Congresswoman Shot

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Staff member
If the dude was on public and not private property I can't see how they could arrest him. If he was on private property then I can. Weird in either case, though.
The property will likely belong to Safeway or a developer. Once asked to leave, you are trespassing.

I hope the guy gets the help he needs.


I think what makes this especially odd is that he was an instructor at the college the shooter went to.

They must have some really lax hiring standards.
Even if he was on a public sidewalk, you have to keep moving, else you can be arrested for loitering or one of a hundred other offenses depending on local regulations (impeding foot traffic, etc). This is why demonstrators and strikers are walking, rather than bringing lawn chairs and sitting.
Yeah, "freedom of religion" and "freedom of speech" don't mean "freedom to stand wherever you want and do whatever you want at any time". I hope this guy wasn't teaching civics.
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