Canadian Politics

Wow, the New Brunswick Liberals trashed the Cons. I didn't even know it was that much of a beating. Good. Fuck you.

63% turnout. Ontario's last one was like 40%
Good. This was a sounding board to see in NS would have an early election. Cons getting spanked next door will surely delay it

Now BC just needs to get sorted.

And if the Alberta government would just fuck right off and get out of Nova Scotia that would be great.

Danielle Smith, I'll give you a $100 if you fuck off right now.
Good. This was a sounding board to see in NS would have an early election. Cons getting spanked next door will surely delay it

Now BC just needs to get sorted.

And if the Alberta government would just fuck right off and get out of Nova Scotia that would be great.

Danielle Smith, I'll give you a $100 if you fuck off right now.
It's incredible how each Con government here is exponentially worse than the last. And one of the worst parts is everyone dislikes her. NO ONE actually likes Danielle Smith. She's fucking awful. Even the most Conservative people I know think she sucks ass and her policies are trash.

But, the alternative, unthinkable for them.

For anyone who reads this and doesn't know that piece of shit has spent an obscene amount of tax money advertising all across Canada. Legitimately want punch people to death when they say anything about Conservatives spending habits.
But, the alternative, unthinkable for them.

For anyone who reads this and doesn't know that piece of shit has spent an obscene amount of tax money advertising all across Canada.
It's the same here, Frank. Doesn't matter where you live, 75% of all YouTube ads are, "Kamala just shovels money at illegal immigrants and their sex change operations" and "<Democratic candidate from your-state's-name-here> loves trannies and hates this beleaguered bearded, flannel-wearing man and their entire family, they are too Liberal and also dangerous to our kids."

Meanwhile, I'm sitting here in a city where the communists got 20+% of the vote and the socialists another 20+% and wondering what the heck is going on over there.
Sure, extremes because you want changes to the system, but could you then maybe not vote for the people who are profiting off the current system the most?!

What's going on with the anti-bike rhetoric?

It is sadly super unsafe for cyclist almost every where in the U.S. it also doesn't help that no one seems to live within cycling distance to their workplace.

Hope there is pushback.
Not surprised at all. He and his late brother had a war against cyclists when Rob Ford was mayor of Toronto.
It's a complex issue that people perceive as simple and get it fucking wrong because they feel it's right.

The reality is that this is a cartwheel designed to allow the shuttering of environmental regulations to build a new highway.
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FFS, Premier just dropped the writ, Nova Scotia holding an election in 30 days.

Yeesh, 30 fucking days, it will be like it never ends!
Typical Nova Scotia riding

PC candidate: Local business owner who's eyes give everyone the creeps

Liberal candidate: Local career politician or government office worker with zero achievements to their name

NDP candidate: Dangerously close to embarrassing themselves every time they speak and nobody knows what hole they were dug up from

Green candidate: Surprised everyone they know when they bought formal clothing to campaign in

Independents: Always have an unflattering local legend about them, which everyone knows, and which is always the response to 'Did you hear ___ is running as an independent?'
Stolen from r/halifax
So in Alberta, we have a complete and absolute moratorium on green energy projects because they harm the beauty of Alberta. We also have a tax on electric vehicles because the government requires you to pay recompense to the holy oil sands for refusing their gift.

I can't wait for the Holy Republic of Alberta's state religion to proclaim the oil sands the body of Christ and the pure garbage bitumen as his blood. You only get into heaven based on the quantity of His Gift you've consumed through your life. Solar power is worshipping a false sun god and is punishable via monetary restitution to Her (Danielle Smith) Holy Church.

Literally instead of demonizing CO2, the most holy of gasses, we must flood the Earth with them.
They're using old debunked oil industry talking points to justify this from like 30 years ago. It' maddening.

Farms are FAILING here because of droughts with zero help from the government.
There's a provincial election right now. Right now, it looks like the Conservatives are set to win a supermajority. I want to vote NDP, because they seem to be doing well, but when I try to find a nearby polling station, all I get for a result is this:

Hard to believe that Manitoba is leading the way on this. Our NDP premier is pretty centrist, but our Health Minister is non-binary so maybe that balances out?
This doesn't surprise me at all. Kinda surprised the progressiveness wasn't higher, actually. Not sure what may have affected that.

But yeah, I'm very much in the NDP/Green voting territory. Less so Green this year with their complete implosion and suing their leader.

Here's a link to the voting compass in case you're curious.

View attachment 38620View attachment 38619

In a recent reply to @GasBandit, I was reminded of this compass and decided to give it another whirl.

I still track very left and progressive, but not as much as last time. Then again, the questions are a bit dated now, like "Should there be restrictions on people who didn't get the Covid-19 vaccine?" I don't think that topic even gets brought up at all anymore. I don't know what questions would have changed the factors here or how I answered them last time.

Also interesting that I'm less inclined to vote Green now. Which isn't too surprising, since they're a LOT less relevant since the last election due to infighting and other controversies.
Welp, Mark Carney is the new leader of the Liberal party with a whopping 85% of the vote. That also means he's the interim Prime Minister until the next election, which will likely be called soon.
My compass position is apparently "Meh."

...though I guess I'm right on the line, if you throw out LPC Georg, who is an outlier and should not have been counted.

So now we're going to get finger printed if we go to the states. How soon before we have to wear a maple leaf in their country so they'll know where we're from.