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Captain America: The Winter Soldier




Another Marvel character will be included in the second Captain America movie: The Falcon. According to the Hollywood Reporter, Anthony Mackie is the current front runner for the role.




I know nothing about the Falcon. What's he like?




He's a hand-to-hand combatant who can fly by using a hardness/wings and has a telepathic bond to an actual falcon.




I forgot that The Falcon was Cap's long term partner.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

I really wonder if this will retain any of the first movie's charm with it not being in the 1940s any longer.




I really wonder if this will retain any of the first movie's charm with it not being in the 1940s any longer.
Probably not. Not to mention the Falcon looks dumb as hell and I can only imagine what he will look like on film.




The Falcon was one of the main reasons I read Captain America in the 90's.




Not to mention the Falcon looks dumb as hell and I can only imagine what he will look like on film.
I automatically assumed he's going to get a huge makeover for the film. There's no way they're going with his cheesy look from the comics. It just wouldn't work on film.




Probably not. Not to mention the Falcon looks dumb as hell and I can only imagine what he will look like on film.
Dude Redwing's a badass, and Sam Wilson can kick butt as well. Out of all of Cap's sidekicks he is in my top 3 :awesome:. Also Falcon has one of the best costumes in comics, and it never gets any respect which is a shame. Of course until Tim Drake starts wearing it and suddenly people are like "OMG Red Robin's costume is so cool" utter bullshit is what that is. </rant>




Still looks pretty silly. I'm sure he's getting a major redesign for live action though. Look for lots of black leather.
I hope they redesign Caps costume as well. The Avengers version was... pretty bad. His personal movie version was way, WAY better.




But Coulson Died! Designing That Uniform!!!11!!!!!

So it will likely stay.




Ultimate Universe Falcon:
Ultimate-Falcon.jpg (This is a thumbnail to a larger image. I found it was too large to post directly)





Cool! I dig The Falcon. I imagine that they're going to pull from his Ultimate incarnation (much like they did with Hawkeye) where he's a SHIELD agent, as opposed to him being a gangster who was brainwashed by the Red Skull into becoming a non-powered do-gooder who received a pair of jetpack wings from Black Panther. Comics were weirder in 70's




Probably not. Not to mention the Falcon looks dumb as hell and I can only imagine what he will look like on film.
I dunno, they didn't seem to care if Captain America would look dumb as hell in Avengers (his own movie's costume was faaaaaaaar better looking onscreen).




I dunno, they didn't seem to care if Captain America would look dumb as hell in Avengers (his own movie's costume was faaaaaaaar better looking onscreen).
He did look dumb in the avengers. If you had more than a few minutes to really see that costume when it wasn't in action it looked really bad, especially up against Iron Man's.

The ultimate version is better but still... wings... I won't be surprised if they ditch them or do something very different.




He did look dumb in the avengers. If you had more than a few minutes to really see that costume when it wasn't in action it looked really bad, especially up against Iron Man's.

The ultimate version is better but still... wings... I won't be surprised if they ditch them or do something very different.
They ditch the wings they might as well go with Rick Jones. At least that way you can have Captain Marvel in a later film.




Oh man, I remember that guy. You're talkin' back in the Days Of Kirby.





So Anthony Mackie talked a little bit about The Falcon in an interview with Newsday:
I'm playing the Falcon. He's this guy in Harlem who moved to California and became a drug dealer. His plane crashed, and he was genetically altered, and he can fly, has telepathic powers. He's the first African-American superhero. It makes me feel all the work I've done has been paying off. I have a son, nephews and nieces, and I love the idea that they can dress up as the Falcon on Halloween. They now have someone they can idolize. That's a huge honor for me.
Huh. It doesn't sound like the direction I was expecting. Sounds like it could be slightly iffy in terms of portrayal. Then again, we don't know who the villains are in this film or what the basic plot outline is, so "wait and see" is the only reasonable course here.




So Anthony Mackie talked a little bit about The Falcon in an interview with Newsday:

Huh. It doesn't sound like the direction I was expecting. Sounds like it could be slightly iffy in terms of portrayal. Then again, we don't know who the villains are in this film or what the basic plot outline is, so "wait and see" is the only reasonable course here.
I know the screenwriters at an earlier point in time talked about possibly using MODOK as the villain for a second Captain America film (with their dream casting being Peter Dinklage as MODOK). Perhaps AIM finds Bucky's body kept in cryogenic freeze?




Freakin' Falcon! And Winter Soldier is gonna be in this? FREAKIN' SWEET!




I know the screenwriters at an earlier point in time talked about possibly using MODOK as the villain for a second Captain America film (with their dream casting being Peter Dinklage as MODOK). Perhaps AIM finds Bucky's body kept in cryogenic freeze?
Hmmm, that seems possible. AIM was a Hydra off-shoot in the comics, perhaps movie-verse AIM is Hydra's distanced-from-Hitler successor? And I would not put it past Marvel to use AIM in multiple films.
Seeing as they're already going to be in Iron Man 3, apparently:

My thought on The Falcon is that he's either going to start off serving (knowingly or not) whoever pulling Winter Soldier's strings, or he'll just be a SHIELD agent with a checkered past.




New casting news:Frank Grillo is playing the villain Crossbones (via AICN)




AintItCoolNews has an interview with Anthony Mackie that confirms some aspects of the character:
AM: I will have wings. I will be able to fly. I will be a superhero and fight people, namely The Winter Soldier.




The movie apparently has its female lead. The producers are in talks with Revenge's Emily VanCamp who, presumably will be playing Sharon Carter. Scarlett Johansson is also said to appear as the Black Widow. (via Deadline)




There is news of another potential cast member. The Hollywood Reporter states that Robert Redford is in talks to play a senior SHIELD agent.




Y'know... if you put an eyepatch on Robert Redford, he looks kinda like the old Nick Fury.




He could be one of the Howling Commandoes.




Y'know... if you put an eyepatch on Robert Redford, he looks kinda like the old Nick Fury.
What if you gave him a mustache and bowler?




What if you gave him a mustache and bowler?
I had that thought, but I just can't see him as Dum Dum Dugan.

Well, I suppose if he's playing the older version of the Dum Dum Dugan the first Cap movie, maybe, but won't he be in at least his 90s?




He's just about 80 himself. Yeah, he's a little young to be Dugan, but as the years keep going, everyone is.




They might make him an old version of Dugan, who's in great shape for his age due to some SHIELD tech or something along those lines. It's a stretch, but it might work. If not, he's just going to be a generic high-ranking leader.




Latino Review has some more unexpected casting news:

UFC Welterweight Champion, Georges St-Pierre aka GSP has been cast as Batroc the Leaper.




Batroc the Leper?
Doesn't sound like a fair fight.




That's pretty rad, if anything he'd be like the goofy intro villain that shows Cap being bad-ass.





He iz note lame! youz are ze lame! Batroc iz entertoning!

I fart in your general direction!




I just read about this. Batroc, really?




Batroc won't be impressed with Captain America's performance.




Batroc is an expert in savate, and is one of Iron Fist's first villains.




Concept art from the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One – Avengers Assembled Blu-ray Collector’s Set (via FBTB, IGN)




Whelp, I'm sold on Falcon.




Wings look nice, but I'm a bit tired of the generic costumes for the normals...




They've pretty much used the Ultimate universe costumes on everyone so far, so the covert ops style Falcon makes sense. Thankfully, they avoided my-body-is-a-brain Stark and his super-ugly suit.




They've pretty much used the Ultimate universe costumes on everyone so far, so the covert ops style Falcon makes sense. Thankfully, they avoided my-body-is-a-brain Stark and his super-ugly suit.
Why the hell did it look like a goddamn gorilla?




Winter Soldier is pretty spot on.




Why the hell did it look like a goddamn gorilla?




That's not even at its worst, that one's got normal eyes instead of big circles. O_O




Still not sure how they are going to pull off the whole Bucky thing. It made sense when Bucky was a teen sidekick, how he was captured by the Soviet Union and turned into the Winter Soldier over years of conditioning. It made it dramatic because you saw that all the while Captain America was frozen, his sidekick grew to be a dangerous killer now on equal footing as him, and due to the freezing, they were now near the same "age"

The Bucky in the movie though isn't represented as a teen, and is instead the same age as Captain America. They are going to have to pull something big out of their ass to give him enough time to become a skilled assassin without making him look old compared to the Cap.




I wouldn't be surprised if they do some kind of super soldiery serum for him and claim it slows his aging or something.




I wouldn't be surprised if they do some kind of super soldiery serum for him and claim it slows his aging or something.
That, or claim he was frozen and then brought back to life with some kooky super-tech. But the serum equivalent is more likely, IMO.




That, or claim he was frozen and then brought back to life with some kooky super-tech. But the serum equivalent is more likely, IMO.
The only issue I have with him being frozen is due to how he "died", it made sense for Captain America to freeze into an icicle since he crashed the plane into one of the coldest locations in the world, one that is not likely to heat up. Bucky died by falling off a train somewhere in Europe in the movie continuity, so that does not really lend to him also being frozen. Unless that mountain range the train was running through has really cold summers.




Winter Soldier was frozen by the commies until he was needed for a mission, it's why he didn't age much. That's how the comics did it I think....no wait, that's how the Avengers cartoon handled it. Good excuse.




Winter Soldier was frozen by the commies until he was needed for a mission, it's why he didn't age much. That's how the comics did it I think....no wait, that's how the Avengers cartoon handled it. Good excuse.
That could work. He's trained but then the war's over, so he's frozen. Russia gets scared when they hear about the Avengers, unfreeze him. This Avengers fear could even set up Crimson Dynamo for real instead of that weird Whiplash/CD lovechild we got in Iron Man 2.




That could work. He's trained but then the war's over, so he's frozen. Russia gets scared when they hear about the Avengers, unfreeze him. This Avengers fear could even set up Crimson Dynamo for real instead of that weird Whiplash/CD lovechild we got in Iron Man 2.
You just reminded me, I hope they reference Ivan Vanko, or at least his father Anton, as one of the makers of Winter Soldiers cybernetic arm. Even though that is not true in the comics I think it would be a good cinematic universe reference.




Winter Soldier was frozen by the commies until he was needed for a mission, it's why he didn't age much. That's how the comics did it I think....no wait, that's how the Avengers cartoon handled it. Good excuse.
That's the explanation in the comics, too. :)




I always remember the fact that both Captain America and Bucky were frozen, which lead to them separating and meeting again in the future. However I do forget the fact they would freeze Winter Soldier between missions, thus why he is still "young" rather then an aging old man in that continuity too. Guess I needed a refresher.

Still... it's going to be weird having a Bucky that is supposed to be physically older then Cap. Even just a few months here and there for training and missions can add up over 60 years.




I hope they can figure out how to give the Winter Soldier the proper time for his backstory. I am encouraged by the fact that they gave Captain America the time to be a soldier in the first film.




(via i09)




NICE! a T-Shirt Gun...




NICE! a T-Shirt Gun...




A better Winter Soldier picture is making the rounds (via AICN)




Concept art for the Captain America uniform in the new movie:




So, is it a spoiler to talk about who the Winter Soldier actually is?




So, is it a spoiler to talk about who the Winter Soldier actually is?
Technically, I suppose it is. Though, it's hard to imagine that there are that many people on Halforums that aren't already aware of it.




So, is it a spoiler to talk about who the Winter Soldier actually is?
I was talking about it earlier so if it was considered one, I kind of already screwed it.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

I have no idea what a winter soldier is, I just want to see another Captain America movie




Concept art for the Captain America uniform in the new movie:
Man, the corny one from the Avengers looked better. I'd prefer the one from the first movie even more.




So, is it a spoiler to talk about who the Winter Soldier actually is?





Man, the corny one from the Avengers looked better. I'd prefer the one from the first movie even more.
Could not disagree more. The Avengers costume was terrible in my opinion, that new one is a marked improvement.




So, is it a spoiler to talk about who the Winter Soldier actually is?

Spoiler: Captain America fights a guy called The Winter Soldier.




Steve Rogers: Super Soldier. It was never a bad costume, but his classic design is great it will be a shame not to see a lot of it.




It's pretty much his costume post Siege





Yes, the period when he stopped being Captain America...




Yes, the period when he stopped being Captain America...
Yeah, because Bucky was CA at the time. I don't mind them changing it up. Just as long as they don't go with the Nomad costume, I'm fine :p

For those unfamiliar:

Yes, Steve Rogers actually wore this costume.




Yeah, because Bucky was CA at the time. I don't mind them changing it up. Just as long as they don't go with the Nomad costume, I'm fine :p

For those unfamiliar:
View attachment 11102

Yes, Steve Rogers actually wore this costume.

Now that's a deep V.




Apart from the cape, it looks like he raided Black Widow's closet.




Gotta love the 70's.




There is going to be a Captain America related short on the Iron Man 3 Blu-Ray.




Yeah, because Bucky was CA at the time. I don't mind them changing it up. Just as long as they don't go with the Nomad costume, I'm fine :p

For those unfamiliar:
View attachment 11102

Yes, Steve Rogers actually wore this costume.
Oooooo, yeah. Why don't more men rock the gratuitously deep V?

/sarcasm font




Man, I wish they'd have another throwback costume.




Hey, don't you be bagging on Reb Brown. He'll mess you up.




From Comic-Con




Those poor bastards at SHIELD just can't keep a helicarrier in the air for more than a year, can they.




Those poor bastards at SHIELD just can't keep a helicarrier in the air for more than a year, can they.
Luckily, they have the same insurance as the Enterprise so I think they're covered.




Well, that looks pretty awesome. Very different feel from the first one, but then, that's to be expected. This feels like a Bourne movie, but on a superhero scale. And I'm okay with that.




Looks rad, I totally dig the Steve Rogers, Director of Shield costume.




Perfect way they could go with it. I couldn't see Captain America just sort of doing his own thing after the Avengers, since he does not really have a place to be like Thor, Tony, or Bruce. Making him a member of SHIELD was a good move because it gives him a purpose and allows the cameos from other characters like Black Widow. Also like the whole freedom versus security thing they are going with.

Also... the guy most famous for using a shield as a member of SHIELD I find hilarious.

This also could be hand waved to explain why Fury gave Coulson his own globetrotting team for AoS. If Captain America is always around doing the heavy lifting for Fury, then they can't have Coulson chilling out nearby. Such a showing of manipulation (whether he is the real Coulson or not) would push Cap out of Sheild faster then he could throw his shield.




Sooo... I'll be seeing that opening weekend.




Those poor bastards at SHIELD just can't keep a helicarrier in the air for more than a year, can they.
Well, it is not a very practical mode of transport.




For a moment there I thought Robert Redford's playing Nick Fury Sr.

Anyway, looks good, I'm interested in seeing it.




I watched.

I came.

I cleaned up.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I feel like that movie's going to be depressing.

I'll be there opening weekend.




Also, there's no way all those characters are going to survive the movie. Start taking bets on who dies!




Also, there's no way all those characters are going to survive the movie. Start taking bets on who dies!
Winter Soldier will not survive. Falcon may bite it as well, but I doubt it. No way they'd kill off Fury or Black Widow.




Also, there's no way all those characters are going to survive the movie. Start taking bets on who dies!
The agent who was caught playing Galaga in Avengers.

That guy deserves to die.




I'm wondering how they'll retool Winter Soldier. He's no longer a Soviet special agent.




I'm wondering how they'll retool Winter Soldier. He's no longer a Soviet special agent.
They will likely keep the whole fact he was raised to be a Soviet Agent, but then make it out that he is now working freelance for another shadowy group.




I'm wondering how they'll retool Winter Soldier. He's no longer a Soviet special agent.
Where did you get the impression he wasn't?




I'm wondering how they'll retool Winter Soldier. He's no longer a Soviet special agent.
It seems a little soon to rule out any time as a Soviet Agent. They could keep that and have him (at the point in time of the film) serving as part of some shady mercenary group, perhaps the same one that has Crossbones and Batroc the Leaper (who are both going to be in this film).




For a moment there I thought Robert Redford's playing Nick Fury Sr.

Unfortunately that ship sailed when they didn't use him in Cap 1, and just had teh Howling Commandos without him. Was it really that hard to just make a mention of him hooking up with Gabriel Jones' sister at the end... Sam J is the right age even...

Batroc the Leaper
YAY.... glad they're using so much of Brubaker's run...




Fuckin' BATROC ZE LEAPER! LEAP! I think it's hilarious that GSP is going to be in a Marvel movie playing one of the goofiest villains.




I wonder if they got him to speak French like someone from Marseille, or at least France.

I love GSP, he's my favorite MMA fighter by far, he's the classiest dude out there...but he's got the strongest Quebecois accent I've ever heard in a public figure.




For sure, and there's no way, Batroc is going to be Quebecois as fuck.




What's important is that he has an OUTRAGEOUS FRONCH AKCANT!




Oh, they'll get one. My only concern is that I might start giggling mid-scene.

It will still be awesome (I hope).




Maybe John Cleese can dub the lines...




black widow.jpg




I'll be in my bunk.

But before I go, does she seem kind of...ambivalent? Like she doesn't even want to be there? She's all like, "C'mon, c'mon. I've got indie movies to do where my acting actually matters."




I just still can't believe that Batrok the leaper is making a big screen debut. It's kind of like The Grizzly showing up in a Spider-Man movie.




I'm a little bummed out he doesn't have the outrageous mustache.




I just still can't believe that Batrok the leaper is making a big screen debut. It's kind of like The Grizzly showing up in a Spider-Man movie.
Oh come on. Batroc's a more capable opponent than that. He's actually been a decent threat quite a few times.




Oh come on. Batroc's a more capable opponent than that. He's actually been a decent threat quite a few times.
So's CatMan, but that doesn't mean he should show up in a Batman movie :p




So's CatMan, but that doesn't mean he should show up in a Batman movie :p
Well certainly not with THAT attitude! :p




Well certainly not with THAT attitude! :p
On the other hand, I'd LOVE to see a Suicide Squad movie.

There you go DC, you want a dark and gritty movie, perfect setup.




But before I go, does she seem kind of...ambivalent? Like she doesn't even want to be there? She's all like, "C'mon, c'mon. I've got indie movies to do where my acting actually matters."
Nah. To me, she has more of an "abnormally narrow-waisted martyred angel" look about her.





Nah. To me, she has more of an "abnormally narrow-waisted martyred angel" look about her.

You mean waist and jawbone aren't always the same width? Huh, perhaps I can take my girlfriend off that enforced diet...:p




On the other hand, I'd LOVE to see a Suicide Squad movie.

There you go DC, you want a dark and gritty movie, perfect setup.
You know they were planning that once. They were also once planning films for Lobo, the Metal Men, Sgt. Rock, Shazam!, and Aquaman. Then they threw them all out the window once they got it in their heads to try to rush a Justice League film.

I even read about an idea of what they were planning for a Flash film once and it didn't sound terrible.




Batroc zee Leap-AIR has gone up against Iron Fist and had a decent chance of winning. I'm glad he's wearing purple.

Also, I'm wondering what Iron Fist's costume will look like in the upcoming TV series on Netflix. In the comics it looks like he's wearing green pajamas.




Batroc zee Leap-AIR has gone up against Iron Fist and had a decent chance of winning. I'm glad he's wearing purple.

Also, I'm wondering what Iron Fist's costume will look like in the upcoming TV series on Netflix. In the comics it looks like he's wearing green pajamas.







Shut. Up. And take. MY. MONEY!




Yup, that looks fantastic.




Not gonna lie... I just got half a chubby.

Also, SHIELD may want to consider a new base of operations. They just cannot keep that damn helicarrier in the sky.




I don't understand why Marvel didn't do a Guardians of the Galaxy trailer for the Superbowl. Of all their properties right now, that's the riskiest.




The Helicarrier is the Spanish Announce Table for the Marvel Universe.




They just cannot keep that damn helicarrier in the sky.
Came here to say that.




Well, they apparently just built a fleet of them, so they also got hit with Conservation of Ninjutsu pretty bad.





I know exactly why I have this boner.




I'm hoping we'll actually see some character development with Black Widow this movie. I love Scarlett Johansen in the role, but I'd love to see her do some more stuff. I'd love to see a Hawkeye/Black Widow movie.




It seems like she's pretty important in this one, and from what I've surmised in other forums about Brubaker's Winter Soldier comic run, she's big in establishing WS as a character to SHIELD and Cap.

Also apparently the bald dude hovering over WS on the surgery table is actually Ed Brubaker himself.




Are they... operating inside a bank vault? Check out all the deposit boxes.




Are they... operating inside a bank vault? Check out all the deposit boxes.
My money is on a bank that's just a SHIELD front.




There was a brief shot of someone under a sheet. Black Widow was peering under it.

Now, it could be a random mook. But I'm guessing someone significant dies in the movie.




There was a brief shot of someone under a sheet. Black Widow was peering under it.

Now, it could be a random mook. But I'm guessing someone significant dies in the movie.
That's most likely Bucky one of the periods where he was frozen away and taken out to be reactivated.

but that's just conjecture.




Bumpin' for movie discussion, SPOILERS AHOY of course.

So, I'm super curious to see how they explain the twins' powers. Obviously we can't get the Magneto angle, so it seems more like Hydra experimentation, maybe? Plus they don't seem to have much control/sanity at the moment, judging by Quicksilver's slamming around the room and Wanda's blank expression as she was playing with the blocks. It also makes me wonder in what capacity HYDRA and Strucker will be involved in AoU as they're going to have to establish Ultron itself and the threat it will represent (not to mention the twins and Vision). Seems like a lot for one movie to tackle, unless something happens in GotG (far as I know it's the last pre-AoU movie).




Yeah. Guardians is supposed to be the last pre-AoU movie. I think we're getting that in November and then AoU in April/May 2015. Antman should be after that and then probably the Black Widow solo movie.




Yeah. Guardians is supposed to be the last pre-AoU movie. I think we're getting that in November and then AoU in April/May 2015. Antman should be after that and then probably the Black Widow solo movie.
Guardians of the Galaxy is coming out this August, then next summer is Avengers: Age of Ultron.




Guardians of the Galaxy Aug 1 2014
Avengers: Age of Ultron May 1 2015
Ant Man July 17, 2015




Besides the main question of how Ultron will come to be, the thing I'm most curious to see is
what J.A.R.V.I.S. will be like when he becomes Vision.




...the Black Widow solo movie.
Fuck. That.

Black Widow is a boring character, and they've done nothing to improve her in the movies. If there is a solo movie for her, I'll eat my own socks.




Fuck. That.

Black Widow is a boring character, and they've done nothing to improve her in the movies. If there is a solo movie for her, I'll eat my own socks.
In all seriousness, it's probably going to be Black Widow/Hawkeye like every comic ever.




Widow in Cap 2 was a step in the right direction, but I don't think she's been built up enough for a solo.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

Widow in Cap 2 was a step in the right direction, but I don't think she's been built up enough for a solo.
why does a female character have to be "built up" for a solo? How much is "built up"? Fuck, she's only been in three of the highest-grossing movies ever already (will be in a 4th before the solo film). The whole point OF a solo film is to give the character room to breathe and be "built up".




I think she's more than ready to shine for her own movie. Hell, they set the stage with her past being revealed to the world for an awesome espionage romp. Hell, just hire the guys who wrote Cap 2 (who are shockingly, the same guys who wrote Cap 1...and I didn't hate the first Captain America at all, those two movies are just in different leagues) to write it.




I think she's more than ready to shine for her own movie. Hell, they set the stage with her past being revealed to the world for an awesome espionage romp. Hell, just hire the guys who wrote Cap 2 (who are shockingly, the same guys who wrote Cap 1...and I didn't hate the first Captain America at all, those two movies are just in different leagues) to write it.
If we get a Black Widow movie, it's probably going to be Black Widow, Hawkeye, and (maybe) Silver Sable taking on Viper (Madam Hydra) and Hydra in Russia/Eastern Europe. Which sounds completely boring and safe, but easy to make.

I don't know... after Catwoman and Elektra, I don't know if I trust Hollywood writers to do a competent female-lead movie. I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but they'd need to bring in someone from the comics to frame the story at least.




why does a female character have to be "built up" for a solo? How much is "built up"? Fuck, she's only been in three of the highest-grossing movies ever already (will be in a 4th before the solo film). The whole point OF a solo film is to give the character room to breathe and be "built up".
For me it's not about a female character, it's about Black Widow specifically. I've always found her character boring. Give me almost any other female Avenger. I'll be the first in line for a Captain Marvel movie, for example.




For me it's not about a female character, it's about Black Widow specifically. I've always found her character boring. Give me almost any other female Avenger. I'll be the first in line for a Captain Marvel movie, for example.
Why they've taken so long to do a Captain Marvel movie is beyond me.




Why they've taken so long to do a Captain Marvel movie is beyond me.
I've been hearing that we may see a Captain Marvel film as part of Phase Three.




For me it's not about a female character, it's about Black Widow specifically. I've always found her character boring. Give me almost any other female Avenger. I'll be the first in line for a Captain Marvel movie, for example.
I think this is the real issue, the writers of the Marvel movies have done a generally terrible job of making their sole major female character interesting. I actually think they should do a solo movie. Get some really strong writers and show everyone they can do female leads. I mean, it's not like they have a guy running their universe now who is known for his strong female leads or anything.




I liked the movie, but I did have one minor gripe. I HATE the shaky cam effect. I think it's overused and trite, and just a way to mask lazy cinematography. Can I see just one fistfight without dealing with a shaky camera?




Very simple way to fix the Black Widow problem about her supposedly being uninteresting:

Have Greg Rucka write the script. The man has a great history of writing strong, interesting female leads. Hell, he even wrote some Black Widow comics and they were great.




Very simple way to fix the Black Widow problem about her supposedly being uninteresting...
It's not just the movie, and therefore not just the writers for the movie. In the comics, I find her boring. I found her to be a giant cliche and horribly out of place. Now, to be fair, I stopped reading comics in the mid-to-late 90's, so maybe there was some huge revelation and the writing got much better. But I still have a strong memory of finding her boring.




It's not just the movie, and therefore not just the writers for the movie. In the comics, I find her boring. I found her to be a giant cliche and horribly out of place. Now, to be fair, I stopped reading comics in the mid-to-late 90's, so maybe there was some huge revelation and the writing got much better. But I still have a strong memory of finding her boring.
Given the right writers or situation, any character can be interesting. If someone told me five years ago that freaking HAWKEYE would be the best comic out there right now, I'd never believe them.




If someone told me five years ago that freaking HAWKEYE would be the best comic out there right now, I'd never believe them.
... I still don't believe that.




It seems like she's pretty important in this one, and from what I've surmised in other forums about Brubaker's Winter Soldier comic run, she's big in establishing WS as a character to SHIELD and Cap.
And they skipped all that, while keeping the red star on WS's shoulder... though by the way it ended we might be getting a more in-depth look in Cap 3.




Just got back from watching the movie, really well done. Probably my favorite of the Marvel movies since Avengers. Not really much else to say, might come back later to say more.

Did anyone else notice the little Star Wars nod?




Saw it. Was good. I had the whole thing figured from the first moment I saw Robert Redford, of course, but was still a good flick. Matter of fact the only thing that surprised me was that
Alexander Pierce wasn't Red Skull in another mask.




The Bad
1# The entire thing was predictable from the get go. I knew who Winter Soldier was. I knew what Redford was going to do. I knew that
Fury wasn't really dead
I pretty much saw everything in the film coming. Disappointed there.
2# The entire movie was made for fans of SHIELD more than fans of the comics. They're really pushing hard to get the TV show tied into this movie.
3# Tons upon tons of plotholes with no explanation, too many silly situations that were made up for the sake of suspense (The entire Nick Fury in the truck in the middle of town scene) etc
4# I can't see ScarJo as Black Widow, she just comes off as ScarJo cosplaying Black Widow. I just don't buy her as the character, at all. Example of a famous actor BEING the character? See below.

The Good
1# If Patrick Stewart was born to play Prof X, Evans is crystal perfect as Cap. He embodies the character perfectly in every word, mannerism and verbal inflection.
2# Amazing fight scenes really grounded in reality. Sure Cap is superhuman but you can really feel the UMPH in the fight scenes. They felt real and had weight. Solid solid action.
3# Even though the plot was predictable, I still enjoyed the Hydra twist. I'm a sucker for Hydra.
4# The credits teaser for Avengers 2.
Scarlet Witch is probably my favorite Marvel character ever
and nods to other Marvel upcomings like the mention of Strange.

All in all a decent film but Cap 1 was definitely a superior movie. I'm not a fan of the Thor or Hulk films either though, I'm definitely an Avengers/IronMan fan on this saga so far.




Yes it was predictable. I agree on that. I feel they could have pulled off the Bucky reveal a lot sooner I think, it happened pretty late in the movie.

I never realized how...
scary Robert Redford can be. He has this way to him that always seemed like the "friendly grandfather", seeing him use those same mannerisms, only as a sadistic member of a world conquering terror organization, threw me off. Like when he kills his housekeeper he still had that "aww shucks" way to him, which made him way more creepy then any of the stereotypical evil archetypes.




Predictable being tossed around on this one, but they're all very predictable. Every Marvel movie.




Predictable being tossed around on this one, but they're all very predictable. Every Marvel movie.
The others didn't rely on a zomgplottwistthevillainis etc etc

It was a major plot point in this film, that's why it's being pointed out here vs the others.




See, I didn't have issues with it being predictable because I have dopey knowledge of the comics. Like I know that Rumlow is Crossbone's real name, so obviously super trained strike force guy named Rumlow is probably bad. Robert Redford has been promoted in interviews and shit as the villain and Marvel people weren't even trying to hide that Winter Soldier is Bucky.

That Arnim Zola reveal was pretty rad though.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

The others didn't rely on a zomgplottwistthevillainis etc etc

It was a major plot point in this film, that's why it's being pointed out here vs the others.
wait, what, Iron Man 3 is literally this




wait, what, Iron Man 3 is literally this
Yep, it was one of the few complaints I had about Iron Man 3. I complained pretty hard about it in the IM3 thread.
See, I didn't have issues with it being predictable because I have dopey knowledge of the comics. Like I know that Rumlow is Crossbone's real name, so obviously super trained strike force guy named Rumlow is probably bad. Robert Redford has been promoted in interviews and shit as the villain and Marvel people weren't even trying to hide that Winter Soldier is Bucky.

That Arnim Zola reveal was pretty rad though.
My wife, who's never read a Cap book in her life knew who it was the moment he appeared, so it's not really a knowledge of comics that's needed, just a knowledge of movie cliches/predictabilities.
Agreed on Arnim and Crossbones though. Like I said in my compliments, Hydra did great.




That's true, the Arnim Zola bit was pretty cool. But
Bucky was just too much of a... I don't know, "Chekov's Lost Sidekick?" And that we'd not seen Pierce in any previous movie material just made it go "Oh so I wonder who the big bad is this time, HMMMMM?

But I don't think it's fair to call it predictable when the reason you know what happens is simply because it follows the source material.




I hope that wasn't it for Zola (and in the age of USB drives, how could it be). He needs to be around for Strucker and Zemo later because he's too rad.




My wife, who's never read a Cap book in her life knew who it was the moment he appeared, so it's not really a knowledge of comics that's needed, just a knowledge of movie cliches/predictabilities.
Or having watched the trailers and having decent facial recognition. Like Frank said, they weren't even trying to hide it. One of the near-release trailers had mutliple uncovered face shots for Winter Soldier/Bucky.




Or having watched the trailers and having decent facial recognition. Like Frank said, they weren't even trying to hide it. One of the near-release trailers had mutliple uncovered face shots for Winter Soldier/Bucky.
Agreed, I was simply refuting the point that only those with the comic book knowledge were able to predict it.




Agreed, I was simply refuting the point that only those with the comic book knowledge were able to predict it.
It also refutes your point that they "were relying on zomgplottwistthevillainis" when they're not hiding it.




It also refutes your point that they "were relying on zomgplottwistthevillainis" when they're not hiding it.
They were hiding it inside the movie, I'm not talking about outside sources. Others were talking about outside sources helping them discover a plot the movie was WITHIN THE FILM trying to be a plot twist.




They were hiding it inside the movie, I'm not talking about outside sources. Others were talking about outside sources helping them discover a plot the movie was WITHIN THE FILM trying to be a plot twist.
They were only hiding it from the point of view of the characters in the movie, not from the audience. The reveal wasn't intended to be a "zomg it's bucky, aren't you all surprised?" moment (whether or not it was for some people). Otherwise they wouldn't be showing Bucky's face in promotional material and having Sebastian Stan do interviews talking about it.




They were only hiding it from the point of view of the characters in the movie, not from the audience. The reveal wasn't intended to be a "zomg it's bucky, aren't you all surprised?" moment (whether or not it was for some people). Otherwise they wouldn't be showing Bucky's face in promotional material and having Sebastian Stan do interviews talking about it.
Welp I guess you say they didn't, I say they did, we both made our point. Neither sees the other point of view correctly. Moving on.




Anyone who is savvy about movie cliches knew Bucky was going to appear because of how much emphasis they put on him near the beginning while Cap was walking through his museum. It was a pretty forgone conclusion even ignoring comics and outside material. One of the reasons I felt they should have done the "It's Bucky!" reveal near the beginning when the Winter Soldier first appeared.

On the opposite end...
I think they could have saved the Pierce reveal a bit longer. Having the whole scene at his breakfast nook and killing the housekeeper felt like it gave away his evil twist prematurely. A good movie will hold the twist over you as long as possible before unleashing it, because it gives your logical mind chance to doubt the original conclusion. Then you pull it out and the audience is like "OHHH I was right!" rather then "Oh... I was right", which is what I got after that scene.

Think how interesting it would have been if they made it out like Crossbones was in charge of the whole thing under the nose of Pierce, only for Fury to show up and Pierce to show his true colors in front of the council? I think it would have had a bit more power at that point. But that might just be me.




I knew I shouldn't have come in here, thanks for the spoilers, Frank




As a huge Cap fan, this was basically as good as it's going to get for me. Have seen it 4 times now, still good. I could watch the

take down of the airship on the bridge and the subsequent landing and musical cue
many times.

The girl I was with when I watched it the first time was looking at me during that part knowing how big a fan I am and all she said afterwards was "It was like watching someone open Christmas presents."




Heh, that's like describing me during most of Superman Returns.




Heh, that's like describing me during most of Superman Returns.




He liked Superman Returns.
Jeeze, keep up guys.




He liked Superman Returns.
Jeeze, keep up guys.
No, I got that part. My comment stands.




No, I got that part. My comment stands.
I'm in the minority that liked it. I sure as hell liked it more than Man of Steel.




You know the more I think about it, the more I feel Iron Man kind of gets the shaft when it comes to the stakes in his solo movies. Captain America fights possibly world ending super-organizations, Thor fights universe ending demi-gods...

Iron Man beats up three guys that want to revenge murder him.




I sure as hell liked it more than Man of Steel.
Well, gosh, I can certainly agree with that.




You know the more I think about it, the more I feel Iron Man kind of gets the shaft when it comes to the stakes in his solo movies. Captain America fights possibly world ending super-organizations, Thor fights universe ending demi-gods...

Iron Man beats up three guys that want to revenge murder him.
Yeah I was SERIOUSLY hoping for a Mandarin in pt2 with a credit scene hinting at a Fin Fang Foom in pt3.




Yeah I was SERIOUSLY hoping for a Mandarin in pt2 with a credit scene hinting at a Fin Fang Foom in pt3.
Watch the Marvel One-Shot on the Thor 2 Blu-ray.

In Avengers 2, I'm hoping to see sidekicks in the climactic battle. Winter Soldier, Falcon, War Machine, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, the WORKS.




Watch the Marvel One-Shot on the Thor 2 Blu-ray.

In Avengers 2, I'm hoping to see sidekicks in the climactic battle. Winter Soldier, Falcon, War Machine, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, the WORKS.
That sounds more likely for the third movie.




Part of me wonders if the GOTG will have a cameo in Avengers 2, even if just a small one at the end or something. Otherwise GOTG will be the first of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that didn't have a larger crossover with the other movies.




You know the more I think about it, the more I feel Iron Man kind of gets the shaft when it comes to the stakes in his solo movies. Captain America fights possibly world ending super-organizations, Thor fights universe ending demi-gods...

Iron Man beats up three guys that want to revenge murder him.
Well, at least some of them are the sorts of Merchants of Death that would create wars in order to sell weapons, so there's some larger stakes there. Still you're right, much like Cap fights evil soldiers (which are parts of evil armies), Thor fights evil god-like beings, and Spider-man fights superpowered animal themed dudes, (none of those statements are meant to be absolutely true mind you, but there's a general theme for each there) Iron Man's villains are often evil reflections, which means they're just corporate jerks with very low morals.[DOUBLEPOST=1397528250,1397528196][/DOUBLEPOST]
Part of me wonders if the GOTG will have a cameo in Avengers 2, even if just a small one at the end or something. Otherwise GOTG will be the first of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that didn't have a larger crossover with the other movies.
Probably depends on how exactly Thanos ties their respective parts of the MCU together.




You know the more I think about it, the more I feel Iron Man kind of gets the shaft when it comes to the stakes in his solo movies. Captain America fights possibly world ending super-organizations, Thor fights universe ending demi-gods...

Iron Man beats up three guys that want to revenge murder him.
Yeah, this has been my major gripe with all 3 IM movies. The first he fights in a half-functional suit, so most of the fight is him getting ragdolled all over the place.

2 has him and WM just kind of standing around firing missiles at robots.

3 is probably the closest they've come to real solid action, but even then it was still a lot of Stark running around in half-broken suits. I wish they'd gone with the comic version of Extremis and given him the uplink/control abilities over the suit.




Not sure if this has been brought up but:
Chris Evans has a 6 movie contract with Marvel. 4 of those have been done (Avengers 1,2/Cap1,2)
Sebastian Stan has a 9 movie contract with Marvel. Only 2 of those have been done (Cap1,2)
Comic book fans know that Bucky/Winter Soldier takes over for Cap after his death. (His death is pretty much eminent with his Sharon Carter relationship starting up)

Think we'll see Evans die as Cap in Cap 3 and Sebastian take over? I can see that.




Not sure if this has been brought up but:
Chris Evans has a 6 movie contract with Marvel. 4 of those have been done (Avengers 1,2/Cap1,2)
Sebastian Stan has a 9 movie contract with Marvel. Only 2 of those have been done (Cap1,2)
Comic book fans know that Bucky/Winter Soldier takes over for Cap after his death. (His death is pretty much eminent with his Sharon Carter relationship starting up)

Think we'll see Evans die as Cap in Cap 3 and Sebastian take over? I can see that.
Brock Rumlow, the agent that worked with Cap early on in the movie and later
turned out to be HYDRA, is Crossbones' real name. If I remember right, he's the one that put a bullet in Cap. He also survives Cap 2, as he can be seen being put in an ambulance with severe burns at the end of the movie. So, I'd say it's totally possible that Cap gets shot in the third movie.




I think it happening in Cap3 is a bit premature. Considering Evan's has two movies left, it's likely he will carry on for a Cap3 and then, if they do decide to kill him off, do it in Avengers 3 as the penultimate reason the rest of the team are going to "Avenge".




I think it happening in Cap3 is a bit premature. Considering Evan's has two movies left, it's likely he will carry on for a Cap3 and then, if they do decide to kill him off, do it in Avengers 3 as the penultimate reason the rest of the team are going to "Avenge".
Avengers 3 will be Civil War... it'll be Captain America Vs Iron Man, until both realize they've been manipulated. Then they'll kill Cap.

Then Chris Evans will decide if he wants to make more money or not.




Then Chris Evans will decide if he wants to make more money or not.
Yeah, I get really dubious when an actor says they are "retiring" from acting (which is what Evens has said, he wants to direct). I bet you see him direct a movie or two but then those big paychecks come calling and he's starring in "The Avengers 17: One of these guys was in the first movie!"







I said it before in the original Avengers discussion, but I would love to see him defeat a minor villain with delicious fruit pies.




... I actually prefer the Tastykake fruit pies myself. They are less sugary...




So, I'm going to see the movie this weekend. This has been the most spoilered movie ever for me :p

Between being a fan of the comic (making the winter soldier reveal a non-suprise), and watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I didn't realize that the main story arch of the season would culminate in being in tandem with the movie. I also made the mistake of opening this thread up, spoiling the Arnim Zola thing, which in concert with watching Agents of Shield pretty much tells me the exact plot of the movie.

Well, I think I'll still enjoy the movie anyway.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight




Best part was the bible verse




I really like The Falcon. Especially when he opens the door to cap and black widow and is just

"Hey cap, what's up?"


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Best part was the bible verse
I totally missed it until my wife pointed it out.




Looks like Captain Corgi has run into a spot of trouble.




Just saw this today. Loved it. Dug the interaction between Cap/Falcon/Black Widow. Hell, all the characters were fun to watch.

Even though I know little about the comic universe,
I still picked out Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver
during the first after credits scene. Go me!




So, is there anything super duper awesome after the final role of credits, my best friend won't let us stick around for those.[DOUBLEPOST=1398029481,1398029427][/DOUBLEPOST]As for the movie itself, I still enjoyed it immensely even after having the bulk of the movie spoiled by Agents of SHIELD.





It's Bucky walking through the Capt. America exhibit, well really standing and staring. I personally think that he's trying to put his memories back to the "real" world.





It's Bucky walking through the Capt. America exhibit, well really standing and staring. I personally think that he's trying to put his memories back to the "real" world.
OK, then I didn't really miss anything major.




OK, then I didn't really miss anything major.
If I had a friend who wouldn't let me sit all the way through the credits of a marvel movie, I think I'd have some decisions to make.




Eh, I'll catch it on the Blu Ray.

When we went to see Thor:TDW, he bitched through half the credits and was pissed when the last scene was really not important to see.




Eh, I'll catch it on the Blu Ray.

When we went to see Thor:TDW, he bitched through half the credits and was pissed when the last scene was really not important to see.
What does he do that his time is so valuable that 3 minutes of credits are dragging away from him? I'd tell him he could go ahead and head out while I waited for the credits to end. Important scene or not.





It's Bucky walking through the Capt. America exhibit, well really standing and staring. I personally think that he's trying to put his memories back to the "real" world.
I still say they should've switched that with the mid-credits scene. The mid-credits scene suited the story of the movie, while the end credits scene sets up future movies. After the mid-scene scene, it felt kind of anticlimactic.




I still say they should've switched that with the mid-credits scene. The mid-credits scene suited the story of the movie, while the end credits scene sets up future movies. After the mid-scene scene, it felt kind of anticlimactic.
Actually I thought the mid credit scene was it, so I left before the end.




Actually I thought the mid credit scene was it, so I left before the end.
Eh, you weren't missing much.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I still say they should've switched that with the mid-credits scene. The mid-credits scene suited the story of the movie, while the end credits scene sets up future movies. After the mid-scene scene, it felt kind of anticlimactic.




I think we might see a new trend for the Marvel movies of two credit scenes, one that is specifically to set up later films in the universe and one that adds flavor or is just a joke.




Of all the stingers, Cap 2's was definitely the least important/entertaining.[DOUBLEPOST=1398045388,1398045331][/DOUBLEPOST]
I still say they should've switched that with the mid-credits scene. The mid-credits scene suited the story of the movie, while the end credits scene sets up future movies. After the mid-scene scene, it felt kind of anticlimactic.
For sure.




I actually prefer it this way. Rather than having to sit through the credits to get to the important stuff, you get the story important stuff more upfront. I mean, I like the little scenes at the end, but making people sit through the credits to make sure that they aren't behind for the next movie is kind of dumb. I'm fairly certain that's been a relatively common reaction, seeing as since the Avengers, that's what they've been doing.




See, my reasoning is two-fold.

One, most people don't stay for the very end of the credits, but usually stay for the mid-credits scene. From a narrative perspective, why not finish the story they were just watching? This is my biggest beef, honestly because from a narrative standpoint on JUST the movie on its own, the end-crdledits scene males more sense to put first.

Second, most of the teasers for next movies, while fun, are usually fan-service for nerds like us that recognize Thanos or the Infinity Gems or future Avengers. Judging by the movies so far, the teasers were not important to the narrative of that teased movie. If it was, it was explained in that movie.




I agree that the opposite order would be best, but there is another reason to do it this way: marketing. The teaser for next movies is publicity, increases your chances of going to the theater to see them.
(Also that end of credits scene in particular was pretty pointless no matter where they put it)




The purpose of the after credit scene is purely to make the impulsive types sit through the credits, no matter how pointless. Believe it or not but people behind making movies are not exactly jumping for joy that the average theater visitor is already heading out the door before the first ten names appear on the credit roll.




See, my reasoning is two-fold.

One, most people don't stay for the very end of the credits, but usually stay for the mid-credits scene. From a narrative perspective, why not finish the story they were just watching? This is my biggest beef, honestly because from a narrative standpoint on JUST the movie on its own, the end-crdledits scene males more sense to put first.
The narrative was finished though. We knew
that Bucky had broken Hydra control and was going to be doing his own thing.

Having that scene at the end of the credits fits with their trend of movies since Avengers to have a teaser for the upcoming movies at mid-credits, then some minor scene related to the aftermath of the current movie at the end of the credits. Admitedly this one was different from the ones after the Avengers, Iron Man 3, or Thor 2 in that it wasn't an intentionally humorous one.




...movie theaters tend to turn off the credits after the first 10 names over here :-( No end scenes, most of the time.




Saw it. Loved it. Would see it again.




Oops. Sorry @Tress, I forgot we were still spoilering things in this thread. :(




For the record, I would totally support a movie focusing more on the Cap/Falcon relationship and ditch the SHIELD stuff. My favorite Cap stuff whas when he was running with Falcon.

I'd also love to see Crossbones show up, and possibly do the storyline in the comic where Cap gets the Super Soldier Serum removed from his body and has to decided if it was the Serum that made him a hero, or if he can be a hero without it. That was one of my favorite storylines from the comic.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

For the record, I would totally support a movie focusing more on the Cap/Falcon relationship and ditch the SHIELD stuff. My favorite Cap stuff whas when he was running with Falcon.

I'd also love to see Crossbones show up, and possibly do the storyline in the comic where Cap gets the Super Soldier Serum removed from his body and has to decided if it was the Serum that made him a hero, or if he can be a hero without it. That was one of my favorite storylines from the comic.
I'm not sure I want to watch Spider-man 2: Captain America Edition.




We saw this last night. I liked it, though it's not my favorite superhero movie from the Marvel universe. My friends were tired, so I didn't get to stay for the clips in or at the end of the credits. This has probably been discussed already, but my brain's in too much of a fog today to go looking for it. Am I right in assuming that
they are setting things up for Bucky to take over being Cap just like in the comic books?

Also, an improvement for me would have been more shirtless Chris Evans and a shirtless Sebastian Stan. That fight scene on the helo-carrier would have been so much better if their shirts had been burned off or flung from their bodies by the explosions. lol




I'm not sure I want to watch Spider-man 2: Captain America Edition.
You obviously never read that storyline in the comics.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

You obviously never read that storyline in the comics.
I've never read any of the comic and never heard of that storyline; was just going on what's in your post.




You obviously never read that storyline in the comics.
Is that the one where an illegal drug bonds to the serum, sending Cap on a bit of a coked-out rampage?




Is that the one where an illegal drug bonds to the serum, sending Cap on a bit of a coked-out rampage?
Yeah, and that's why it needed to have it removed from his body. I remember the issue where he fights Crossbones and kicks his ass even without the serum.




I was shocked that Robert Redford's character was not Red Skull.




I was shocked that Robert Redford's character was not Red Skull.
I've heard that quite a few times.




Eh, he could still show up. Wasn't he only pulled into/transported by the Tesseract?




There's no real explanation of what happened to him at the end of the first movie. Then again, there's not much of an explanation of what the Tesseract does as it is. I thought it was the Mind Gem in the Infinity Gems, but looks like that is the gem that was in Loki's Staff. Originally I thought Loki's staff in the Avengers was just channeling the energy of the Tesseract. Maybe it's the Space Gem?




There's no real explanation of what happened to him at the end of the first movie. Then again, there's not much of an explanation of what the Tesseract does as it is. I thought it was the Mind Gem in the Infinity Gems, but looks like that is the gem that was in Loki's Staff. Originally I thought Loki's staff in the Avengers was just channeling the energy of the Tesseract. Maybe it's the Space Gem?
I think it's supposed to be the Space Gem, considering that when Red Skull was vanished away by it, it looked a lot like traveling via the Bifrost.

Thus far, it seems like the Mind Gem is whatever is in Loki's staff, the Space Gem is most likely the Tesseract, and the Aether from Thor: the Dark World is most likely the Reality Gem (at least in my opinion).




I think the Aether is the Power Gem, but that's mostly based on the color :p

They kind of throw a loop in it by making the Tesseract one of the gems, seeing as it wasn't in the comic books. It was a wholely different universally powerful mcguffin.




I think the Aether is the Power Gem, but that's mostly based on the color :p

They kind of throw a loop in it by making the Tesseract one of the gems, seeing as it wasn't in the comic books. It was a wholely different universally powerful mcguffin.
I suppose having the Cosmic Cube around along with the Infinity Gauntlet and the requisite gems might seem too much.

Besides, they also have their go-around with naming them the Infinity Stones. That way, they don't have to be gem-shaped.




I hope that wasn't it for Zola (and in the age of USB drives, how could it be).
I was actually surprised that he wasn't in any of the post credit scenes... esp. the one at the hydra base...

But i'm guessing (hoping) they wanted to see how people react to him before doing anything more...




I think the way they presented him was a great conceit to keep him similar to his comic book appearance, but not making him as silly as he would be if they were completely accurate to the comic. Cause, let's face it, he looks ten shades of stupid in the comic.





FINALLY! I can now be in this thread. Just took my son and my daughter's boyfriend to see this. I liked it and since I'd stayed away from everything nothing was ruined for me. I had no idea the Falcon was in it and thought everything was very well done. I might find some nitpicks later, but for now I think it was a solid movie well worth my money.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I keep coming back to Winter Soldier and thinking "wow, they really did that well. What a great movie." If I didn't have limited uses on my AMC gift cards, I'd see it again.




Finally saw it. Loved it. Now I really get the joke of how people were saying that they wanted Captain America 3 to be:

Captain and Falcon: We're Up All Night to Get Bucky
