[Request] Banner ads

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Just wondering how much control we exert over what ads are shown?
I don't care about the gold farm ads for diverse MMOs, I don't really care about most of the matchmaking ones (free single african girls in Hong Kong? BOY AM I INTERESTED! Why do I get bhamvs' ads? :p), some are actually interesting when I've been researching something I want to buy, and I know a lot of them are based on my own browsing but...Haven't seen them on any other site, and suddenly I'm being bombarded with Scientology ads on HF. Which are bloody annoying..."A new kind of religion, based on 50,000 years of knowledge, science and nuclear physics"....Gah!
Any chance of ditching them, or are they simply too powerful profitable hypnotizing hard to get rid of?
I had to long time ago install AdBlocks for the forums... simply because I hate Ads... but when I'm at work.... if someone types something like... VAGINAL SECRETIONS .... then you'll get ads regarding that....

and in a work environment.... that's a huge issue.
That's what I don't understand. When I surf via my iPod Touch, I get TONS of GOP ads. I'm almost afraid to find out what would happen if I unblocked ads on here... (shudder)


Staff member
when I come here on my tablet, all I get are ads for full sail game design college and whatever crappy free-to-play browser game is going around at the moment.
You know what ads get me the most? The ones in Gmail. Every time I empty my spam folder, I spend the next two days with nothing but ads for spam related foods. Spam strudel. Spam Swiss pie. Spam sandwiches. Spam this, spam that. You'd think that they'd've programmed an exclusion for the word spam into their ad serving software.
All I get here are Canadian Honda parts distributors, handheld lasers and that same full sail game design one the GasBandit gets.

There is very little variation from these three.
Under their old format, I had a ton of "Spam Salad (serves six)" hits in the "related links" section above the mailbox. Nice to see they haven't improved much.

Adblock Plus FTW.
It's all based on the cookies. I'm borrowing Kati's computer for a few days, and I keep getting ads for credit cards, kitchen equipment, and Hulu (she uses the same computer to frequently check her online bank balance, look up recipes, and stream children's entertainment for Cary).

So your ads are a revealing window into what kind of person you are and what you surf.

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