Check in New members (And old returning members)

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Do doo do do do.

---------- Post added at 03:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:53 AM ----------

Actually, I am known to occasionally produce quite extensive walls of text. You have to be aware: I'm a geek. And like most geeks, I can be a smart-ass (Well, sometimes. But a harmless one I assure you, not one of the annoying types!). I'm one of those people who tend to express themselves unnecessarily complicated and long-winded. So if a topic triggers my interest, you may find me going on and on, endlessly. That's not to say I like to babble. I just want to be thorough with the information I share. See, many people on the internet tend to assume a certain degree of knowledge in their opposite in a discussion, which quite often actually may not be there. I try not to do that, because I've seen way too many misunderstandings arise from such simple cases of lack of proper communication. An then there's the pestilence of "chat speech" (you know, the rampant usage of abbreviation, like "u" or "plz"), which has become far too wide-pread for my taste. Well, I suppose that's okay for something fast-lived, non-permanent, like a chat. I can also understand if people typing a SMS on a painfully small and unergonomic cellphone may want to limit the number of buttons they have to press as much as possible. But I'm sitting in front of a big screen and a proper keyboard, and I'm contributing to a lasting medium (Well, I hope at least. Judging from the previous Angels2200-forums we'll be looking for a new place in a year or so... ;) ). So, yes, I want my writings to be properly readable. However, I'm no grammar- ir spelling-nazi. English is not my native language, and even in my native language, I kinda suck.

Where was I?


Staff member
Okay so I think I was wrong before about your being quiet!

And let em say right now that we will be here for a while. Never fear about that! As long as you all like it here you are welcome to stay!


Actually, I am known to occasionally produce quite extensive walls of text. You have to be aware: I'm a geek. And like most geeks, I can be a smart-ass (Well, sometimes. But a harmless one I assure you, not one of the annoying types!). I'm one of those people who tend to express themselves unnecessarily complicated and long-winded. So if a topic triggers my interest, you may find me going on and on, endlessly. That's not to say I like to babble. I just want to be thorough with the information I share. See, many people on the internet tend to assume a certain degree of knowledge in their opposite in a discussion, which quite often actually may not be there. I try not to do that, because I've seen way too many misunderstandings arise from such simple cases of lack of proper communication. An then there's the pestilence of "chat speech" (you know, the rampant usage of abbreviation, like "u" or "plz"), which has become far too wide-pread for my taste. Well, I suppose that's okay for something fast-lived, non-permanent, like a chat. I can also understand if people typing a SMS on a painfully small and unergonomic cellphone may want to limit the number of buttons they have to press as much as possible. But I'm sitting in front of a big screen and a proper keyboard, and I'm contributing to a lasting medium (Well, I hope at least. Judging from the previous Angels2200-forums we'll be looking for a new place in a year or so... ;) ). So, yes, I want my writings to be properly readable. However, I'm no grammar- ir spelling-nazi. English is not my native language, and even in my native language, I kinda suck.

Where was I?

You were right about------------there>
Zeg mannekes, niet te veel vreemde talen op mijn bord he.

Maar wel welkom aan alle nieuwkomers op Halforums, oppassen voor de Finnen en de lesbiënnes hier, maar verder zijn we hier best braaf...

Und ein herzlicher Willkommes fur alle Deutsche Freunde! (Ich weisse, das mein Deutsch schrecklisch ist. Entschuldigung, es ist meines vierten Sprache).
S'il on veut, je le peut bienvenue en Francais... tres TRES mauvais Francais, parce que il y a eu plein des ans depuis il faut que je le parle... depuis 2000, en fait.


Staff member
OY! Bubble you old pulunnussija, what did you say about us Finns? Spit it out or I'll send pictures of sekstailevia belgialaisia to your mother!


S'il on veut, je le peut bienvenue en Francais... tres TRES mauvais Francais, parce que il y a eu plein des ans depuis il faut que je le parle... depuis 2000, en fait.

Zyaa...furansugo wakarimasen. Nihongo wa tyotto hansemaen. Eego onegai simasu...


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Staff member
By the way, New and Returning Members, we tend to go off topic.

In case you missed it.


By the way, New and Returning Members, we tend to go off topic.

In case you missed it.

.... . -.-- --..-- / .. / .-- .- ... / --- -. / - --- .--. .. -.-. --..-- / -.. .- -- -- .. - .-.-.-
Hi all. I have at last found time to relocate to this forum from Angels, albeit under a different name. Apparently there is someone here pretending to be me!:)
I expect that some rotten swine has conned him out of some more money poor chap. Now where was I? Ah yes "Two hundred, three hundred, four hundred......."

Dave, can't answer that just yet. I am waiting to see which ex-angel will be the first to guess my ID.
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