Champions Online Open Beta - Grab Your Keys FAST

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No. Download the latest client from FP, go to they have the standalone patch (it's like 240 MB). Install patch, then when you run the patcher your only patch to download is a grand total of 32MB, after that you can log in and play.
too late..i set up the launcher to do it's own patching and walked away to go to work. Joy.

They really need a better set of instructions on the beta site on how to get up and running.
2 hours into the client download, and it's barely a quarter of the way finished. I have little to do on the 'puter that really needs bandwidth this afternoon, so I'll let it go to dinnertime. If it's still not done, smurf it.

(ETA: not even close to halfway after 4 hours. Smurf it. *cancels dl*) :eyeroll:


There are apparently some patcher problems (and by some, I mean a buttload) so many people are patching slowly, and others are having the patcher stop and are finding the need to restart the DL.
Well, the game crashed on start up during the whole police chief bit. Too bad, I was kind of excited to play as Future Cop 2999. He's from the future.


Staff member
I used to be excited about the game, but what I've read from some recent coverage, plus all this fileplanet beta bullshit has soured me on it. I think I'll end up waiting until after release and when they start offering "free trials" for 7 or 10 days or whatever, like just about every other MMO does nowadays.

I'm keeping busy with warhammer, at any rate.
Awesome, so my game launcher just locks up at Loading. Please wait

This is the most fun I've ever had not playing a game.
ok, played a few minutes.
Spent 20 minutes making my character costume.
Spent 10 minutes determining that I didn't like the game.

It's very 'busy'. A lot of shit is going on at once right in the starting area, which has a great big old startle-factor with all kinds of shit quickly going on (including bad guys running right up to your starting area) while you're still trying to figure out how things work.

The mobs are packed DENSELY..there's no real safe place to go in the starting area, other than some very small circles of cops.

I spent most of my time running around getting swarmed while trying to figure the game out.

The first few missions were straight from CoX (Talk to a cop, practice your combat moves, etc), and really made it feel like a bad CoX ripoff.

Didn't much like it.
and so, maybe I'll try it again in 6 months. I don't see me paying for this right out of the gate.

If a game feels crappy to the majority of users right out of the gate, how can you know if it's going to be a "great" mmo? This one certainly doesn't feel like one.
Yeah, I've filled up my 8 slots. I have way more fun making the guy than actually playing him.

-- Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:19 pm --

Here's 3 of them:


Future Cop 2999

Half man, half cop, ALL FUTURE!

The Mighty Warricane

Here he is! Rock you like a WARRICANE!

Ok, these shit cocks need to get their shit in order. I'm only allowed to play once before the launcher borks out on me and I have to restart to get it to work?

Fucking ridiculous.
Yeah, it's cell shaded.

They really allow you to ramp up the settings on stuff too, though the game currently becomes as stable as Amy Winehouse in a High Level crack den when you do.
I haven't had any problems with everything maxxed out, but as I've said before, I still have a pretty hefty gaming rig.
Fucking game won't let me use the option to take advantage of my dual core, so things aren't running nearly as well as they should be. Otherwise it's perfectly fine and entertaining once you get into the game. Millennium City looks much more like a city than Paragon ever did.
Bowielee said:
I haven't had any problems with everything maxxed out, but as I've said before, I still have a pretty hefty gaming rig.
Yeah, I do too and it crashes like a mother whenever everything's maxed. I don't know why yet.


Take it from a beta tester, take a slotted passive defensive power as soon as you can, it'll make soloing a lot easier. Invulnerability from the Power Armor set, Defiance from the Might set, Personal Force Field from the Force set, Regeneration from the Supernatural set. It will make your life a hell of a lot easier since these powers either make you heal faster, or boost your defense. Also available are slotted passive offensive powers, these aren't quite as good as the slotted defensives for soloing, but they also make fighting a lot easier by adding to your damage, or helping you regenerate energy. These aren't required to get along by any means, and if you've got a group then you'll likely not need them (unless you're playing a specific role in the group) but they help a lot.

Also, if you're using a hero who's basing powers around strength (Martial arts, Might, Power Armor, etc.) then remember that you can pick up cars, and later armored cars and larger items. These are extremely damaging to many enemies and are great against fliers if you're a melee hero.

Edit: A few of mine, most are much lower res because they're saved directly from the costume creator.

I think I'm better at making bad guys.

Violent Violet

She's as mean as she is pinkish purple!


Live from the infinite Layers of the Abyss!

Hot Stuff

She'll as soon set you on fire as tell you the time!



A few more of my characters, first my magic user, Verik

And next, my munitions/gadget user, Techmarine
I still have a key that I'm not using if anyone wants it. I'll post some screens of my characters soon.
Damn it, the fucking servers always go down when I want to play. Well, when I want to make more heroes. Number of heroes I've beaten the tutorial with: 0. Number of heroes I've made: around 16.
I need to dig up my old Champions role playing character sheets and see if I can re-create my old melee brawler and my super scientist/super speed character.
sixpackshaker said:
I need to dig up my old Champions role playing character sheets and see if I can re-create my old melee brawler and my super scientist/super speed character.
It's supposed to be exportable, so it should work. That doesn't mean they will necessarily be as good though.
AshburnerX said:
sixpackshaker said:
I need to dig up my old Champions role playing character sheets and see if I can re-create my old melee brawler and my super scientist/super speed character.
It's supposed to be exportable, so it should work. That doesn't mean they will necessarily be as good though.
I imagine there have been a few rules changes in the last 12 years though.
A big improvement over CoX: you get your travel power pretty much right out of the tutorial, rather than having to play for months first. Yay, Dr. Calamitus can now fly! (though I did seriously consider burrowing through the earth as my travel power)


Tinwhistler said:
A big improvement over CoX: you get your travel power pretty much right out of the tutorial, rather than having to play for months first. Yay, Dr. Calamitus can now fly! (though I did seriously consider burrowing through the earth as my travel power)
You always got a travel power in CoX.. I did the demo of CoH back in like 05, around the time Kurtz was raving about it, I made a Blaster toon and got Flying in like, a couple levels. It wasn't super fast flying..but it was flying.

In CO its what, lvl 5? And each level is slooooooooooooow.. The quests help but still, its slower than I'm used to for the newb levels.
In City of Heroes/Villains, you can get a temp flight power at 5 and 10 by doing 3 Radio/Paper missions and then doing a Safeguard/Mayhem Mission. You can also buy temp flight packs or get them from certain story arcs.

At launch, needing a way to get around was a problem. It is not anymore and hasn't been for at least 3-4 years.
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