Chihuahuhas Overrunning California Shelters

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Despite their rat like qualities I kind of feel bad for Chihuahuas. They didn't ask for these sorority girls to fawn all over them and then toss them to the side when they chew their favorite pair of shoes out of boredom.
Hey, give a rat some credit; a rat would at least be smart enough to surreptitiously raid the fridge a few times before getting caught.


Good point, I wasn't being equitable to rats. Please forgive me my rat overlords!
I know of the best reason that a rescued Greyhound was returned.

These teachers I knew were in their late 40's and childless. But their kids were their little white, poofy haired Pomeranians. These were their everything, just bouncy, spoiled, little dogs. The wife saw the news magazine that did the expose on the deaths endured by Greyhounds that got the rescue program started.

As a dog lover she knew that with a little love the Greyhound would adapt to living in a small apartment with 2 other dogs.

The fist day the retired racer comes home, after a few years of chasing a small white ball of fur for a living... They put the 2 pommies in the bedroom and let the Greyhound have the run of the house. Once he relaxes they take the muzzle off, and the Greyhound nods off. About this time one of the pommies pushes open the bedroom door and comes bouncing out into the living room, awakens the sleeping dog...

You don't want to know the rest, but that Greyhound thought he finally caught the rabbit.


Staff member
I know of the best reason that a rescued Greyhound was returned.

These teachers I knew were in their late 40's and childless. But their kids were their little white, poofy haired Pomeranians. These were their everything, just bouncy, spoiled, little dogs. The wife saw the news magazine that did the expose on the deaths endured by Greyhounds that got the rescue program started.

As a dog lover she knew that with a little love the Greyhound would adapt to living in a small apartment with 2 other dogs.

The fist day the retired racer comes home, after a few years of chasing a small white ball of fur for a living... They put the 2 pommies in the bedroom and let the Greyhound have the run of the house. Once he relaxes they take the muzzle off, and the Greyhound nods off. About this time one of the pommies pushes open the bedroom door and comes bouncing out into the living room, awakens the sleeping dog...

You don't want to know the rest, but that Greyhound thought he finally caught the rabbit.
Can't... stop... laughing... I... am... evil... basta-haha-ha-ha-ha-haaa! :pound:


I know of the best reason that a rescued Greyhound was returned.

These teachers I knew were in their late 40's and childless. But their kids were their little white, poofy haired Pomeranians. These were their everything, just bouncy, spoiled, little dogs. The wife saw the news magazine that did the expose on the deaths endured by Greyhounds that got the rescue program started.

As a dog lover she knew that with a little love the Greyhound would adapt to living in a small apartment with 2 other dogs.

The fist day the retired racer comes home, after a few years of chasing a small white ball of fur for a living... They put the 2 pommies in the bedroom and let the Greyhound have the run of the house. Once he relaxes they take the muzzle off, and the Greyhound nods off. About this time one of the pommies pushes open the bedroom door and comes bouncing out into the living room, awakens the sleeping dog...

You don't want to know the rest, but that Greyhound thought he finally caught the rabbit.
Sounds like a big time failing on the Rescues end. My group won't place a dog in a house until there is a meeting between the current dogs and the greyhound, regardless of breed. Some greyhounds get along fine with little dogs. We had this woman come out from Las Cruces with a chihuahua (how's that for thread continuity) and the dog she wanted was fine with it. She didn't get a greyhound in the end since they're big enough to step on the little thing. If my grey went to the house above he would have beat that bedroom door down and grabbed one with his mouth and the other with a paw, shake them to death, then drop them at my feet in triumph. His prey drive is freakish.
This was literally like a few days after that first show that covered the issue. I think she may have rescued the dog directly from the local racetrack.


Could be. Kennel owners sometimes run their own adoptions. Can't fault anybody really since they were trying to do a good thing. Just need a little more supervision. Poor Pomerenian.
Hey, give a rat some credit; a rat would at least be smart enough to surreptitiously raid the fridge a few times before getting caught.
Yes, but never give them warpstone. We don't want to unleash a plague of Skaven underneath our cities. The filthy Chaos-fueled vermin must be purged in Sigmar's name!
My mom was watching a friends little rat dogs one day, but didn't tell me.

I stop over there and let my 80lb lab in the house. He goes busting through the house like usual, but stops dead when he see's these little guys. His whole body starts wiggling with excitement as my mom is yelling for me to grab him.

I couldn't catch him in time, but as soon as he starts running at them they go into panic mode. They start yelping and squealing and run for their lives. My dog stopped and did the lab head tilt at them like "WTF are these things". They would not come out from behind the couch until he was gone.
I was walking my little 100lb German Shepherd on a walking trail through the woods at my parent's neighborhood. I come around a corner, and here comes this lady with two tiny dogs. One is loose, and the other is on one of those worthless retractable leashes. I have never seen a good (well behaved) dog on one of those.

My pup is on a leash, with choke chain, both have a lot of slack. I basically only use the leash when he locks onto a scent too long, or tries to poo in a neighbor's yard while walking.

The 'lady' over reacts and starts yelling and screaming at her dogs to come to her. She is roundly ignored. Then I snap at her. "ARE YOUR DOGS AGGRESSIVE OR STUPID?"
"Well then they should be safe, so please calm down, so they will remain safe."

Of course my dog is fine with them, he has been taught to walk properly, greet other dogs, and move on...

We went off in different directions of the trail, I go about another half mile and see the loose dog walking at heel to my dog. I stop at the next bench to let my large meal settle, and give the dogs some time to hang out. This loose dog (a fat Chihuahua) is shorter than my pups back when he is laying down. Pup sniffs at the other, and all is fine until the Chihuahua tries to mount my dog. I twice had to poke that dog in the ribs to get him off my dog. I was a little disappointed that Pup did not snap the other dog in half. He would have fit in pup's mouth whole.


Who wouldn't want one of these?
Oh Christ. I grew up in a house with a chihuahua, and she had what my mother referred to as her "love moose".

I sincerely hope they burned that thing after the dog died.[/QUOTE]

My friend had a dachshund that was scared to death of this Godzilla puppet that made roaring noises. The dog would not go near the thing, barking frantically whenever he she saw it in a hallway, and staying out of rooms where the puppet could be seen.

One day, my friend found the puppet on the ground, ripped to shreds by tiny dachshund teeth. The little guy finally got up the nerve to fight, it seems.

The dog also had an infatuation with another, stuffed dachshund, but that's another story.


Hey, give a rat some credit; a rat would at least be smart enough to surreptitiously raid the fridge a few times before getting caught.
Yes, but never give them warpstone. We don't want to unleash a plague of Skaven underneath our cities. The filthy Chaos-fueled vermin must be purged in Sigmar's name![/QUOTE]

The man-thing knows. Send in the assassins, yes.

I like chihuahuas because they look like little monster things. It's the same reason I like other animals like Sphinx cats, greyhounds, or bulldogs (french and english).
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