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Changing hosts




I'm probably going to be changing hosts soon. I show we were down all or part of:
  • December 21
  • December 23
  • December 24
  • December 25
  • January 6
  • January 19
  • January 21
  • January 22
  • January 25
  • January 28
Looking at the fact that December was 31 days and January has had 28, that's 59 total days. We've been down at least a part of 16.9% of the time. And if you start on the 21st when the shit hit the fan we're talking 10 out of 39 days, which is 25.6%. That's insane.

So I apologize to everyone for having to do this again. I've stuck with this guy through some hard times both here and on his end and I feel like crap doing this, but today was the last straw. I am super busy at work and just didn't have time for this to happen again. Stay tuned. I'll keep everyone in the loop.




Thanks for dealing with this for us.




I concur. Thank you for everything you do to give us a place to nerd-rage.




My letter to the host.


I'm sorry to be sending this because I think you're a damned good guy. But after today, we've been down a part of 16.9% of the days starting December 1, and if you start when we first hit the big snag on December 21, it moves to 25.6% of the days we've had some sort of down time. I've had a meeting with my admins and mods (they called it, not me) and we've decided that it's time to move hosting. No, I'm not asking for money back for anything I've paid.

I really hate doing this. I know you're a good guy, but today was just the last straw. I'm very busy at work and will be on the road a lot in the upcoming months and I just can't take the time to deal with this every other day. I know it's not your fault - the DDoS and equipment going down, for example - but whatever the reason, we have not had the uptime that should reasonably be expected. I know we're a small fish in the grand scheme of things, but my users have been getting frustrated as much as I.

So as much as I hate to do it, could I please have access to the cPanel for the three sites - Halforums, nihsen.com, and workhouseentertainment.com. I wish you the best of luck and when I say I harbor no ill will towards you I do mean it.
And I mean this, by the way. I really like the guy. But today I was just too busy to have to deal with it.




I feel like it's probably not all his fault, either, but I have no idea how to go about remedying it aside from moving hosting.
Still looking forward to the day we can just colo a custom-built Halforums server.





I feel like it's probably not all his fault, either, but I have no idea how to go about remedying it aside from moving hosting.
Still looking forward to the day we can just colo a custom-built Halforums server.

Had I won the lottery that would have been a reality! Alas...




I'll be fiddling with a cloud VPS hosted forum setup later this year ( discourse.org for those curious) but running on a cloud VPS from a provider separate from the developers (who are all around good guys and friends, but their hosting is more costly).

Going to the cloud resolves issues with machine downtime/maintenance, and if you go with a big provider like amazon cloud services you can get great uptime and reliability. Even if the virtual machine goes down, your data is safe, and you can just destroy the running instance and restart a new one. Use a service to watch uptime, and if it detects the site is down it notifies you, destroys the instance and restarts it so you're never down for more than a few minutes.

It'd be too big a transition for this forum, at least at this time, but it's finally a mature enough forum software that I'm going to be fiddling with it, and it might be worth looking at later.




Is the traffic here to high for a standard shared hosting service?




Is the traffic here to high for a standard shared hosting service?
Sometimes. Not often, but we do have a large DB and enough lurkers that make a difference.




So Zappit keeps asking me about the possibility of merging with another forum. Here's his note. Let me know what you think. It would affect all of us so I'm not making this unilaterally. As of right now I don't know what we'd be gaining/losing. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want to change to Halforums. Thoughts?

Hey, Dave,

I noticed the message of the impending split from our host, and I might have a potential solution. Would a potential merger with Spiderforest be something you'd be interested in? We've been growing and developing more lately, with a really snazzy new front page. We're on an old, grandfathered deal that gives us unlimited bandwidth and storage, so that part's no big deal. It's about $200 a year for us, so it's a CRAZY good deal today. Might save you some cash on the yearly renewal as you would not have to carry the freight alone. SF has been around for over a decade, and we're not disappearing anytime soon. We did even discuss/try putting a webcomics collective together here before. This would come built in.

But the SF forums are stale and old. A Xenforo build would be a huge upgrade, and having some regular mods that aren't cartoonists might be a boon, too. We have a ton of comics fans here, so the communities would blend very well. Both sides would bring a lotto the table.

It's just an idea. A thought. I wanted to gauge your interest, and if it might be something you'd like to explore, I can bring it to them. I do think they would be receptive, though.

Think about it and let me know. You know I love this community, and if I can help this way, I'd do it in a heartbeat.




So Zappit keeps asking me about the possibility of merging with another forum. Here's his note. Let me know what you think. It would affect all of us so I'm not making this unilaterally. As of right now I don't know what we'd be gaining/losing. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want to change to Halforums. Thoughts?
Outsiders? OUTSIDERS!

**begins whooping and beating chest**




What would a merger mean for the forums? New name, new URL, new username/password thing?




Well, it would mean we would require more overlords pylons computing resources and storage space, that's for sure.
But then we're looking at something that probably require a larger initial investment or periodic payment, too.





Outsiders? OUTSIDERS!

**begins whooping and beating chest**
This was my first reaction too. I mean, we have a great little community here, we know each other pretty well, and the idea of changing things up with a bunch of new people is a little scary. Maybe I'm just antisocial, I dunno.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure we're losing members faster than we're gaining them, so who knows how long our little community can last? Ultimately it may be necessary to merge with another forum just to keep membership high enough to justify the expense and effort of having a forum at all.

Right now, I'm on the fence. Just dunno.




So Zappit keeps asking me about the possibility of merging with another forum. Here's his note. Let me know what you think. It would affect all of us so I'm not making this unilaterally. As of right now I don't know what we'd be gaining/losing. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want to change to Halforums. Thoughts?
They've got 40k posts going back to 2005.

We've got 700k posts going back to 2008.

Producing 20x the content in 3/4 the time, means whatever culture they have there would be utterly swamped by us.

Further, they may not comprehend the load we place on a server.

Lastly, hosting companies that offer "unlimited" accounts often do have limits they don't tell you about until you hit them, even for "grandfathered" accounts.

I don't actually have any advice, other than this should be given a lot of consideration, and most assuredly shouldn't be jumped into without a great deal of thought and analysis.

That said, I implicitly trust you and your decision, Dave. You've been carrying this load for a very long time and your needs take precedence.




I hope they like minotaur penis.




I hope they like minotaur penis.
You laugh, but we would have to stay true to who we are, you know?




How much autonomy would we get? Would we be able to continue act the way we do and have our mods moderate the way they do, or would their admins get a say (or more control, since it is their "space")?




How much autonomy would we get? Would we be able to continue act the way we do and have our mods moderate the way they do, or would their admins get a say (or more control, since it is their "space")?
These questions and more need to be answered!




We gotta hash it out. A dialogue has been started. The senior member/usual representative I've been communicating with is receptive to Dave as a global admin and our mods as mods. The SF forum already has a fairly similar structure, so it wouldn't be a seismic culture shift. We'd be a big part of revamping it.

As for bandwidth and storage, Spiderforest has a metric fuckton. It's seriously not a problem.

The reason I made the proposal is because SF is well over a decade old, and it has a community that isn't all that different from ours, in terms of personality. We'd fit together very well. I like these people a lot.

Like I said, there's a dialogue, and a lot of details need to be worked out. But SF is a stable, established collective (10+ Years) that is currently revamping itself. This is possible route we can take that might also help take a little bit off Dave's plate, too.




I'm of the opinion we should retain our autonomy, and just get another host. I like Zappit's comic and all, but I really don't see a clear benefit to merging with a smaller community of which we have no prior contact, and I see plenty of potential downsides. For my recommendation, our best course of interest would be to simply find different hosting, transfer our DB and the forum to it, and continue on as we have.




I agree, but I rarely post so I wouldn't put much weight behind my opinion. I'd probably post more if I thought I could contribute more. Even at parties and such I'm the one that sits in the corner quietly.




One of the things she thinks they might insist on is keeping their URL and "top billing". Personally, I'm wondering what benefit we'd actually get that we couldn't get by moving to a new host. Losing :Leyla:would mean we're no longer us, you know?




One of the things she thinks they might insist on is keeping their URL and "top billing". Personally, I'm wondering what benefit we'd actually get that we couldn't get by moving to a new host. Losing :Leyla:would mean we're no longer us, you know?
The only benefit would be potentially lessening your workload and you're the one to make that call. Otherwise, I pretty much agree with @GasBandit 's assessment. (Especially if we'd lose our Halforum branding.)




If we joined a webcomic site we'd have come full circle. I don't like the idea, because I'm afraid we'd lose us.

On the plus side, maybe Charlie won't be able to find us if we change our name.:awesome:

(I kid)




I dunno. Merging with someone else and losing our name would make my favorite coffee mug even less meaningful.




Losing the name and logo is a nonstarter for me. I've got dozens of youtube videos that are all branded "Halforums edition." And even if losing our name and logo weren't enough for pause, consider this... @stienman's traffic numbers show us to generate 10 times the traffic, give or take. If the Spiderforest people, at some point down the road, regret that they're in essence paying for a community 10 times their size to squat in their house and drown them out, consider the mess that would be entailed in un-merging back into 2 separate entities. This would be a proposition with no easy "undo."

Consider the entanglements of ownership - there's already a lot of things I can't do for Halforums despite being the "tech" admin because Dave's name is on all the paperwork and the hosting people, the xenforo support people, etc won't give me the time of day. Imagine that an order of magnitude greater because even Dave's name won't be on the paperwork if we wear Spiderforest like a hat. And, god forbid, if there eventually turns out to be friction and drama between the admin staff of the two, there's not a lot of recourse for us.




Now, here's my question: @GasBandit, could you find us a server option out there?




Now, here's my question: @GasBandit, could you find us a server option out there?
Possibly. I'd need to get some data from Dave on things like our bandwidth and disk space useage so that I can price stuff out, but it's not rocket surgery and the market is glutted with hosting companies. The company I host Gasbanditry.com through has higher tier plans, the largest of which is 17 bucks a month for 2Tb of monthly bandwidth and 250 gigs of HD space and all the bells and whistles we'd expect (in fact the majority of which we'd probably not use). If we need less than that, there are lesser plans. And this company is not unique in this, it's just a matter of sitting down and taking the time to compare what is offered vs what is needed and seeing who's got the best deal.




I already have a placed lined up.

And I was going to keep this private, but in the interest of disclosure, here's the email I sent to the Admin over there:

I'd be willing to bet from the subject line you know who this is. Zappit has told me a little about you and I stealthily poked around your forum a bit. I think the merger would have some benefits for both parties, but I fear that it may not be exactly feasible.

Because I'm an analyst, let me get all numbery for you.

Total Users - Halforums 1019, SF 489
Threads - Halforums 15003, SF 3451
Posts - Halforums 725233, SF 40985

Posts in December alone for Halforums was 6033. We average about 6350 posts each month (6350.833 if you want to be exact). It would literally take us 6.4 months to match what your group has done. This is not being mean or trying to one up you, it's to show you the stark numbers. The reason for that is...

I can see a lot of benefits for both places, but way, WAY more benefits for you. You had stated that you'd want to keep your brand and url - which totally makes sense considering it's the forum of spiderforest.com! Hell, changing it to anything else would be stupid. But here's the thing. You would gain a large influx of users who already know each other and interact well. You'd get an influx of posts, topics, readers to your comics...you'd be getting a second life!

Now look at what we'd get. Removal of our branding. Removal of our URL. Yeah, we'd get hosting, but that benefits only me, not my folks. About the only thing we'd all get that we don't have now is a purpose. Right now we're just a forum that exists because we know each other. There's hardly any new folks coming in because there's no actual topic. You guys have a purpose - the comics - that we lack. I totally get that. In fact, we tried at one point to be a webcomic host like you are. Didn't work for us.

And there's one other thing that we'd lose. The ability to just do stuff. Like the other day I saw an addon that I wanted to try out. So I did. Has it caught on? Nope. But I tried it anyway because at the time I thought it was cool. We'd be losing that autonomy and freedom that we have right now. And would we be able to merge DBs or would we lose our post history? Or would you lose yours (if we went with the Xenforo platform instead of phpBB? I'd really, REALLY hate to lose our history. And I'll bet you would as well.

So while I thank Zappit and think his heart is in the right place, I don't see a real benefit in this for us. You? I see a lot and I can see how you would be very excited for it. But frankly you'd be giving up nothing and getting everything while we'd be getting nothing while giving everything. And that's not fair to my users.

I truly hope I'm not coming across as insulting because I don't mean it that way. I'm trying to find a solution that would be beneficial to everyone and I just don't see it. I think Zap is a good guy but not sure he thought this all the way through. He sees his two favorite places coming together with rainbows and puppies and not thinking about how you would feel being associated with one of the top searches for "minotaur penis" on Google. We used to be #1 but then the movie "Your Highness" came out & dropped us to #9. Stupid Danny McBride.

Anyway, if you have ideas or thought of something I'm overlooking, please feel free to discuss. I haven't shut down anything yet because I hadn't spoken with you, but I thought it only fair you knew from whence I came thought-wise.

Your in Forumability,





Would definitely be a shame to lose the "seemed like a good idea at the time" vibe. :)

And yeah, dropping... "him"... on an unsuspecting party would absolutely, positively NOT go over well.




Lose our branding? We're the big dick forum, here, they should be asking to join us!

I think you made the right call, Dave, even if it would have been fun overthrowing their forums and annexing every thread to the glory of off topic.




Heh - I had this image of CDS coming back in a couple of months only to find a shuttered up run down shack with no forwarding address




Heh - I had this image of CDS coming back in a couple of months only to find a shuttered up run down shack with no forwarding address
The Ancient Mystic Society of No Charlies.




we're no longer number one for minotaur penis? This needs to be changed!




Couldn't we keep a redirected URL, and a personalized banner on top, or something, as to not lose our branding?
I'm honestly not arguing in favor of merging, I have no position in that regard. Just thinking about possibilities, about how the cons of either option might be attenuated, an so on.




I read history books. This is going to end up with us declaring war on SpiderForest, isn't it?




I read history books. This is going to end up with us declaring war on SpiderForest, isn't it?
Well, I did just intercept a telegram that shows them conspiring against us with Mexico.




Well, I did just intercept a telegram that shows them conspiring against us with Mexico.
Calleja, that turncoat!




Well, I did just intercept a telegram that shows them conspiring against us with Mexico.




Let's build a wall around Calleja!




Couldn't we keep a redirected URL, and a personalized banner on top, or something, as to not lose our branding?
I'm honestly not arguing in favor of merging, I have no position in that regard. Just thinking about possibilities, about how the cons of either option might be attenuated, an so on.
We could, indeed, keep a redirected URL. But one of the things they want is top billing. And they have a logo. How would these mesh?

Again, I have killed NO ideas. If their Admin has different ideas, I'm all for them!




Let's build a wall around Calleja!
And make him pay for it!








We are not on the new host yet. After being down last night and today I've started the process. Once complete, I'm going to have to point the DNS to it, which might take up to 24 hours to propagate. I'll announce when we are going down. Please note that any posts from here on out MAY NOT STAY AND MIGHT DISAPPEAR!!

No longer the case.







And we hit a snag. The cPanel does not access the databases. So I have to try and get access before we can switch anything over. We're still at the old host for now.

The funny part is that we were down because he was making the server switch and didn't tell me.




All I know is I don't go into General enough. At least now I know what all the not loading is about now.

Le sigh.




All I know is I don't go into General enough. At least now I know what all the not loading is about now.

Le sigh.
I almost never go to general, or any other subforum directly. The key is that "Watched theads" and "new posts" are right next to each other on the menu bar. I clear the former, then check the latter. Seems to work well.




I almost never go to general, or any other subforum directly. The key is that "Watched theads" and "new posts" are right next to each other on the menu bar. I clear the former, then check the latter. Seems to work well.
I only use the Forum overview to go to the NSFW boards, since they don't show up on New Posts.




I only use the Forum overview to go to the NSFW boards, since they don't show up on New Posts.
True that.




Either way, an outage today. Different error screen, so new host presumably.

What's up?




Either way, an outage today. Different error screen, so new host presumably.

What's up?
Woke up this morning and everything was 404. Asked the host what was up and finally was told that we had a corrupted .htaccess file, which he fixed.

NOT on a new host.




Which seems odd to me... shouldn't a corrupted or invalid .htaccess file cause a 403 error, not a 404?




Which seems odd to me... shouldn't a corrupted or invalid .htaccess file cause a 403 error, not a 404?
If the server is supposed to redirect the browser to a given page when an error occurs and it can't find that page, any error would then be turned into a 404 error.




If the server is supposed to redirect the browser to a given page when an error occurs and it can't find that page, any error would then be turned into a 404 error.
That's not been my experience with my own hosting. Generally it simply returns the errorcode, which the browser interprets to a default errorpage with the number of the error.




It depends on how the .htaccess file is setup.




It's good to know I am among my own nerd kind.




Isn't 403 "forbidden" rather than just "not found?"





Isn't 403 "forbidden" rather than just "not found?"





Well, my email is down again and we still don't have access to our databases. I'm at my wit's end here.




If you search for "xenforo database backup" there are a number of xenforo utilities that appear to do full database dumps within xenforo itself.

If you have cpanel acess, you could also load a php mysql admin utility on the server and then do the backups that way. You'd have to get the database info (database name, password, etc) but that should be contained inside the xenforo configuration files which you should have access to via cpanel file manager.




There's no DB in the cPanel, which is the entire problem. He's got it in a different place and inaccessible. I'll check out the utilities and see what happens. If that works, I owe you a beer.[DOUBLEPOST=1454595003,1454594526][/DOUBLEPOST]Going to try this, but I'm asking some questions first.





Maybe you shouldn't have told him you were changing hosts before changing hosts.




Maybe you shouldn't have told him you were changing hosts before changing hosts.
I had to because of the whole db thing. I had no choice.




Well the backup seems to have done something, even though it says it's a mysqldump. So I'm currently moving the 9.53 GB file to my dropbox and will take a look at it to make sure it's a viable db scrape. If it is, we're in business.




Just remember to setup backup on the new host, and download the forum backup once a month or so to test that it still works. It'll prevent your new host from locking you out, and they aren't going to complain about a regular backup.




I'm thinking I may have messed up and included the file structure. I was trying to test the db. Hopefully, that 9 GB isn't files.




According to the addon dev, this should work regardless as it takes the db reachable by the forum, regardless of where this resides. If that's the case, then we might be in business. Of course, that means having to lock things down - again - transferring stuff and then getting the name servers pointed to the right place, which we all know causes trouble.

I'm also worried about the SSL and what affect this will have.

I'm very, very disappointed in our current host.




I'm also worried about the SSL and what affect this will have.

Upshot is that as long as you have the full certificate you should be able to set it up at the new host and it should work fine. It shouldn't be tied to the host or IP, though if you bought it from the host then who knows what shady tactics they might use to abuse you for it.




I really wish this wasn't so difficult, and I wanna help, but I know there's probably nothing I can really do about that.





Okay, it looks like this might have worked. When I hear from the new host to coordinate, I'll lock this here board down, do a quick backup, and get moved. Then I'll point over the name servers.

Once locked, look for more information on Facebook or Halforums Premium (the tongue in cheek name for the G+ Hangout).




Okay, it looks like this might have worked. When I hear from the new host to coordinate, I'll lock this here board down, do a quick backup, and get moved. Then I'll point over the name servers.

Once locked, look for more information on Facebook or Halforums Premium (the tongue in cheek name for the G+ Hangout).
Might be good to disseminate info via the Halforums subreddit, too.

If anybody needs an invite to Halforums Premium, send a hangouts message to gasbandit@gmail.com. Be advised it gets kinda spammy sometimes because it's a chat room, not a forum.




And this will be happening tomorrow. The new host isn't ready.




Never signed up for G+. Might want to mention it on the Twitter feed also.





Do we have anything that is exclusively Halforums status updates that could be pulled through a RSS feed?




Never signed up for G+. Might want to mention it on the Twitter feed also.

You don't need it any more, I think. If you have a google account (like gmail), you can just use Google hangouts. If you don't even have that, then you would obviously need to register.




If you have any google account, you have G+, because Google is sneaky like that.




Pretty much, yeah. But you don't need to actually even go to G+ to use the chat feature.




For a long time, they were like "in order to use G+ you must give us all of your personally identifiable information" but I guess they must have it all now if they no longer require this.





For a long time, they were like "in order to use G+ you must give us all of your personally identifiable information" but I guess they must have it all now if they no longer require this.

They didn't require it of me, and I made my Gas Bandit g+ account back when they changed it so that youtube required a G+ account. Which I think was many years ago.




They didn't require it of me, and I made my Gas Bandit g+ account back when they changed it so that youtube required a G+ account. Which I think was many years ago.
That's the main reason I still don't have a YouTube account.





That's the main reason I still don't have a YouTube account.

And it was before I actually even started posting videos to youtube, really. I begrudgingly made the transition just so I could continue posting comments.




Eh. I have my old YT account, my old Hangouts account, and my Gmail account, which by now are all just plain "Google" accounts ,but all three still separate. It gets annoying switching around, but I really do'nt need them all linked together, quite the opposite.




How about using halforums.tumblr.com as the official status page? It hasn't been used for anything in a couple of years, no one needs to sign up for anything to see it, and it's super easy to pull a RSS from it (halforums.tumblr.com/rss).




I'll just continue sending Gas screenshots of my mostly dead phone batteries until everything is better.




I'll just continue sending Gas screenshots of my mostly dead phone batteries until everything is better.
Reputations be damned, you all see the true evil on this forum, don't you.








I'll just continue sending Gas screenshots of my mostly dead phone batteries until everything is better.
I have another* surprise for you later.

*on top of the surprise I already owe you.








8% more than I have on my phone right now. But 0% just means it's about time to go and find a cable :p




Look, even the Devil was once an angel.




Oh, look. Dei has ponies as her backdrop.





Soo...did it work? Are we on the new server now?





Soo...did it work? Are we on the new server now?


There was a porblem.





Dave said there might be.





Thw new host can't do it until tomorrow night. So..........round 2.




back bitches.gif




This time for good.








Now we pee everywhere to mark our territory.




My signature picture of Miko stopped working, but that was an easy fix.




My signature picture of Miko stopped working, but that was an easy fix.
Yeah, if you have links to anywhere on the site, make sure they don't have the /xenforo/ in them.




Yeah, if you have links to anywhere on the site, make sure they don't have the /xenforo/ in them.
Yeah, had to do that to fix some of the pictures in the Cool Corgi thread.




Oof. Yeah, I wonder if there's a way to do this universally. Too tired to care. It's 2 am and the fear is gone.




I survived the switchening of 2016!




Speak for yourself. :p

In case I failed to mention it, Tapatalk isn't working. And I keep getting errors when I try to go to the forum home (without the xenoforo link; apparently that's still attached to the tabs).




Thanks for continuing to look out for the well-being of the community you helped create, @Dave.
Unlike some people.





Oh god... I didn't exist for awhile there. It was an eternity.

How long were we down? Longer than you think...




Yay, it's back!




We had an Adventure.




We had an Adventure.
There and back again.





There and back again.

As long as it doesn't become an unnecessary trilogy.




I think this is the fourth iteration of the site, so I guess it's more like "There are some places in the internet you don't go alone."




Glad it's working. Updated bookmark!

Considering the size and support crew of the site (ie: 1 Person, @Dave), I have no issues with the amount of downtime. Well done.




After everything is figured out, you might want to set up a redirect from www.halforums.com/xenforo to www.halforums.com for ease of use.

Fantastic job!




Already done the redirect. And I've been locked out most of the day. Seems I had a bit of a virus that set off the new host and barred me from the site. But we're better now.




So I accidentally went on the xenforo Halforums (Chrome auto-filled the address) and it still has the banner, showed I have alerts (the correct number of them too), and so on. None of the threads were there, but it just looked like the site was down instead of being on a new server. Will all of that come down?




So I accidentally went on the xenforo Halforums (Chrome auto-filled the address) and it still has the banner, showed I have alerts (the correct number of them too), and so on. None of the threads were there, but it just looked like the site was down instead of being on a new server. Will all of that come down?
Try clearing your browser cache.




Yeah, that was the big problem with me and FF. Once I cleared the cache and the cookie, and re-logged in, everything was okay.

Well, as okay as this place can be, of course, but you know what I mean...




And it was before I actually even started posting videos to youtube, really. I begrudgingly made the transition just so I could continue posting comments.




Need a third spoon with all the unskippable ads on it.




Need a third spoon with all the unskippable ads on it.
Adblock Plus takes care of those no problem.




That would work if I didn't do like 90% of my YouTubing on a phone or tablet.




That would work if I didn't do like 90% of my YouTubing on a phone or tablet.
I subscribed to youtube red, not for the ads (which is nice) but for the google music subscription, since Spotify has been being a dick lately.




That would work if I didn't do like 90% of my YouTubing on a phone or tablet.
Adblock also used to offer an android app that basically served as an on-device proxy, but they seem to have let that fall off the map in favor of their android browser, which doesn't help on youtube very much because android basically puts a gun to your head to use the youtube app for viewing any youtube content.




Adblock also used to offer an android app that basically served as an on-device proxy, but they seem to have let that fall off the map in favor of their android browser, which doesn't help on youtube very much because android basically puts a gun to your head to use the youtube app for viewing any youtube content.
If your android device is rooted, there are many adblockers that work well on it.




If your android device is rooted, there are many adblockers that work well on it.
That was the nice thing about the adblock proxy... you didn't have to root to use it.




Doesn't Ghostery still let you do an on-device proxy?





It looks like Halforums lost its favicon in the move.




I hadn't noticed that! Hmmm.




Should be back up in 24-48 hours.




I hadn't noticed that! Hmmm.
All that needs be done is to drop favicon.ico into the root html folder. I'd do it, but it seems the login info has changed in the move (which was probably a good idea).




All that needs be done is to drop favicon.ico into the root html folder. I'd do it, but it seems the login info has changed in the move (which was probably a good idea).
Yeah, I have to update the login information in the SUPER SECRET MOD AREA!
