Check in New members (And old returning members)

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Welcome to Halforums, the new home for the rag tag traveling fleet that is the Angels2200 forum population. By my reckoning this is at least our 8th forum since the comic started, but hopefully this will be a stable home for a while.

Please explore the rest of the forum and chat with the other members, they're a bit odd but mostly harmless :)


Ahh, fresh meat! Grease up the ewok, my minions - we got some initiatin' to do! :twisted:


Hmmm... interesting. Guess I'll start packing stuff up from the old place and ship it over here.


Hello, again all my favorite Angel-ites and anyone new that comes along!

Much <3 going to the oldies I've known a long long time here. :)


Staff member
Welcome, welcome. Please, make yourself at home. Have some snacks. And for the love of God, don't mention the word 'muffin'.

*the sound of distant roaring and breaking shackles*

Oh crap, not again... Excuse me for a moment.

*puts on riot gear and picks up his electrostaff*


Welcome, welcome. Please, make yourself at home. Have some snacks. And for the love of God, don't mention the word 'muffin'.
We are the Knights Who Say Ni! We are the keepers of the sacred words: "ni", "ping"...and "muffin"! ;)

Cuyval Dar

Careful, RG, he might turn on the sauna, and when that happens, the suspenders and pants come off.
Officer Charon, reporting in!

New nick, due to my previous one having been already in use. I don't know how well this bodes, we shall see if these new digs suit the crew. *grins*


Who doesn't like rum?

cPip checking in... kind of new, really. Briefly active a few incarnations of the forums ago.


Yah, we've seen some evaporating forums before too.

Ooooooooohhhh yah.



Staff member
I just wanna say that I'm thrilled that y'all are here. :) Rocket Girl, I can already tell that you're a hoot.
We've been around a year (more if you count previous iterations). We make do. We also make undo. In fact, we make undue haste to undo our undew.

We get by.



Who doesn't like rum?
Yes, but some of us take it to the next level; I like rum about as much as one can without actually being an alcoholic. My custom title on the previous "Angels 2200" board was "Drinks Rum; Loves Whiskey" (in reference to my favorite character, y'see)...

I just wanna say that I'm thrilled that y'all are here. :) Rocket Girl, I can already tell that you're a hoot.
*grin* I've come to accept that like me or hate me, you'll remember me when I'm gone.
Ooh, are we talking about rum? I loves me some rum, plus it can be made into grog by adding kerosene, propylene glycol, sulphuric acid, artificial sweeteners, red dye no2, acetone, battery acid, scumm, axle grease and/or pepperoni. Good stuff.
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