Makare: I get you're happy about your frame. Last year, I was happy to get some deals on Amazon for my little cousins.
But you can't really defend these people who are hitting, shoving, acting like animals over video games, toys, and bullshit. I mean, I know legally you'd have to act like someone is an angel if they end up being your client, but outside of work, as real people, you know this shit is wrong.
And I don't think you can ignore that a lot of people blow money they don't have just because they can blow a little less of that money at a point. If I have $300 in the bank, and the $500 TV is on sale for $250, maybe one would think they're smart for saving $250, but they're still spending $250 and leaving themselves only a little bit in the bank for the shit that's actually important. That's stupid behavior. It's also stupid when people spend money, assuming nothing's going to go wrong in the next month or so--because no one ever knows what's going to happen, and suddenly that money you no longer have could be really important because of a sudden medical bill, employment change, etc. (and I can say that from immediate experience).