Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

Thing is, the House can now run its own investigations into Trump and Russia without the Republican majority protecting him. So getting rid of Mueller won't solve the problem for Trump, but he's too stupid to know that.
Thing is, the House can now run its own investigations into Trump and Russia without the Republican majority protecting him. So getting rid of Mueller won't solve the problem for Trump, but he's too stupid to know that.
They can also subpoena everything from Mueller's investigation and even have him run the thing if they want... and if any of the subpoenaed material is missing, they have Mueller on-hand to basically confirm "Yes, this evidence is missing and my staff and I confirm it."

Mueller and his entire team would literally have to drop dead or disappear for ANYONE to get away with what they've done... and this isn't Russia.
Pelosi just needs to announce "Mr. Mueller, if the President thinks all your hard work has earned you a few weeks off. Take them and relax. Just be ready to come work for us in January."
I mean, it’s not like anyone thinks it was altered by Mr. Stares-Into-a-Solar-Eclipse, himself, right?

I bet you could get him to say he did it himself. You'd just have to get him within earshot and say "That guy who altered that video is a handsome genius. I wonder who he is."

I may be out of touch, but I'm shocked at the lack of anti-Trump music out there. Where's groups like Rage Against the Machine and System of the Down or the like?

It probably exists in troves but like I said, out of touch.

I may be out of touch, but I'm shocked at the lack of anti-Trump music out there. Where's groups like Rage Against the Machine and System of the Down or the like?

It probably exists in troves but like I said, out of touch.
I’m more angry at the lack of Minestry. When W Bush was in office we got Houses of the Mole, a fucking masterpiece. Since then, silence.

It's worth reading the entire thread.
Especially if you feel like you're being trolled by Trump & Co. Because you are.

True, a lot of the time their arguments smack of them trying to convince themselves of something that's clearly not true.

Which is why the way to argue with them is not to be very serious yourself, and not defend, but get them to expand their "argument" into more contradictions.
Genius McCheeto wants new elections to be held in Florida and Arizona.
The irony is that, in Florida, the bad design of the Broward county ballot may very well have cost Bill Nelson 10,000 votes, so a revote probably isn't going to go the way Trump thinks
To be fair, it's one of Trump's ideas (or at least one that he's parroting) - by definition, it can't be a good idea.