Check in New members (And old returning members)

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Hi All. New to the forum, returning to the comic after a 6 month absence. (NO internet for SIX whole MONTHS! Oh the horror of the humanity!!) Expect me to be a lurker, as I don't often have time to post. I work as a combination IT specialist, technical writer, editor, operations coordinatrix, graphic artist, and security director, so you can see, I literally have no time except the few minutes I can steal when the boss isn't looking and doesn't have me burdened with six different things at once, and of course, most of that time is spent reading webcomics to keep my brain from exploding...
For those who haven't already figured it out from that major set of clues, I work for a non-profit advocacy organization. >SARCASM<Wonderful segment of the corporate worldd where your job description and what you actually have to do rarely match.>SARCASM<
Anyway, enough kvetching on my part. Love the comic, keep up the good work. Oh, and thank you!
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