Champions Online Open Beta - Grab Your Keys FAST

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If you wanna try CO then nows the time. Right now only certain sites are offering free beta keys. You can of course pre order and get a key, or become a fileplanet paid subscriber and get a key. BUT

has some keys

yea its in french but they keys DO work

the answer is the second one from the top

one key per IP so make sure you enter the right email address

hope to see some fellow spandex wearers in the future
Ok, what the fuck? I registered on the site. It gives me an error telling me that my password is not long enough and now I can't use my email anymore because it is already taken.

I am already out of patience with this shit. Fuck Champions Online.
For those who need instruction. When you get the key mailed to you, go to

click on the link to go to fileplanet. follow the instructions there and start the download (you'll have to register if you haven't already). You'll get an e-mail from fileplanet with the same key that you recieved in the e-mail from the site Mav linked. if you're not a paid subscriber, you'll have to wait in line, like I did.

Then go to and logon. again, if you haven't registered, you will have to register for champions online. Once you've done that, go back to the main page and click on Enter Key in the upper right corner. Enter the same key and click submit. This will tie the key to your CO account.

Sit and wait for download

um.... profit?

No, you do not have to be a paid subscriber to download the client.


DarkAudit said:
And you have to be a paid subscriber to download the client. Smurf that.
No you can dl it without being a paid suscriber it's just they key you need which i provided alternatives for
Frankie said:
You just get to "wait in line" for 78 minutes.
I do believe I mentioned that.

It's going to take all night to download anyway, so I didn't plan on playing till after work tomorrow anyway.
The key was easy. Fileplanet is hiding the file. The big link on the front page is for paid subscribers only. The link for the rest of us is buried. Just a 41 minute queue now.


not to jinx myself knock on wood BUT ive always gotten pretty good speeds from FP

right now i'm hovering betweek 800k/1MB down, with WoW, mIRC and MSN running.
I'm just going to leave it up overnight. it should be good to install when I get home from work.

Then I get to play on way overcrowded servers that will move like molasses :aaahhh:


Ohhh downloading it from FP is the easy part OMFG WTF.. im downloading the patch at 14.4 dial up speed..
Yeah, they are "working" on a fix for the patcher. All i know is that it says I downloaded the patch, but anytime I start up the loader, it doesn't want to work anymore.

(is he even part of the CO project anymore? CoX vets will know who I'm talking about and understand the hate)
I'm surprised File Planet are still alive - when they were one of the first hosting companies, I had to visit them a lot but in the last 5 years or so, I have only visited them maybe a dozen times or so. Most files have better mirrors anyway.

Anyway, it said "all keys done" so I take it I won't get one?
I'm pretty sure that means that their all gone.

Looks like the client will be done downloading before I fall asleep. Which means I can leave the client patching all night.
AngelofBitterness said:
Ah well, I probably wouldn't have had much time to play anyway. Last MMO I played in Beta was Tabula Rasa.
Oh, you poor, poor person...

I lasted all of half an hour in that beta before deciding that I hated it.
Tabula Rasa was one of the most innovative and amazingly crafted with such love MMOs I'd ever played. It's a damn shame they released a good 6 months before it was finished due to pressure from investors.
Bowielee said:
AngelofBitterness said:
Ah well, I probably wouldn't have had much time to play anyway. Last MMO I played in Beta was Tabula Rasa.
Oh, you poor, poor person...

I lasted all of half an hour in that beta before deciding that I hated it.
What made you hate it? I quite liked the idea although there were plenty of flaws in the design. But I liked the dynamic world where cities could get taken over by the enemy, requiring you to take them back. It ran very smooth on my PC too. Biggest problem was that a lot of the quests were bugged and there should have been more of them.

I really enjoyed the beta and even bought the game. Combat was certainly more dynamic than that of most other MMos.
I hated how buggy the quests were. I understand it was open beta, but an open beta should just be to stress test the servers, not have major bugs still crawling around.

I also didn't really care for the interface, but I could have gotten around that.
Shegokigo said:
I could say the VERY same thing about EVERY open Beta I ever played.
I can't say that about the WoW open beta, or even the CoH beta. Other than huge server load, which, as I said above is supposed to be there, both of those betas went just peachy for me. I don't think I reported any bugs at all in the CoH beta. There were a couple in WoW that I reported, but in Tabula Rasa, I stopped keeping track.

Maybe I just got a bad download or something, but I got so frustrated, it turned me off to the game entirely.

I was reallly excited for the game too.
Shegokigo said:
Asheron's Call, Age of Conan, Warhammer, DAoC, LOTR were all HORRIBLE open betas.

The only open betas of the games listed I participated in was LoTR and I agree. Which is one of the reasons I don't play that game either.

Same thing with DDO.
All I'm going to say, is judging any game, before it's been out for at least 6 months, is the reason great MMOs don't survive.
When a game has thousands of quests, then it's obvious that the most bugs will be found within those quests. The same goes for single player RPGs like Oblivion and Fallout 3. Most MMOs like WoW keep their quests rather simple (kill X bears, get head of X, go to location X and click on Y) but in games such as Oblivion, there's dozens of triggers that need to be set off for a sequence to become activated and only one trigger needs to fail for the quest to get bugged.

Personally, I'd like to see more interesting quests in MMOs. LOTRO did rather well - certainly better than vanilla WoW - but I would want quests that branch off instead of being so linear.
Shegokigo said:
All I'm going to say, is judging any game, before it's been out for at least 6 months, is the reason great MMOs don't survive.
All I'm going to say is, customers shouldn't have to wait for 6 months after a games release to work properly.

But then again, that's not a problem exclusive to MMOs, however, I'm not going to pay a monthly fee waiting for them to fix it.

And yes, I understand that closed betas are supposed to be buggy, that's the purpose of having beta testers in the first place, but the open beta should be the spit and polish, not the nuts and the bolts.


K I found a work around for patching, they released a standalone patch you can use, it works for some but not others (if it hangs on gameclient.exe for you after you install the standalone fix, look on the forums someone mirrored gameclient.exe thats up to date)

So I log in, runs a bit slow on my laptop I use for gaming but none the less my first toon is born, BUNNYMAN LIVES!

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