Blotsfans AMA

When I was in middle school, I was registering for the nickelodeon website. I couldn't think of any good usernames that weren't taken. I ended up deciding "well, I'm a Bills fan, and a Colts* fan, but Boltsfan would make it seem wrong, so I'll switch the letters and be Blotsfan!" Its pretty much always available for every site, so its been a pretty handy username ever since.

*I am no longer a Colts fan
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Tell us about some periodic thing that happens to you that makes you frothtastically angry every time it happens, yet you are forced to grit and bear it every time for some reason.

Do you remember your forum signature used to be Kurtz's promise that he'd out Francis if PvP makes it to 20 years?
Tell us about some periodic thing that happens to you that makes you frothtastically angry every time it happens, yet you are forced to grit and bear it every time for some reason.

We have one client at work that is always a nightmare to deal with. She will ask for

Do you remember your forum signature used to be Kurtz's promise that he'd out Francis if PvP makes it to 20 years?
Man I forgot about that. I don't expect it to happen now, but he did follow through on Francis losing his virginity, so I guess we don't know for sure.
An evil scientist has started cloning evil 2nd graders and sent them to attack the city. You can shut down the machine, but have to fight your way through a horde of the lil' clones. You only have a pool cue as a weapon. Now, I'm not saying you'd like doing this but you have to, to save the world. If we're being honest, how many could you take out to stop this maddness?
What is your side on the whole whether or not to move The Ralph debate?
I don't think its necessary. They just did $200 million worth of renovations last year. My football-going experience is fine. That being said, I'm not naive enough to think that a new stadium isn't coming so it 100% has to be downtown. Having it in Orchard Park at all is a joke.

An evil scientist has started cloning evil 2nd graders and sent them to attack the city. You can shut down the machine, but have to fight your way through a horde of the lil' clones. You only have a pool cue as a weapon. Now, I'm not saying you'd like doing this but you have to, to save the world. If we're being honest, how many could you take out to stop this maddness?
2nd graders are vicious. I'd probably only get 2 or 3 before I get taken down from the back.

Do you think you have an evil twin, or do you think you ARE the evil twin?
I'd probably be the evil twin. I have enough of the 7 deadly sins down.

...for what?
No idea what happened there. She always asks for us (which means me) to add massive new features to the software we're making for her. She will proceed to ask for it to be done that day (frequently in the afternoon), and when I say thats not possible and it will take a long time (and therefore be expensive) she gets flustered and mentions how its not much she's asking for. Basically, people who don't program have no idea why some things that sound simple are actually very complex to implement. Thankfully my boss will never expect me to cater to her whims, but I still gotta listen to it.

p.s. when was the last time you ate food that made you smile?
Today. Fried Macaroni and Cheese balls. I should never have tried them.

Can he join the bath too?
I don't want to get pecked.
My view on it being in Orchard Park is that it gave the Bills a pretty awesome tailgate culture. Of course, I hate the traffic it spawns because every house I lived in growing up was a stone's throw from the stadium.
What is your favorite hobby?

Do you play an instrument?
Watching sports is my favorite hobby.

I used to play the violin. I took lessons from kindergarten to the end of high school. My last lesson was the last time I touched my violin. I haven't once felt the urge to since then.

Do you think Leipold has a chance to take U of B big time?
No. But he can do a good enough job to parlay it to a major job. Also, it's just UB.
Do you regret choosing the Bills over the Colts?

Especially considering Rex Ryan. I mean, what sort of decision making process results in "let's pick up the Jets' cast offs?"