Big welcome to Angels2200!

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It would actually be fairly straight forward to put a killing trigger on something like the gene to produce testosterone instead of androgen. Have it do something like weaken the vascular system, or perhaps shut off the marrow system. Something like this could allow a "lucky few" to survive under very protected conditions to have a few last children with families.

The medical side of the comic was not explored much other than prosthesis and first aid for jail breaks.

However, the prosthesis side would show a much advanced understanding of the human bodies rejection of foreign implants than we have now, so a standard immune system shut off would not seem to be as deadly as it is now. Depending on how you handle it, that may be what you want though.

Boils would indicate a sloughing of the dermal layer, this would be a great terror weapon, and with possible limited guys with prosthetic skin, this would work great.
Did I mention that we have a lot of very smart people here, too? We do some things here using nothing but SCIENCE!!


I would like to live too..... here are some ideas.

Scenario One:
The disease target the y chromosome. This of course would effect anyone with a y chromosome including women with XXy's_syndrome but since it is in the future (year 2200?) there could be a technology to replace the y with an X so people who chose to change gender will be safe (it is a possibility) but this also could mean that the human race would not die off either since you could "create" male partners for pro-creation. The downside the disease will kill them off :(

How do they die? I haven't read the story so does it kill them instantly? airborne? contact?

Scenario two:
Instead of y chromosome, maybe it attack certain genetic sequence or hormones. Certain level could be deadly and cause them to die out. This of course, can kill some women off who may produce some level of those hormones (it is possible) same for genetic sequence (this is a pure guess on my part, I'm sure some of our forumite scientist can give a better scenario)


Well, who knows what form the plague took? Heck, for all we know it was actually a seeding of nanobots which would enter the body, seek out testicles, and turn sperm vicious. Carnivorous. :D
And nerd-boy on the enemy vessel at the end of the last chapter has the transmitter bracelet that sends the deactivation code which keeps him safe, perhaps.

Okay, okay, that's silly...but there'z no reason to assume that it was an actual virus or nuffin'. There are a lot of interesting things you could do with a nanobot plague.
For example, I once had this HORRIBLE idea for a movie: aliens decide to invade Earth, but rather than conquer it militarily, they seed Earth with nanobots which enter the human body and reorganize the physical structure of everybody in their sleep, so that when they wake up they find that they look William Shatner. The horror! The horror!

...I wuz gunna call it, Invasion of the Body Shatners. :D


Well, who knows what form the plague took? Heck, for all we know it was actually a seeding of nanobots which would enter the body, seek out testicles, and turn sperm vicious. Carnivorous. :D
And nerd-boy on the enemy vessel at the end of the last chapter has the transmitter bracelet that sends the deactivation code which keeps him safe, perhaps.

Okay, okay, that's silly...but there'z no reason to assume that it was an actual virus or nuffin'. There are a lot of interesting things you could do with a nanobot plague.
For example, I once had this HORRIBLE idea for a movie: aliens decide to invade Earth, but rather than conquer it militarily, they seed Earth with nanobots which enter the human body and reorganize the physical structure of everybody in their sleep, so that when they wake up they find that they look William Shatner. The horror! The horror!

...I wuz gunna call it, Invasion of the Body Shatners. :D

Nanobot would be interesting. I guess than you could have an "angst" scientist who don't get any girl to make something like this to kill off his "competition"


Nanobot would be interesting. I guess than you could have an "angst" scientist who don't get any girl to make something like this to kill off his "competition"
Heh. Perhaps.

I seem to remember there being allusions to this plague being not natural, that it was set upon humanity by...somebody. Maybe I'm wrong, but...
I would like to live too..... here are some ideas.

Scenario One:
The disease target the y chromosome. This of course would effect anyone with a y chromosome including women with XXy's_syndrome but since it is in the future (year 2200?) there could be a technology to replace the y with an X so people who chose to change gender will be safe (it is a possibility) but this also could mean that the human race would not die off either since you could "create" male partners for pro-creation. The downside the disease will kill them off :(

How do they die? I haven't read the story so does it kill them instantly? airborne? contact?

Scenario two:
Instead of y chromosome, maybe it attack certain genetic sequence or hormones. Certain level could be deadly and cause them to die out. This of course, can kill some women off who may produce some level of those hormones (it is possible) same for genetic sequence (this is a pure guess on my part, I'm sure some of our forumite scientist can give a better scenario)
It's been described as a "genetic plague" which I have always took to meaning that it attacked the Y chromosome. I don't think there was indication as to the transmission method, but it did spread through all of human space and did so very quickly. So quickly that 95% of the male population was dead before a cure was found. Death from the plague wasn't instantaneous but it was quick.

All of that was off the top of my head. As Han commented above, there are some details that are a bit fuzzy that may need to be retconed in future, but that's the general gist of it. The Divided Souls fancomic that Vexus is writing will deal with the origin of the plague, so that's worth checking out as well.


Staff member
My question is how that other 5% did survive it.
Without having been able to read ALL of the background yet, I think it may have to do with the fact that a space-faring race would be difficult to wipe out unless it was somehow nano-bot related to go off at a predisposed time. It would be nearly impossible to kill an entire gender even on a closed planet like Earth because of remote locations unless it was a persistent virus or effect.


My question is how that other 5% did survive it.
Without having been able to read ALL of the background yet, I think it may have to do with the fact that a space-faring race would be difficult to wipe out unless it was somehow nano-bot related to go off at a predisposed time. It would be nearly impossible to kill an entire gender even on a closed planet like Earth because of remote locations unless it was a persistent virus or effect.[/QUOTE]

Yea. I figure if a remote colony has no physical contact with the home planet could survive (if via virus or nanobots) now if it is magical, then it likely to be 100% unless some have protection from harmful magic ;)

or psionic powers (like Q in Star Trek or that being in TNG where his will can kill off an entire race) then well..... we are screwed.


Yah, nanos would be the best way, or something that was contagious for like a year with no symptoms, then BLAMMO triggered death in like a few hours.


My question is how that other 5% did survive it.
They washed their hands A LOT.[/quote]

In FIRE![/quote]

I touch the fire and it freezes me.
I look into it and it's black.
Why can't I feel?
My skin should crack and peel.
I want the fire back!

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it


All will be made clear(er) in the first 5 comics of the relaunch.

You have to remember, this comic was conceived by two guys with little to no knowledge of advanced biology and/or diseases. The plague was more of a kick off point to establish the female universe, I don't think we ever actually thought too hard about how it would work.

Until we opened the first forums that is, and you lot came along :)
I come back to the forum after a few weeks and find new people AND science talk? Sweet!

I'd say your best bet for the plague would be a benign but incredibly transmissible virus that activates a deadly but non-transmissible dormant retrovirus on the Y chromosome. Much of the "junk DNA" of the human genome is composed of retroviruses that have been overcome and incorporated. And they're just lying there. Waiting.

My question is how that other 5% did survive it.
Push up bras and hooker boots. I have a knack for telling people what they want to hear.


Staff member
Say, how long ago was this plague?

Are the historical sources on the matter reliable? Or is it possible that in some kind of gendercidal frenzy all men were killed to set up a gynocracy?

...asketh the Cultural History minor who's been told far too many times to maintain healthy scepticism of all sources.

Cuyval Dar

I am seriously impressed with this. You have certainly earned a spot in my bookmarks bar, right after PA, LICD & QC.

Cuyval Dar

Just finished the archive, and I can't wait for the strip to start up again.
Welcome to Halforums! I'm a Troll, and I'll be handling most of the trolling duties for your new forum. If you have any questions, please let me know and I'll answer them as soon as possible. In the meantime, please compile a list of topics you find aggravating or offensive, so that I may begin harrassing you. Thanks, and enjoy your stay!


From what I've seen of the comics, the main points would be the ships are made out of wood by Amish space craftsmen, all of the outfits are at a minimum 15 layers thick, and half of the women wear goatees on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the other half on Monday and Wednesday. Fridays are open for anyone, and weekends are days to go buy more facial hair.


Ah, but that's the only kind of lady Angels has, Gruebeard! Even Kimmers, and she's got the whole "Mom" thing going on. ^_^
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