Cartoon University

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Element 117

the powerpuff girls are creepier as young adults.... I didnt think that was possible.
Wilma from Scooby Doo being the same age as the Powerpuff girls does seem anachronic for some reason, though.
Wilma from Scooby Doo being the same age as the Powerpuff girls does seem anachronic for some reason, though.
Considering they have a revamped series out right now, where they (Mystery Inc.) are younger and still in school, it doesn't seem like that anymore.
the powerpuff girls are hotter as young adults.... I didnt think that was possible.
Agreed! :biggrin:-:thumbsup:[/QUOTE]

So, you're saying that they were hot as children.

Female Icarus....[/QUOTE]

Way to fail read. Srsly. Hotter as in "more than not hot". :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

English comprehension fail. Hotter means that there was a standard of hotness that you're comparing against. IE, they were hot before, but they're even hotter now.
Yes, there is, and that's exactly what I'm saying. In order for you to consider them hotter as young adults, you have to have first considered them hot.

If you had said they are hot as young adults, you'd be saying what you're driving at, but seeing as you're using hotness relative to their age, you had to have considered them hot prior to them being young adults.

So, Yeah, Female Icarus.

I know what you intended to say, but what you said came out sounding creepy.
Sorry Sheg, gotta say the "hotter" does sound like it implies they were hot before as 5-year-olds. Though since we now know what you meant to say this is all nothing but silly nitpicking.

Lets all have cookies!


Staff member
Man sheg, that's fucked up.....

Who's the dude holding his eyeballs. I recognize that, but I just can't put my fingers on it.....
I once got "Icarused" for saying I'd throw Kairi up against a wall and ravish her clothes off with my teeth while giving her enough hickies all over her body she'd be confused for a leopard....

Of course I meant this version:

and not this one:


Staff member
That one's still like 16.

Also throwing my hat in the "hotter means they were hot before" ring.

But anywho.

Adult Bubbles and Sailor Moon. Do want.
Puberty can make a whoooooole lot of difference in a year. Hell, in less than that. Who here didn't experience going back to school after summer break in middle school and noticing strange new chest protrusions on the girls that were flat just months before?

Oh, boobs. Aren't they awesome?


Staff member
Puberty can make a whoooooole lot of difference in a year. Hell, in less than that. Who here didn't experience going back to school after summer break in middle school and noticing strange new chest protrusions on the girls that were flat just months before?

Oh, boobs. Aren't they awesome?
Puberty doesn't give a 12 year old instant B-cups. Especially not a JAPANESE 12 year old.
Puberty can make a whoooooole lot of difference in a year. Hell, in less than that. Who here didn't experience going back to school after summer break in middle school and noticing strange new chest protrusions on the girls that were flat just months before?

Oh, boobs. Aren't they awesome?
Puberty doesn't give a 12 year old instant B-cups. Especially not a JAPANESE 12 year old.[/QUOTE]

It certainly seemed to in my school. Diets high in fat will do that, not to mention the bovine growth hormones.
Puberty can make a whoooooole lot of difference in a year. Hell, in less than that. Who here didn't experience going back to school after summer break in middle school and noticing strange new chest protrusions on the girls that were flat just months before?

Oh, boobs. Aren't they awesome?
Puberty doesn't give a 12 year old instant B-cups. Especially not a JAPANESE 12 year old.[/QUOTE]

Uh.. yes it does. Not INSTANT, obviously, but in 2, 3 months.. yes. Indeed. And it's happening when they're younger and younger... 13 year olds today look nothing like 13 year olds 12 years ago when I was 13, let me tell you.
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