Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread


Staff member
He can't repeal the 14th Amendment with an executive order. This is just him saying "LOOK OVER HERE!" while there are several acts of domestic terrorism by old angry white dudes.

Just ignore the blathering idiot.
What the fuck.

Okay remember in that other thread where I was arguing for precedence regarding ways to minimize what Trump is doing? Forget it. There is a time & place to go balls to the wall in opposition to a sitting President & between this & the gender is decided at birth thing - the active attempt to strip minorities of their legal rights because the people in power don't like them - America has hit that point. You were right, I was wrong.
He can't repeal the 14th Amendment with an executive order. This is just him saying "LOOK OVER HERE!" while there are several acts of domestic terrorism by old angry white dudes.

Just ignore the blathering idiot.
The legal argument, according to racist conservative pricks who are terrified of brown people, is that the 14th amendment has an implied clause that was intended to only cover children born to legal citizens. Which is horseshit, but it’s what they will argue. So he isn’t trying to repeal it; he’s trying to set a precedent that the Constitution only applies to certain people. And if it works, I guarantee the list of people who have rights will get smaller and smaller over time.
Okay remember in that other thread where I was arguing for precedence regarding ways to minimize what Trump is doing? Forget it. There is a time & place to go balls to the wall in opposition to a sitting President & between this & the gender is decided at birth thing - the active attempt to strip minorities of their legal rights because the people in power don't like them - America has hit that point. You were right, I was wrong.
Gender isn't decided at birth, it's decided by the GOP.
In the near future, due to poor planning and incompetence, the law as written instead accidentally only grants citizenship to “original inhabitants,” i.e., those with verifiable Native American ancestry. The remaining Iroquois waste no time claiming DC and evicting the current tenants.

And in other repulsive Trump news, the shithead in charge is upset that the media is blaming him for inspiring the mail bomber, but didn't blame President Obama for inspiring self-identified white supremacist Dylann Roof shooting up the black church in Charleston.
Politico posted an article today that presents sound reasoning that cheeto has already been supeoned by Mueller to appear before the grand jury. It has been kept extra quiet because Mueller is following the Justice Department policy of not allowing their actions to influence an election.
I’d love for them to explore this attempted bribery thing. It’s like watching checkers players trying to play chess with Mueller.


Staff member
Hmmm...So the Mueller smear conspiracy was concocted by a fifth-rate “intelligence” research firm with ties to Newsmax. Guess what orange wannabe despot the owner of Newsmax is good buddies with?
Hmmm...So the Mueller smear conspiracy was concocted by a fifth-rate “intelligence” research firm with ties to Newsmax. Guess what orange wannabe despot the owner of Newsmax is good buddies with?
Apparently Jacob Wohl is BFFs with Donnie Jr.
Trump told troops deploying to border to treat any thrown rocks as rifle shots and respond appropriately. He has since backed down and called for rock throwers merely to be arrested, but only after being warned by the Joint Chiefs that this would constitute a major break of the standard RoE.
Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility (CREW) revealed on Friday that Trump signed a secret waiver to prevent Solicitor General Noel Francisco, the man who ... is poised to oversee Mueller’s probe if Trump fires Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, from having to recuse himself from the Russia investigation. Trump’s campaign is represented by Francisco’s former law firm, Jones Day (
Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility (CREW) revealed on Friday that Trump signed a secret waiver to prevent Solicitor General Noel Francisco, the man who ... is poised to oversee Mueller’s probe if Trump fires Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, from having to recuse himself from the Russia investigation. Trump’s campaign is represented by Francisco’s former law firm, Jones Day (
Maybe we'll get lucky and Francisco will turn on Trump like Cohen has - with his reports that Trump frequently uses the N-word to describe black people, calls their communities shitholes, complains that only black people could live in rough neighborhoods, and thinks black people are too stupid to vote for him. Oh, and now Kanye is completely disgusted with Trump and wants out of politics. Apparently, Blexit - which was the campaign to get black Americans to leave the democratic party - which was sponsored by Kanye and used his brands, was a bit too far for him. So he told Trump's team that. Before they started running the products.
Logic is not a factor here. Russia can have stolen the election in the same universe where he won legitimately. Maybe in his eyes, he won the electoral college legit, but Russia stole the popular vote for Clinton.

Or he just says anything because there haven't been repercussions for anything else he's said.

Facebook has apparently decided that there's no ad too racist for it to run, so long as it supports White Nationalism - airing Trump's racist ad that CNN turned down and which NBC is pulling from the air after massive backlash.


Staff member
@GasBandit would know more about this than me, but I thought it's illegal to refuse to air a political ad.
It kind of depends, and there's a caveat - you CAN refuse to air political ads if you refuse to air ALL political ads. But if you accept one candidates' ads, you have to also air any other candidate at the same rate (and the rate you charge for political ads has to be documentably the lowest rate you've given any advertiser over the past 12 months).

However, there's wiggle room for things like overtly racist content and stuff.

My first instinct would be to believe that facebook didn't actually greenlight this particular ad, but rather they use an affiliate advertising network that subcontracts to another network that subcontracts out to another network and so on and so forth for 4 or 5 levels of passing the buck and skimming pennies off the top until at the bottom level you find some advertising network that DGAF, they charge full price and pass it up the chain. Happens all the time on big websites. That's how we get supposedly reputable websites distributing malware embedded in their ads, and why using an adblocker is just required self defense for going online these days.


Staff member
Is there more wiggle room to be found for this ad, too, since Trump (or the White House or whoever is funding this ad) isn't a candidate in this election?
I believe there would be. IANAL, but the first sniff smells to me like the affiliate advertising thing I said.


Staff member
Facebook just allows anything and everything that gives them money and only removes things when they are reported.