hang out with your friends, why are you still marrying her?

I automatically gain so much respect for any man that recognizes what a moronic "tradition" bachelor parties are.
Didn't have one. Didn't see the point. And my friends are friends enough that they didn't try to throw one for me, either. It was great.

Mine and my friends' bachelor parties were definitely not of the "norm". For example, my bachelor party was basically a live-action re-enactment of the Legend of Zelda, since my friends knew I was such a huge gamer and Zelda fan.

To do this, to start, I was "drugged up" (well, I had to drink a quart of screwdriver just after waking an effort to disorient me immediately), blindfolded, and dropped off in the middle of a nature trail with nothing but a box containing a green tunic, hat, compass, blue and red potions (Blue Malibu and Watermelon Schnapps, respectively), and a map detailing and directing me to 8 challenges I had to complete to acquire 8 keys to unlock a treasure.

The 8 challenges:
- Archery: I'm actually good with a bow and arrow, but drunk archery was another task altogether. Plus, any time I messed up or needed help, I had to drink from one of the potions. I had to defeat eight "zombies" (essentially targets with Michael Jackson heads taped to the middle...) with 20 arrows.
- Hammer: I had to use a sledge hammer to destroy a concrete block with a key hidden inside
- Boomerang: I had to use a frisbee (well, they couldn't find a boomerang) to knock a key out of a tree
- Fishing: I had to get a key out of the bottom of a swimming pool (hey, easier than doing so in a lake). By this time, I was too drunk to use a fishing pole effectively, so I just dove down and got it.
- Trivia: I had to answer 10 Legend of Zelda trivia questions for the "old man" (one of my friends dressed up and hiding in a cave)
- "Swordplay": I had to split a series of logs (with an axe, since nobody has a legit sword capable of doing that anywhere) disguised up to be "monsters" (again, Michael Jackson heads taped to them)
- Shovel: Had to use the map + clues to locate an X-marked spot, and dig for a key
- Save the "princess": My fiancee was in on it, and I had to finally track her down and "save" her (from the rest of my friends) to get the last key.

The keys opened up an actual treasure box containing "The Longest Journey". This literally took all day over the course of several miles (and I was drunk for at least half of it, if not most of it), and none of it involved strippers. It was a blast (and my friends went and video taped the whole thing, which is always good for a laugh watching drunk me stumble around for hours trying to figure out what to do next).
Yeah, when one of my buddies got married a couple years back we managed to throw him a bachelor party that was perfectly clean and embarrassment worthy. We rented a house on the beach with a 360 degree view on the top floor, windows all the way around, didn't even have a refrigerator upstairs to get in the way of the view. Then, we played random tabletop RPGs and Babylon 5 Wars all weekend long between walks down the beach, time in the hot tub, and random cooking competitions. We all had a blast with our weekend of geekbauchery. Of course, he also picked my fiance as his Best Lady, so she was in charge of planning.
Wow! So great bachelor parties! Make me want to get married...

Even though I say I probably won't marry, my friends insist that a bachelor party MUST have a stripper and the groom should be utterly embarassed, and that the friends more than for the groom. I say fuck 'em ¬¬
The last bachelor party I went to (a few months ago) was a weekend in a big cabin in the Blueridge mountains with about 15 guys. Kegs, barbecue, poker, frisbee golf, and cornhole. Pretty awesome.

For mine, a friend in the wedding party showed up out of the blue and said he was taking me out for beers. Instead I was kidnapped and driven several hours away to a music festival where a bunch of friends met us and liberally supplied me with whatever drinks and "whatnot" I could handle. Telling people it was my bachelor party resulted in plenty of interesting antics, but nothing embarrassing or potentially marriage canceling. Wisdom that still holds true: free boobs are way better than boobs for hire. :zoid:

Alex B.

For mine we just went to the Speedzone and raced gokarts and what not, then over to Dave and Busters for some dinner and the arcade. Then that night we went out to the bar and got hammered. Which probably would have happened anyway, as I only get to see my best friend a few times a year.

Fun time for all.

A couple of years ago I went to a strip club bachelor party for a friend. We actually did have a great time (it's the only time I've ever actually enjoyed a strip club), but I paid for it when some dumbass told the wives about it. That'll never happen again. My wife just isn't okay with that sort of thing. Nothing even crazy happened.
Well, I'm getting married next year and I've always contemplated how I wanted to spend it. A month ago or so, one of my good friends asked me how I wanted it and I was sorta dismissive about it. I've been to a few... and did not see ANY appeal to it.. but some of your stories sounded pretty cool. Renting a place out with a bunch of guys, play cards, games, bbq and stuff like that. I can dig that. Sneak a stripper in somewhere, that's always appreciated!


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Lally said:
I think the whole premise of bachelor parties is stupid in general. What is the point? If the point is to "sew all your wild oats" before you get married, I have to say, anything you're doing that you wouldn't want your wife knowing you did, you wouldn't want your fiancee to know about either, so what's the point? If the point is you're not going to be able to hang out with your buddies after your married (which my boyfriend says is the point -- I think he's full of it, but that's okay), then I say, what kind of an evil woman are you marrying that she won't let you hang out with your friends, and if you already know she won't let you hang out with your friends, why are you still marrying her?

I automatically gain so much respect for any man that recognizes what a moronic "tradition" bachelor parties are.
I thought the point was just to have a fun pre-wedding party with your friends. What's wrong with that?

Also, the mental image of "sewing" oats is hilarious.
When a friend of mine got married, he insisted that he didn't want "one of those" bachelor parties. He's fairly conservative, and finds that sort of behavior amoral, so I totally understood that he wouldn't enjoy that.

So instead, my friends and I decided to throw him a Bachelor Lan Party. We even rented a nearby internet cafe to use for the night, though a lot of people brought their own PCs, naturally.

Nothing says getting married like a night of Unreal Tournament 2k3


fade said:
I thought the point was just to have a fun pre-wedding party with your friends. What's wrong with that?

Also, the mental image of "sewing" oats is hilarious.
That's not my understanding of what it's supposed to be. If that's all it was, I would say go for it. BUT, the whole reason it's a "bachelor" party is because it's supposed to be the groom's "last chance" to party. My problem with that premise is if you think it's your "last chance" to do whatever you're doing, there's something wrong. If you think it's your last chance to hang out with your friends and have fun (no strippers or anything else involved -- like any of the bachelor parties described here), then your future wife is presumably preventing you from doing that, which I think is ridiculous and a symptom of a problem in a relationship. And, if you know that your future wife is going to restrict you from going out and having fun, why wouldn't you remedy that situation before you're married? Or, if you think it's your last chance to have some wild night of debauchery (in my other post I had originally typed sowing oats and went back and "fixed" it because I thought it looked wrong -- :facepalm: at myself on that one for not googling it first), the problem is one of two things. 1) you're doing something innocent, but once again, you're wife would prevent you from doing so (I don't like strip clubs personally, but if my boyfriend wanted to go to one I wouldn't have any right or any desire to say he couldn't), or 2) you're doing something that is not so innocent, which you shouldn't be doing behind your wife OR fiancee's back.

TL;DR version: It's a stupid "tradition" because anything that you want to do after your marriage you should be able to do, and anything you shouldn't be doing after you're married, you shouldn't be doing a few days before you're married either.

Shegokigo said:
Lally said:
I automatically gain so much respect for any man that recognizes what a moronic "tradition" bachelor parties are.
Fine, fine. Man OR woman.
I don't understand all this bachelor party hate. It's not like the guys are the only ones who can have fun. There are some bride-to-bes that vastly out-party their grooms.

I've been to both types of bachelor parties: with boobies and without boobies. Both were fun. Admittedly, the one with boobies was more fun, but that was because we had a groom with an awesome sense of humor and a willingness to be beaten on stage by three naked chicks.

I've also been to a bachelorette party. No strippers, but the girls at the party were waaay raunchier than any guy I've ever bachelor partied with.

I don't think it matters what you do, as long as you do something the bachelor/bachelorette is going to enjoy.
That's not what I was eyerolling about.

You're views on it were made a bit more clear in that last post so I'll withdraw.

The traditional "bachelor party" involves strippers because a large majority of new brides/brides in general are very anti-strip club. So this "party" IS their last chance to see another naked woman before they "are forever locked into seeing the same woman naked for the rest of their life".


Shegokigo said:
That's not what I was eyerolling about.

You're views on it were made a bit more clear in that last post so I'll withdraw.

The traditional "bachelor party" involves strippers because a large majority of new brides/brides in general are very anti-strip club. So this "party" IS their last chance to see another naked woman before they "are forever locked into seeing the same woman naked for the rest of their life".
I really didn't know what you were eye-rolling about, my guess was it was me being a shrew that won't let her man do anything "bad," but I wasn't sure, so that was my way of acknowledging your response and saying "I don't know what you're trying to say" without the snarky "thanks for the witty discourse" response I would give to someone I thought was being a douche.


I always saw bachelor/bachelorette parties as an excuse to party while someone else pays the tab.

The only bachelorette I've been to was pretty fun. We went to gun range first, followed by dinner, and then a trip to the male strip club. Now, the men don't actually get naked (which we all appreciated) they just get down to their skivvies. The bride did get a lap dance, but she got to keep all her clothing on. It was fun though. Each guy has a persona & costume. They don't just strip, they put on a show. Of course, they only reason I would visit again would be a bachelorette party.

I think the idea is just to embarass the groom/bride as much as possible, just because you can. Many people take it too far, either because they think they have to, or they have no impulse control. And I guess some people take it because they don't want to be a downer. Damn you peer pressure!
Lally said:
I really didn't know what you were eye-rolling about, my guess was it was me being a shrew that won't let her man do anything "bad," but I wasn't sure, so that was my way of acknowledging your response and saying "I don't know what you're trying to say" without the snarky "thanks for the witty discourse" response I would give to someone I thought was being a douche.

Hmmm....I've been to two, two others nearing soon, and one to throw myself soon (I'm my brother's best man...).
First one I went to was for a college friend, she (yes, she, I went to hers, not her husband's) was very active in fraternities and stuff and she hadn't been able to go out in a long time, basically, she was dragged back to her favourite bar, where all of her old friends were waiting, and a couple of prepaid kegs; we sang 'till we got bored, and drank 'till the early morning. Oh, and one of her friends held a long speech somewhere in the middle consisting of funny-to-mildly-embarassing anecdotes from her student years, but she was a pretty good girl.
Second one, well, his wife didn't allow live female nudity (pfft), so we first went paintballing, then quad-riding, a big barbecue, and then a porn cantus....err, porn on a big screen, us singing drinking songs and popular songs in the mean time, and playing drinking games based on the porn (two drinks for fingering, ad fundum for the first penetration for each hole, a sip when a man comes, a sip when a female fakes an orgasm, etc....). Fun :-P

My brother...Still don't know what I'm going to do - or where. The family in law wants it held near where he's getting married (Cape Town) but all of his friends live here (Brussels), so...We'll see.


Staff member

I don't think anyone really thinks of it that way. It's more or less a tongue-in-cheek "all in good fun" thing. Yeah, we joke about the ol' ball and chain, and all that. That's an excuse to go out and party and look at boobies for the most part.

Now. That being said, no matter who you are or what you do, your life will change when you get married. You will have time obligations that you didn't before. Your wife doesn't have to be a uber-controlling to cause that change either. But I can't just go on with making decisions solo once I'm married. I wouldn't want to--I made the decision to share my life with someone. (All of which I know you know--not trying to insult your intelligence.) That's why a bachelor party is like a mock-funeral. I think the miscommunication is that you're seeing it as a real funeral.

Again, all that being said, it's not the stripper but what she represents--sexual freedom--that is coming to an end, and what's being lamented and celebrated. I love my wife and I'm happily married, but I'm not going to lie and say that I don't miss sleeping around. I'm a dude. I'm programmed by nature to want to sleep with as many women as possible. I'm not going to sleep with the stripper, but my friends ARE going to give me hell about being stuck with one woman.
jason said:
I don't understand all this bachelor party hate. It's not like the guys are the only ones who can have fun. There are some bride-to-bes that vastly out-party their grooms.
No shit. Google up "bachelorette party" and see how many cock-themed party favors exist.
fade said:
I'm not going to sleep with the stripper, but my friends ARE going to give me hell about being stuck with one woman.
Mormonism, it's the only way.
Disclaimer: I'm aware that there are several other religions that still allow polygamy, and that official mormonism doesn't. Shaddap.


fade said:

I don't think anyone really thinks of it that way. It's more or less a tongue-in-cheek "all in good fun" thing. Yeah, we joke about the ol' ball and chain, and all that. That's an excuse to go out and party and look at boobies for the most part.

Now. That being said, no matter who you are or what you do, your life will change when you get married. You will have time obligations that you didn't before. Your wife doesn't have to be a uber-controlling to cause that change either. But I can't just go on with making decisions solo once I'm married. I wouldn't want to--I made the decision to share my life with someone. (All of which I know you know--not trying to insult your intelligence.) That's why a bachelor party is like a mock-funeral. I think the miscommunication is that you're seeing it as a real funeral.

Again, all that being said, it's not the stripper but what she represents--sexual freedom--that is coming to an end, and what's being lamented and celebrated. I love my wife and I'm happily married, but I'm not going to lie and say that I don't miss sleeping around. I'm a dude. I'm programmed by nature to want to sleep with as many women as possible. I'm not going to sleep with the stripper, but my friends ARE going to give me * about being stuck with one woman.
Unless you have an arranged marriage and meet someone the day you get married, there has to be some place where sexual freedom ends that's before you hit the altar, and that's my point. If you think there are boundaries that shouldn't be crossed after you're married, then you shouldn't be crossing those boundaries mere days before you get married. If your buddies are making fun of you because you're stuck with one woman, where were they when you and your wife made the agreement to be exclusive? They should have been making fun of you then. To address your other point, once again, unless you meet your wife the day you get married, there's going to be a point where more of your time is devoted to that person, and there's going to be a point where you're making major life decisions together. In my case, my boyfriend and I have been living together for two years, and even before that we already made important financial decisions together. We're living as if we were married, holding off marriage until we have the money to throw the wedding ceremony we want. We're not a unique couple in that respect. Many couples we know either live that way, or lived that way prior to being married. I guess my whole point was, the way relationships are evolving, the concept of relationships before and after marriage are changing too. So why are we still chained to an out-dated "tradition?"

The answer I know is coming: because guys like boobs. :eyeroll:
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