Back in the saddle again :-)

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Yup, I'm back in the saddle again. I'm coming back out of my shell. This is after finally getting past the fallout from the previous girl (we both talked to our graduate advisors because it had gotten THAT ugly and guess what? Turned out I hadn't really done anything wrong).

So I'm kinda/sorta starting to date this incredibly sweet girl who lives on the same property as me. We've been friends since summer. Since a lot of the residents at our property moved out over winter break (they were mostly exchange students who only signed on for one semester) the remaining residents have gotten closer. A long time ago, when I told her I wouldn't want to date The Psycho ever again, she could barely suppress a grin. She agreed to be my date to a Valentine's Day party because she knew The Psycho was gonna be there with her own date. It went swimmingly; she immediately hit it off with several of my chick friends and it was the only Valentine's Day I'd actually enjoyed. And damn she can look good when she tries to. Seriously, it was like that moment in those 80s teen flicks when the plain-looking girl who is now hot as hell walks into the room. She was all smiles the next day and we just went hiking up Diamond Head with a group earlier today. We've basically been doing a lot more stuff together.

But here's a bit of a problem. I'm leaving Hawaii after this semester. I've been accepted in Texas A&M and will be transferring for Fall 2010. She knows that. I just want to keep things casual and low-key. On the other hand, I owe her SOMETHING for what she did on Valentine's Day. Any suggestions?

Wow, it's so nice asking for girl advice that doesn't involve damage control.

Yup, I'm back in the saddle again. I'm coming back out of my shell. This is after finally getting past the fallout from the previous girl (we both talked to our graduate advisors because it had gotten THAT ugly and guess what? Turned out I hadn't really done anything wrong).

So I'm kinda/sorta starting to date this incredibly sweet girl who lives on the same property as me. We've been friends since summer. Since a lot of the residents at our property moved out over winter break (they were mostly exchange students who only signed on for one semester) the remaining residents have gotten closer. A long time ago, when I told her I wouldn't want to date The Psycho ever again, she could barely suppress a grin. She agreed to be my date to a Valentine's Day party because she knew The Psycho was gonna be there with her own date. It went swimmingly; she immediately hit it off with several of my chick friends and it was the only Valentine's Day I'd actually enjoyed. And damn she can look good when she tries to. Seriously, it was like that moment in those 80s teen flicks when the plain-looking girl who is now hot as hell walks into the room. She was all smiles the next day and we just went hiking up Diamond Head with a group earlier today. We've basically been doing a lot more stuff together.

But here's a bit of a problem. I'm leaving Hawaii after this semester. I've been accepted in Texas A&M and will be transferring for Fall 2010. She knows that. I just want to keep things casual and low-key. On the other hand, I owe her SOMETHING for what she did on Valentine's Day. Any suggestions?

Wow, it's so nice asking for girl advice that doesn't involve damage control.
Are you into long distance relationships? For some people, they can work, for other people they can't.
Are you into long distance relationships? For some people, they can work, for other people they can't.

Not to reply with another video but...

Long distance relationships don't really work because eventually someone has to move. I mean, if you're only going to be in Texas for a year or two...maybe? But if you're moving to Texas and she has NO intention of moving to Texas than save yourself the trouble.
No, I'm not into long distance relationships because in my experience they're a terrible, terrible idea. She has no intention of moving to Texas and I'll be there for at least two or three years. What I'm wondering is how I can make these last several months in Hawaii great and end on a high note.


No, I'm not into long distance relationships because in my experience they're a terrible, terrible idea. She has no intention of moving to Texas and I'll be there for at least two or three years. What I'm wondering is how I can make these last several months in Hawaii great and end on a high note.
I'm an army wife and met my husband online and did a whollllllllllllle lot of distance..........Been married now 4 years and he's in school in Arizona and i'm in Montreal canada and I agree i'ts a terrible experience you must have complete devotion and some days are absolutely ridiculously horrible and the fights that happen from being apart are so damn stupid and retarded. I wouldn't recommend long distance unless your in love to the point of marrying the person and can hack dealing with the ups and downs and roller coster rides that come with it......cuz everyday is a new day with another issue and the more you begin to miss one another the more irritable every situation becomes .........Just my opionion

Oh I quoted this to agree with the terrible experience part. Ok that 's all i got!

---------- Post added at 08:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 AM ----------

Oh and to add.........COngrats for being back in the saddle again ....That part is awesome !
Wow, you people always know exactly what to say. What's your midichlorian count?

Seriously though, what she did on Valentine's Day was incredibly awesome. Otherwise I would've shown up alone and The Psycho probably would've accused me of "keeping tabs" or whatever. Instead I showed up with a lovely date, had a great time, and was able to say goodbye to one of my friends (it was also a going-away party). I should do something special for her but I can't think of anything. I'd like to do something nice, but not too serious because that will just make things worse when I leave.


Wow, you people always know exactly what to say. What's your midichlorian count?

Seriously though, what she did on Valentine's Day was incredibly awesome. Otherwise I would've shown up alone and The Psycho probably would've accused me of "keeping tabs" or whatever. Instead I showed up with a lovely date, had a great time, and was able to say goodbye to one of my friends (it was also a going-away party). I should do something special for her but I can't think of anything. I'd like to do something nice, but not too serious because that will just make things worse when I leave.
If I was her I would just wanna do something fun with you....Cunnilingus works lmao !
No but seriously ......Take her to a chick flick and somewhere she likes most......whatever her favorite restaurant or hot spot is. Women like to choose. Just a thought. And that isn't too serious either it's more like just a fun day and it will be special because ur there......and well....

The cunnilingus will enhance specialness hehehe!
Hmmmm... are there any chick flicks in theaters right now? I was thinking about waiting for How To Train Your Dragon next month because she likes the Pixar/Dreamworks CGI films.
It's going to be difficult and awkward going down on her in a movie theater. Try renting one instead.
Valentines Day is a chick flick, but it sucks.

Does she have a preferred type of movie? My girlfriend, for example, has a thing for horror films.


Hmmmm... are there any chick flicks in theaters right now? I was thinking about waiting for How To Train Your Dragon next month because she likes the Pixar/Dreamworks CGI films.
That sounds pretty good since she's into that kinda stuff........Valentine's day looks romantic cheesy like if she likes that sort of thing ! I'd just keep it simple and have a blast!


Hmmmm... are there any chick flicks in theaters right now? I was thinking about waiting for How To Train Your Dragon next month because she likes the Pixar/Dreamworks CGI films.

Dear-fucking-John is in the theaters. I had to sit through that bullshit of a movie last week.


Hmmmm... are there any chick flicks in theaters right now? I was thinking about waiting for How To Train Your Dragon next month because she likes the Pixar/Dreamworks CGI films.

Dear-fucking-John is in the theaters. I had to sit through that bullshit of a movie last week.[/QUOTE]

I hear that is pure torture......Then again maybe i was told that becuz my hubby is away hmmmm.
Obviously you guys have some common interests, I'm sure there is something she like more than you that you can do.

Take her out for lunch (lunch dates are more friendy rather than datey) as a thankyou then an activity she likes. Maybe she really likes new super mario brothers but your a brawl kinda guy. Or yknow non geeky stuff.

As long as she knows your going away then she is probably just looking for the same thing as you, a great time and a memory of a relationship that didnt end in tradgedy,yeha itll be sad when you leave but not so much unexpected or heart breaking.

Also cunninglus, not as a thankyou but a regular activity is my thoughts. Of course then she will have to return that favour.....thus creating a loop of orgasms and oral sex.


Sign yourself and the girl for some dance classes (preferably tango or salsa).
I this case I think it's perfectly acceptable to actually ASK her what she'd want to do as a thank you. Seriously.. "Hey, I had an awesome time on Valentine's, you were awesome, thank you for doing that... tell you what, as a thank you you get to decide what we do for a whole day, anything you want, your call."

It'll be fun for her to think of something she really wants to do and you both repay the favor and gain cute-points.
^ God, this.

Swing is another fun one, with fewer romantic overtones as tango if that's something that matters to you.
Man I love swing dancing. Go with swing dancing.

Plus you can make so many double entrendre 'swinging' jokes until your friends hate you.

Not that I did that.
I this case I think it's perfectly acceptable to actually ASK her what she'd want to do as a thank you. Seriously.. "Hey, I had an awesome time on Valentine's, you were awesome, thank you for doing that... tell you what, as a thank you you get to decide what we do for a whole day, anything you want, your call."

It'll be fun for her to think of something she really wants to do and you both repay the favor and gain cute-points.

Also, I was in a similar situation once. The last two months of senior year of college, I dated a sophmore, when we both knew I was moving away afterword while she was not. It was one of the best relationships I've had, actually, I'm still friends with her and we talk fairly regularly.
Man I love swing dancing. Go with swing dancing.

Plus you can make so many double entrendre 'swinging' jokes until your friends hate you.

Not that I did that.
Heh, give me an example of one of those "swinging jokes."

She's not into cheesy romances at all (good on her). She mostly likes the movies I like aside from the war films. Anyways, I'll ask her what she wants to do. Should I include cunnilingus in my initial offer or surprise her later on?
Do boys not buy girls flowers anymore? I suppose since they have met, you could always ask you ex for advice.


Staff member
Do boys not buy girls flowers anymore? I suppose since they have met, you could always ask you ex for advice.
No, they don't. :( Especially not daisies. But in the end, it's hard to justify buying a plant that you're just gonna watch die for a week or so.
I got my ex potted flowers, never cut ones. I've always had an issue with giving plant genitalia as gifts, but making it DYING plant genitalia is just too gruesome for me.


I love getting flowers. Tulips and chrysanthemums are my favorite cut and dahlias are my favorite potted.

Mm flowers.
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