Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

The messenger matters almost as much as the message.
Yes, because if the messenger is someone you’ve never heard of, you’re not going to listen.
Additionally, if the messenger is someone you personally don’t respect, then you are more likely to dismiss their message as insignificant, right?



Staff member
Alright. I guess we should celebrate Michael Cohen as a great member of the left too. He's been trashing trump.
Strawman. No one has said that "we should celebrate Jim Carrey as a great member of the left". There's a wide gap between saying that he should shut up, and saying that he's someone who should always be listened to. We can recognize that he is entitled to a political voice, and is capable of saying true things, without going as far as to laud him as someone whose voice should carry weight.


Staff member
Sometimes even the other side is right. Some of their ideas might even be good ones.

You have to think critically about these things.
The lady who was once the Union president of my local back in Waukesha (may she rest in peace) had a favorite saying:

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."

@blotsfan - where's your solutions?
Jim carrey admit to and apologize for the damage he's caused to both literal children and the intellectual state of the country by vocally advocating anti-vaccination.
You know, long ago I mentioned how "sports" like politics feels these days, in which people simply root for a "team" regardless of things like policy or actual need.

This small Washington Post vid from a correspondent that has been to over 200 Trump rallies really brought that more into perspective.

Basically, people go to his rallies like they would attend a hockey game. They still even chant the same catchphrases, like "Lock Her Up!", "Build The Wall!" and "Drain The Swamp!" that have been the mainstay of his events for over two years. In some cities, people even sell Trump merchandise for the rallies, including foam number one hands for people to wave around, shirts saying "Suck it, Liberals" like they are the out of state team everyone wants to lose, etc.

I won't even get into the interviews ("We seem to like everything he stands for as a Conservative Christian." !?!)

Honestly, I don't know if this makes me feel any better. Before, I at least had some semblance that the majority of these people actually had hopes and dreams they wished to bring forth with policy, even if Trump conned them, but now I feel like most of the people supporting Trump just want to see him give Obama the stone cold stunner and flip off the democrats as he comes down off the top rope, and he could drive a car through the audience of the auditorium for all they actually care about what his policy does to the country.
Kamala Harris also got one.

Dude literally attempted to murder every Democratic boogeyman in the country.

But what is attempted murder really? It just means he had the quality of character to show respect not to go through with it.
If I could commission a short project from one of you folks with photoshop skills/availability, would you be so kind as to make a 4 panel image with Cheetolini mocking the disabled reporter, the tiki torchers, immigrant children concentration camps, and "I stand for the flag" while he's sitting on the flag douchebag.

I'd really like to post some "Dear Republicans / Family, This is who you are. Own it. OWN IT."
A day after a Trump supporter murdered 11 people at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, with many wounded and 4 of the victims being police, Trump blamed the congregation for not having armed security at a bris and for him having to go out in wet windy weather which messed up his hair.

This is not a joke. He actually fucking said that.

The mass murderer was taken into custody alive, because even though he shot 4 policemen and murdered a bunch of people, he was apparently less threatening than the average black teenager.
Trump blamed the congregation for not having armed security at a bris...he shot 4 policemen
Yeah because if 4 armed & trained police officers who knew they were dealing with an active shooter couldn't avoid getting shot, your rent-a-guard who wasn't expecting trouble (because who expects trouble at a fucking baby naming ceremony) isn't going to be anything other than the first victim.
Yeah because if 4 armed & trained police officers who knew they were dealing with an active shooter couldn't avoid getting shot, your rent-a-guard who wasn't expecting trouble (because who expects trouble at a fucking baby naming ceremony) isn't going to be anything other than the first victim.
No, see, those cops where clearly liberal plants...